ORD1971197ORDINANCE # 19ft ,,-- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 30 (BUilDING CODE) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE. ,...-... THE COMMON COUNCil OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. as fo I lows: Section 30.15 (6)(a) is hereby amended to read (a) Except as otherwise permitted by local require- ments the minimum clear cei I ing height of al I habitable rooms shall be not less than seven (7') feet - six (6") inches. Basement cei I ing height shall be six (6') feet - ten (10") inches under joists. SECTION 2. Section 30.05(4) is hereby amended in the second sentence to read "Department of Industry, Labor and Human Re- lations" rather than "Industrial Comm~sion." r SECTION 3. Section 30.15(7) is hereby amended by numbering the existing paragraph (a) and adding thereto: (b) Windows shal I be provided in al I basements having a minimum operable total area of not less than one (I) per cent of the basement floor area, excluding crawl space. SECTION 4. Section 30.15(8) is hereby ame~d by adding thereto "Landings, Platforms, Roof Decks" to the heading. SECTION 5. as fo I lows: Section 30.15(8)(b) is hereby amended to read ,.- (b) AI I stairway landings, platforms, roof decks or simi lar elevations or depressions more than two (2) feet above or below adjacent grade or floor level shal I have a guard rai I on the open sides thereof, at least thirty- two (32) inches in height with an intermediate rai I at m i dhe i ght, or vert i ca I ra i I s at e I even (I I") inches max i mum spacing on center. SECTION 6. Section 30.18(I)(a) is hereby amended by deleting in paragraph 2, the first sentence, the words "the frost line of". SECTION 7. Sect ion 30. 19 (3)( b) is hereby amended by add i ng thereto: Except pi lasters shal I not be required in poured monol ithic plan or reinforced concrete foundation wal I of bui Idings. .- SECTION 8. Section 30.20(2)(c) and (d) are hereby repealed and paragraph ( c) is recreated to read as fo I lows: (c) AI I hol low concrete masonry units and al I hol low ti Ie shall conform to the provisions of Ind. 53.06 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code. r' ; SECTION 9. read as fo I lows: Sect ion 30.21 (2)( c) is hereby amended to r (c) Where the floor level within the foundation wall is below the outside grade, drain ti Ie shal I be provided around the exterior of the wal Is, and connected to the house drain ti Ie. SECTION /0. Section 30.25 is hereby amended by adding at the end of the first sentence the fol lowing: or design to produce a minimum compressive strength of 3,000 pounds per square inch at 28 days. SECT I ON I I. Sect ion 30.29 (2)( a) is hereby amended to read "Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relations" rather than "Industrial Commission". SECTION 12. provide as fol lows: Sect ion 30.29 (2) (b) is hereby amended to Floor Joists. . . 40 pounds per sq. ft. r SECTION /3. Section 30.32(2)(b) in the second sentence the word"leveled" is hereby amended to read "beveled". SECTION 14. Section 30.36(4)(c) is hereby amended by deleting "Page X-4" at the end of paragraph I. SECTION 15. Section 30.42(2) is hereby amended by changing the word "imperative" to "inoperative". SECTION /6. Section 30.42(6)(c) is hereby amended by changing "30.38(4)(a) 7" to "30.36(6)(b) 7 & 8". SECTION 17. Table No. I F is hereby amended by changing "$3.00 minimum" to $5.00 minimum". SECTION 18. Table No.2 is hereby amended by changing "Page IV-I" to"Page I I" and "See Section IV-4" to "See Section 30.15(9)(d)". r. SECTION 19. Table No.3 is hereby amended by changing "6 x 12" to "6 in 12" in Slope heading, and changing footnote (I) to "40 Ibs per square foot" rather than "50 Ibs per square foot." SECTION 20. AI I ordinances or parts of ordinances incon- sistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 21. This ordinance shal I be in ful I force and effect from and after its passage and publ ication. ",-~ Passed and Approved this , 197 I . ATTEST. ~ ~;. -~ City Clerk PUBL I SHED: r'