ORD1971203ORDINANCE # 203 ,-- AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE STORAGE AND SALE OF JUNKED AND ABANDONED AUTOMOBILES ON PRIVATE PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO. /-4' THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Section 7.16 of the Municipal Code is hereby repealed and recreated to read as fol lows: 7.16(B) STORAGE & SALE OF JUNKED AUTOS: PRIVATE PROPERTY. ( I) No d i sassesmb I ed or unoperab I e and un I icensed and no junked, wrecked or abandoned motor vehicles shal I be stored or al lowed to remain in the open, upon private property within the City, for a period in excess of three days unless it is in connection with an automotive sales or repair business enterprise located in a properly zoned area. r (2) Whenever the Bui Iding Inspector shal I find any such vehicles placed or stored in the open upon private property within the Corporate I i m its of the City, he sha I I not i fy the owner of the property upon which such vehicles are placed or stored of the inten- tion of said City to remove such vehicles immediately. If such vehicles are not removed within three days, the Bui Iding Inspector shal I cause vehicles to be removed, the cost of such removal to be charged to the property from which they are removed, which charges sha I I be entered as a spec i a I charge on the tax ro I I. . (3) Procedure for Dispositionand Sale. The following procedure shal I apply for the disposition of vehicles found on private property: (a) The vehicle picked up shal I be impounded and may be stored at a local junk or storage yard not to exceed thirty days. r- (b) Immediately upon impounding said vehicle, the Bui Iding Inspector shal I notify the Division of Motor Vehicles of the recovery of the vehicle and its make, motor number, serial number and registration number, if ascertainable, and shall obtain from the Division of Motor Vehicles the name and address of the last registered owner and I ien holder, if any. .- " (c) If such information is obtained, the last registered owner or lienholder shal I be notified of the impounding of the vehicle by the City and advised that upon payment of towing and storage charges within thirty days of the date of its impounding, that the vehicle wi I I be re- leased to the owner or I ien claimant or that at the end of th i rty days, it wi I I be j un ked or destroyed. If the vehicle is of such condition that the destruction thereof would be unreasonable, then the auction procedure provided for by Section 66.28 Wis. Stats. shal I be fo I lowed. ,/"' \