ORD1971194r ! ( /" . :r- ,.-. r--- r ORDINANCE #194 AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING mE LICENSING OF AND REGULA nNG LANDFILL DISPOSAL SI TES THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CI TY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Definitions. As used in this ordinance the following te~s shall be construed as indicated below: (a) "Garbage" shall mean all animal and vegetable waste and all putrescible matter. (b) "Refuse" shall mean all waste substances including garbage as well as combustible and noncombustible wastes. (c) "Combustible waste" shall mean all waste substances capable of incineration or burning, but excluding explosive or highly flammable material. (d) "Noncombustible waste" shall mean all other waste substance not capable of incineration or burning, including ashes, glass, metal, earthenware and the like. (e) "Salvageable Material" shall mean discarded material no longer of value as intended, but which is stored or retained for salvage, sale or future reuse. (f) "Toxic and Hazardous Wastes" shall mean waste materialr such as pesticides, acids, caustics, pathological wastes, radioactive materials, flammable or explosive materials, and similar chemicals and ha~ful wastes which require special handling and disposal to protect and conserve the environmen t. (g) "Sanitary landfill" shall mean a type of operation in which refuse is deposited by plan in a pit or excavation of open land, is compacted by force applied by mechanical equipment, and then is covered by a layer of earth, ashes, or suitable covering material to a depth of at least two feet. SECTION II. License Required. I t shall be unlawful to maintain or operate a sanitary landfill, or any place for the disposal of garbage or refuse, anywhere in the city or in an unincorporated arE'Cl within four miles of the city limits without first receiving a license therefor; and it shall be unlawful to maintain, operate or pe~it the maintenance or operation of any such place in violation of any provision of this ordinance. SECTION III. Annual Permit Fee: Renewals. The annual fee for such license shall be $200.00; payable in full upon issuance of the pe~it by the Clerk. No such license shall be issued except on direction by the City Council. Each license shall expire annually on the 30th day of August. In addition, a fee of $50.00 shall accompany the application to defray the expenses of processing the same. Page 2. Application for renewal of any landfill permit shall be filed with the City Clerk not later than July 15 and shall be accompanied by paYment of a fee of $50.00. The Plan Commission shall hold a public hearing before granting a renewal of such permit, in accord with the provisions of Section 6 hereof. r- SECTION IV. Bond: Surety and Liability. No such license shall be issued, or effective unless there is on file with the city a cash bond or a bond with a corporate surety in penal amount of $25,000.00 to assure that: (a) The licensee, his agents and servants, will comply with all of the terms, conditions, provision require- ments and specifications contained in this ordinance. (b) The licensee, his agents and servants, will faithfully operate the sanitary landfill for which the permit is deemed in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. -- (c) That the licensee, his agents and servants, will save ha~less the city from any expense incurred through failure of the permittee, his agents and servants, to operate and maintain the sanitary landfill as required by this ordinance including any expense the city may be put to for correcting any condition or violation of this ordinance by the city's own labor and equipment, or fire fighting equipment, whenever the City Engineer determines it is necessary for the city to correct any condition in violation of this ordinance, or from any damages growing out of the negligence of the permittee or his agents or servants. ......... (d) Before acceptance, all bonds shall be approved by the City Attorney. If a corporate bond is offered, it shall be executed by a company authorized to t~ansact business in the state as a surety. If a cash bond is offered, it shall be deposited with the treasurer of the city, who shall give his official receipt therefor, reciting that said cash has been deposited in compliance with and subject to the provisions of this ordinance. The applicant shall also file with the City Clerk proper evidence showing that such application has public liability insuranc~ in the sum of not less than $300,000.00. The form of the public liability insurance required shall be approved by the City Attorney before a permit is issued. SECTION V". Application: Investigation. Applications for such licenses shall be filed with the City Clerk in triplicate and shall include the following: ,.-. , (a) A legal description of the land on which the disposal of refuse is proposed, together with names and addresses of all owners and persons having a security interest in said lands. (~ (b) r .- .'- (c) Page 3. A plot plan of the site showing the following: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Dimensions. Existing and proposed roadways and easements. Existing topography and watercourses. A diagram and written statement explaining proposed location and extent of earth work and and fill operations. Location and depth of soil borings Proposed trenching plan or original fill face. Location of winter cover stock piles, garages, sheds and equipment areas. Cross sections shall be included on the plot plan or on separate sheets showing both the original and proposed fill elevations. The scale of the plot plan shall not be greater than 200 feet per inch. A description of the sequence and plan of operation. (d) A map or aerial photograph of the area showing land use and zoning within a one-quarter mile of the perimeter of the solid waste disposal site. (e) r ,-- r A report shall accompany the plans indicating: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Population and area to be served by the proposed site. Estimated daily or weekly volume, source and description of material to be disposed of at the site and the total cubic feet of air space available for filling at the time of the application. " Geological formations and ground water elevations to a depth of at least ten feet below proposed excavation and lowest elevation of the site. Such data shall be obtained by soil borings- or other appropriate means. Source and characteristic of cover material and method of protecting cover material for winter operation. Type and amount of equipment to be provided at the site for excavating, earth moving, spreading, compaction, fire fighting, rodent control and other needs. Persons responsible for actual operation and maintenance of the site and intended operating procedures. Page 4. r (f) (g) (h) Plans for fire, nuisance and ve~in control. Availability of water supply. Existing and proposed roadways and easements. .'-- Clerk to (i) Such other information as may be required by the Plan Commission. (j) Days and hours of operation. Copies of the application shall be forwarded by the City the Plan Commission for its study and recommendation. -- SEcnON VI. Public Hearin2. The Plan Commission shall, within thirty (30) days of the referral to it, hold a public hearing upon said application. Notice of said hearing shall be published as a Class II notice in the official city newspaper and shall be mailed to the owners of all lands as shown by the city tax rolls, within three hundred (300) feet of any part of the land included in the proposed landfill site at least ten (10) days before such hearing. Failure to give such notice shall not invalidate any permit issued hereunder. The Plan Commission shall report to the City Council as to the effect of such proposed use upon the character of the neighborhood, the traffic conditions, public utilities fac- ilities, and other matters pertaining to the general welfare. The application shall state: (a) Name, residence and address of the applicant. (b) A legal description of the lands upon which such dumping and disposal of trash and garbage is proposed. The applicant's right to use such premises. (c) (d) Statement of the type of operations proposed. (e) Whether the applicant proposes to operate such dump individually and if not, with whom he will be associated together with the names and addresses of his associates. r-- SECTION VII. Re2ulations. In the operation or maintenance of any landfill disposal site in the city or in an unincorporated area within four miles of the city l~its, all of the following rules and regulations shall be complied with: (a) The site shall be surrounded by rapidly growing trees, shrubbery, or other appropriate means to screen it from the surrounding area and to provide a natural windbreak. -- (b) All garbage and other refuse shall be thoroughly compacted by equipment of a size and weight capable of compacting each single layer of garbage or refuse to depth of approximately two (2) feet. No more than three (3) compacted layers may be placed prior to covering. (c) Such equipment shall have si:t.fficient weight and capacity to carry out all necessary operations to the satisfaction of the enforcement officer. Sufficient auxiliary equipment shall be maintained on the site or otherwise available to permit operation in case of a breakdown . Page 5. (" (d) Solid waste shall be compacted and covered after each day of operation; cover material will consist of earth, loam, clay, sand, or a mixture of at least 50 per cent earth and other inert materials, such as ashes, cinders or gravel. A minimum depth of 12" of compacted cover and spread cover material shall be kept on all inactive faces of the landfill at all times. The active faces of the landfills should be covered at the end of each day's operation, with at least 6" (before compaction) of cover material. Surface water drainage shall be diverted around the landfill area. ,-- " (e) Putrescible materials such as spoiled foods and animal carcasses shall be immediately covered and com- pacted as indicated in this section. r- (f) The areas shall be continually policed to prevent fire and the flowing of papers; shall be neat and sani- tary at all times; and shall be covered at the end of each day's operation, as well as when wind conditions warrant it through the day, with sufficient material to prevent blowing papers and unsightly conditions. The size of the active face on which refuse is being currently deposited shall be kept to a minim~. The licensee or operator shall erect such temporary or permanent fences or take such other measures as may be necessary to control blowing of paper and other materials from the landfill. (g) Effective vector and rodent control shall be maintained a t all times. (h) Open burning of solid waste is prohibited unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. (i) Adequate fire-fighting equipment shall be available at all times on the site. Arrangements shall also be made with the local fire protection agency to immediately acquire its service when needed. ,'-- (j) No sanitary landfill operation shall be placed where seepage, drainage or pumping of any material from the fill would constitute an odor nuisance or health hazard. (k) The licensee shall provide an access road, approved by the City Engineer that is passable in all types of weather conditions to the landfill site. ,- (1) The license holder shall also have available necessary equipment to assure that traffic may be maintained on the access road or. roads during periods of heavy rain or snowfall. The permit holder shall also take precautions to eliminate excess dust in dry weather, during operation of the landfill. ('- (m) Any materials salvaged from the fill must be stored in a building on or off the site in such a manner as to prevent rat harborage and permit proper operation of the landfill. Such storage building must be at least two hundred (200) feet from the working surface so as not to interfere with the compacting and covering. All sal- vaged material must be daily placed within the building provided so that none is left uncovered during the night or on weekends. , Page 6. (n) An attendant shall be on duty at the site a1: all t~es while it is open for public use. r (0) A gate shall be provided at the entrance to the site and kept locked when an attendant is not on duty. r. (p) A sign identifying and showing the state license number of the site, and indicating the hours during which the site is open for public use, penalty for nonconforming dumping, emergency telephone number, and other pertinent information shall be posted at the site entrance. SECTION VIII. Termination of Use. (a) Within one week after final termination of a site, or a major part thereof, the area shall be covered with at least two (2) feet of compacted earth material adequately sloped to allow surface water runoff. ,- (b) The finished surface of the filled area shall be covered with adequate top soil and seeded with native grasses or other- suitable vegetation Lmmediately upon completion, or immediately in the spring on areas terminated during winter conditions. If necessary, seeded slopes shall be covered with straw or s~ilar material to prevent erosion. (c) Prior to completion of a sanitary landfill site, the City Engineer shall be notified in order that a site investigation may be conducted by the city before earth moving equipment is removed from the property. (d) Following the completion and abandonment of the sanitary landfill site, inspection and maintenance shall be continued by the landfill owner or operator until the fill becomes stabilized; weekly inspections shall also be made by the City Engineer. _. (e) Where the "trench system" of sanitary landfill is used, successive parallel trenches must be at least two feet apart. ,..- SECTION IX. Existing Non-Conforming Dumps. All garbage and refuse existing on the site at the t~e the permit is issued either in the form of an open dump or any other form, shall be collected, compacted, and covered with cover material at least one foot in depth if below the desired finished grade, or with inert material at least two (2) feet in depth at the finished grade. This cover operation shall be completed within fifteen working days after the issuance of a special permit for the sanitary landfill except that additional time may be granted by the Common Council after recommendation of the Plan Commission. SECTION X. Disposal of Toxic and Hazardous Waste Prohibited. No toxic or hazardous wastes as defined herein shall be disposed of on any landfill site or at any other location within the City. . r Page 7. SECTION XI. Dumping Refuse or Garbage. I t shall be unlawful to dump or dispose of any refuse or garbage except in a properly constructed incinerator, or in a licensed landfill, within the city or within one mile of the city limits. r SECTION XII. Enforcement. The City Engineer and Zoning Inspector, jointly or severally, . and shall be charged with the enforcement of this ordinance and shall make any inspection necessary to that end, and shall have the authority to enter upon any licensed premises at any time for the purpose of determining compliance with the terms of the permi t . .-- ,-- SECTION XIII. Revocation. Any permit which shall be issued hereunder shall be subject to revocation for cause by the Council at any time following a hearing at a regular or special meeting of the Council. Notice of any proceeding for revocation of any permit issued hereunder shall be addressed to the address of such permit holder appearing upon the application for such permit on file with the City Clerk at least ten (10) days before said hearin.'?:, and such notice shall be mailed by certified mail. The Council, following such hearing, and upon determination that the manner or use or operation of the dump is such that this section or any portion thereof and any other ordinances of the City applicable thereto, have been violated or that any of the rules and regulations promulgated by the Council, as conditions for granting of such permit, have not been complied with, may revoke the permit, or impose additional regulations designed to eliminate the violation(s) comp lained of. In the event of the revocation of any permit as herein provided, the holder of such permit shall cover with a suitable material all refuse deposited within said dump to a depth of at least 24" and in the same manner as though the ultimate grade of the fill were reached as provided in this section. If the holder of any permit fails to comply with such requirements, the Council may cause such fill to be completed as herein provided and the holder of such permit shall pay all costs and expenses in connection therewith. If the permit holder does not pay the costs and expenses incurred by the City within thirty (30) days from the date of billing, the city may then resort to the bond filed for payment. r SECTION XIV. Non-Assignable Permits. No permit issued issued pursuant hereto shall be assignable or inure to the benefit of any other than the person to whom the permit was originally issued without the approval of the Common Council. Such permit shall not be transferable from on~ premise to another. SECTION XV. Stricter Regulations Apply. In the event of any conflict between the provisions and the regulations of this ordinance and of the State of Wisconsin Solid Waste Disposal Standards, the stricter regulations shall apply. '.-, SECTION XVI. Penalty. Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this ordinance shall be fined not less than $25.00 nor more than $200.00 for each offense, and a separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. This section is in addition to Section XIII hereof. (, Page 8. r- SECTION XVII. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. .,,-- SECTION XVIII. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect upon passage and publication. DåTED THIS /.3 DAY OF , 1971. r- r ATTEST: ~;4-,~ City Clerk ,~ 6/71 je t'