ORD1970176ORD I NA'dCE # 176 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SICTION 1.06 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY A'IDING (9) THERETO. THE COMMON COUNC I L OF a DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, SECTION I. Section 1.06 of the Municipal Code is hereby amended by adding (9) thereto as follows: (9) CONTEMPT OF COURT. (a) The Municipal Justice may punish for contempt of Municipal Court for the City of Muskego per- sons guilty of either of the following acts and no other: (I) Disorder committed dur and presence, proceedings o Iy, contemptuous or insolent behavior ing its sittings, in its immediate view and directly tending to interrupt its 'r to impair the respect due its authority. (2) Any breach of. .the peace, noise or disturbance direct I y tend i ng t:o i nterr.upt its proceed i ngs. (3) Willful disobedience of any process or order lawfully issued or' made by it. (4) Resistance, wilfully offered, by any person to the lawful order of process of the court. (5) The contumac ous and unlawful refusal of any person to be sworn as a witness; and when so sworn, the like refusal to answer any legal and proper interrogatory. (6) The practicing as an attorney in such Court without being fir:jt licensed as such in the manner provided by law. (7) Any failure of a person subpoenaed as a witness for refusing or neglecting to obey said subpoena. .. (8) The act of ulllawfully detaining within Waukesha County, any witness or party to an action while going to, remaining at '3r returning from court where such action has been smzt for hearing or trial and any other unlawful interfemnce with the process or proceedings in any action wit'lin the County of Waukesha. (b) Contempt comnitted in the immediate view and presence of the justice and after ths party so charged being heard in his defense, may be punished sunmarily; in other cases the party shall be not if ied of the accusat ix and have a reasonab I e t ime to make h is defense. (c) The municipal justice may upon finding any person r guilty of contempt, order such person to forfeit not more than $50.00 In default of payment of the forfeiture the person found guilty of contempt may be imprisioned in the County Jail not to exceed 7 days. SECTION 2. All o-dinances or parts of ordinances in- & consistent with or contraveling the provisions of this ordinance 1 are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This 3rdinance shall be in full force and effect after its passage and pub1 icat ion. Approved th is __ day of , 1970. ATTEST: