ORD1971207ORDINANCE 11207 APPROPRIATING THE NECESSARY FUNDS FOR THE OPERATION OF THE GOVERNMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO FOR THE YEAR 1972 THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CI T'l OF MUSKEGO, WIS. DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: r-,CTION 1: There is hereby appropriated out of the receipts of the City of Muskego for the year 1972, including monies received from the General Property /-rax Levy, to the various funds and purposes set up in the budget presented herewith for the purposes therein stated, the following amount: EXPENDI TURES AND ENCUMBRANCES General Government Public Safety Cons. of Health & Sanitation Transportation Education & Recreation Unclassified Capi tal Improvement þ. r 1'OTAL EXPENDI TURES REVENUES ACTUAL EXPENSE ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1971 - 9 mos. TOTAL-71 1972 $ 140,215.51 $ 194,082.21 $ 221,310.00 248,678.11 333,040.03 360,686.44 6,116.05 9,366.08 13,000.00 129,796.56 184,856.00 193,866.00 46,452.17 56,680.00 71,449.88 11,399.46 17,227.50 47,030.00 349,499.87 382,638.62 475,101. 21 $ 932,157 . 73~ $1,177,890.44 . $1,382,443.53 ~' General Property Taxes State Aids & Shared Taxes Licenses & Permits Revenues from Interest Other Revenues Transfers TOTAL REVENUES 195,597.31 315,470.87 25,990.23 126,847.82 52,324.93 159,330.00 195,597.31 617,783.11 31,468.08 136,401. 55 78,677.60 159,330.00 197,552.53 755,114.00 36,041.00 66,QOO.00 91,330.00 236,406.00 $ 875,561.16. $1,219,257.65" $1,382,443.53 ' ~':nON 2. There is hereby levied a tax of $2.59 upon all the taxable property ~~thin the City of Muskego as returned by the Assessor in the year 1971 for uses and purposes set forth in said budget. SECTION 3. The City Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to spread the said tax upon the current tax roll of the City of Muskego. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. " ..-- ~ R ert Burg eister PA. SSED AND ADOPTE~ / 1 DAY OF {) ,}Æ/1971. 0 r... ",'EST: 1ð~j1~~ City Clerk 12/71 je Lois Sapp Frank Narlock