ORD1970175ORD IllANCE # 175 AN ORDINANCE TO /\MEND SECTIONS 7.15(1), 7.15(5) AND 7.14 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE. THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, 'e DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS; SECTION I. Section 7.15(1) of the Municipal Code is hereby repealed and recreated to read as follows: (I) STIPULATION OF NO CONTEST. The Chief of Police or officer designated by him, upon request of any person charged with a violation of any provision of this Chapter, after the issuance of a citation upon an official Wisconsin Uniform Citation and Com- plaint form prescribed by Sec. 345.11, Wis. Stats., may accept a signed stipulation of 'no contest' as found on the reverse side of said uniform form. Said s7:ipulation shall be accompanied by the amount of penalty prescribed by the schedule of penalties established by County Court for violations of the state traf been adopted by reference n Section 7.14 of the of the C~i ty of' Muskego. SECTION 2. Sect on 7.15(5) of the Mun hereby repealed and recreated to read as fol lows ws, as have ipal Code ic la Mun i c c ipal Code is (5) STATEMENT OF NOTICE. Any official, enforcement officer or City Attorney accepting a stipulation of no contest or bail under the provisions of this Section or prosecuting a viola- tion of this Chapter shall comply with the provisions of secs. 343.27 and 343.29, Wis. Stats., and shall inform the accused of the effect of a stipulation of no contest, forfeiture of bail, or of a conviction of the violation charged. Such official or officer shall require the accused to sign the statement of notice which is found on the reverse side of Official Wisconsin Uniform Citation and Complaint form, prescribed by 345.11, Wis. Stats. SECTION 3. Section 7.14 of the Municipal Code is hereby repealed and recreated to read as follows: PENALTY. ( I ) Any person who sha I I v io I ate any provision of this chapter shall, uporl conviction thereof, forfeit not less cution, and in default of payment of the forfeiture and costs of prosecution shall be imprisoned in the county.jail until said for- feiture and costs are paid, but not exceeding 90 days, providing that the minimum forfeiture for a violation of any provision of section 7.01 of this chaptc:r shall be $10.00 and the minimum for- feiture for a violation of any provision of section 7.01 of this chapter described and defired in sections 346.61 through 346.64, Wis. Stats., shall be $75.CO, and provided further that the maximum forfeiture shall not exceec the maximum fine permitted under the County Courts of Waukesha County are hereby adopted by reference. than $10.00 nor more than $200.00, together with the costs of prose- i. statute adopted by reference. The penalties as set forth by the SECTION 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in- consistent with or contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. * I SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect after its passage ard publication. Passed th is I& day of ,% , 1970. Approved this day of , 1970. ATTEST: I-<, City Clerk PUBLISHED: -