ORD1970178C'RDINANCE #178 AS AMENDED AN ORDINANCE TCl AMEM) SECTION 3.05 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING THERETO THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS THE COMMON COUhCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Sec.tion 3.05 of the Municipal Code is hereby amended by adding thereto Section 4 and 5. be prepared on or before October 28 of each year for submission and anticipated extraordinary expenses. Such budget should be to the Common Council, a proposed budget for capital improvements prepared by the Capital Eludgeting Committee and shall include: e 305 (4) CAPITAL EXPENDITURES BUDGET. There shall also (a) A statement showing the existing indebtedness of the City, and the c.osts of debt service for the dnsuing year; (b) A statement showing the cost of capital improvements for the past ye,ar and proposed capital improvements for the ensuing yeax with an estimate of the cost thereof: sources fromcapital improvements such as sewer service (c) A statement showing revenue anticipated from all charges, specia.1 assessments, etc. together with general property taxes anticipated to be levied for the improvement; and a statement of unappropriated balances, expenditure acc:ounts; reserve account:s and surplus remaining in capital (d) The prepax,ation of a resolution for presentation to the Council fox. a 5-year proposed program of capital improvement shcuing projected total of revenues, total operating expenses and the financial plan for capital out lay. be required by the Common Council or by the state law. (e) Such othex, information as may from time to time 305(5) CAPITAL BUDGETING COMMIm'EE. The Capital Mayor, who shall be Chaix,man, a member of the Public Works Budget Committee shall ccmsist of the following persons: The Committee, Clerk-Comptrol.ler, a member of the Plan Commission, and Recreation Board, a member of the Library Board and two a member of the Council E'inance Committee, a member of the Park citizen members all to be, appointed by the Mayor subject to the confirmation of the Common Council. The Term shall be for one year commencing May 3.. SECTION 2. All. ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or con1:ravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. effect from and after ita; passage and publication. e SECI'ION 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and PASSED AND APPROVED THIS df DAY OF ,1970. OFBINANCE j117a AN ORDINANCE XI AMEND SECTION 3.05 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING THERETO THE F0LLX)WING SECTIONS THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 Do AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 3.05 of the Municipal ode is hereby amended by adding thereto Section 4 and 5. 305(4) CAPITAL EXPENDITURES BUDGET. There shall also i be prepared on or before October 28 of each year/for submission to the Common Council, a proposed budget for capital improvements and anticipated extraordinary expenses. Such b’udget should be prepared by the Capital Budgeting Committee an2 shall include: (a) A statement showing the existing indebtedness of the City, and the co,;ts of debt servicL for the ensuing year; (b) A statement showing the co7t of capital improvements for the past year and proposed capital improvements for the ensuing year with an estimate of the cost thereof; / / / / (c) A statement showing anticipated from all sources from capital such as sewer service charges, special property taxes for the improvement; balances, reserve expenditure accounts; outlay. SECTXON 2, A:L1 ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent w th or con,:ravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. k- S CTION 3. ‘his ordinance shall be in full force and effect from nd after it:; passage and publication. ASSED AND AP,PRO.VED THIS DAY OF ,1970. ATTEST: / Jerome J. Gottfried, Mayor City Clerk 71 70 ;a