ORD1970171ORDINANCE #17 1 (AS MENDED) i AN ORDINANCE TO REPEA.L, TO RECREATE AND TO AMEND CERTAIN SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 16 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE THE COMMON COUNCIL OF 1'HE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN D ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 0 SECTION 1. SECTION 16.07(2)(~) IS HEREBY REPEALED: SECTION 16.07(2)(c) IS RENUh'BERED SECTION 16.37(2)(~)5. SECTION 2. SECTION 16.08 PERIYIT FEES (1 ) AND (2) ARE HEREBY AMENDED TOPROVIDE AS FOLLOWS: (1 ) MINIMUM FEE. THE MINIMUM FEE FOR A PERMIT SHALL BE $5.00. WHERE ADDITl'ONAL PERMITS BY THE SAME LICENSEE ON THE SAME JOB ARE NEC%SSARY, THE MINIKUM DOES NOT APPLY. (2) SCHEDULE. (AM. OR D. 134) THE SCHEDULE OF PERMIT FEES IS AS FOLLOWS: PIPING CHANGE,^, EACH $3.00 PRIVATE SEWEA. MAINS, $6.25 PER HOUR MANHOLES, $1 CI. 00 SEWER LATERAL, LOT LINE TO BUILDING, SEWER LATERAL, MdIN TO LOT LIME $5.00 MINIMUM $1 0. clo EACH, PLUS $. 10 PER FOOT OVER 100 FEEZ'. HOLDING TANKS WITH ALARM, EACH $1 0.00 FIXTURES, EACH $2.00 FLOOR DRAIN INSTALLATION, EACH $1.00 HOT WATER HEATER, EACH $3.00 WATER SOFTENER OR CONDITIONER - INITIAL INSTALLATION, EACH $3.00 SECTIO# 3. SECTION 16.19 IS HEREBY AMENDED TO PROVIDE AS FOLL OWS: (1 ) ALL BUILDING SANITARY SEWER LATERALS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF EXl'RA HEAVY CAST IRON, VITRIFIED' CLAY, CONCRETE OR ASBESTOS CEMENT PIPE, WITH A MINIMUM DIAMETER OF 4 INCRES. & SEWER JOINTS E'ROM MAIP TO BUILDING SHALL BE OF pUBBER OR SIMILAR CASKET APPROVED FOR THAT PURPOSE WITH THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS: A) ERE THE LC1CATIO.11 OF THE WELL REQUIRES YSE OF CAST IRON PIPE WITH LEADED JOINTS. B) IN THE ABSEfi'CE OF ANY GROUND WATER. A HOT POURED TAR JOINT WILL BE ALLOWED FOR THE LAST JOINT AT THE' BUILDING. (3) ALL BUILDING DRAINS INSTALLED BELOW BASEMENT FLOOR SHALL BE COtiSTRUCTED OF EXTRA HEAVY CAST IRON SOIL PIPE OR VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE WITH A MINIMUM DIAMETER OF 4 INCKES. (5) ALL LATERALS 17ROM MAIN TO LOT LINE SHALL HAVE A ACCORDANCE WITH PAJLAGRAPH (1 ) OF THIS SECTION. MINIMUM SIZE OF 6 XNCHES AND SHALL BE INSTALLED IN SECTION 4. SECTION 16.21 (3) IS AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: (3) THE PERCOLATION TEST SHALL BE MADE BY THE CITY OR ITS AUTHORIZED AGENT. IF THE PERCOLATION TEST RESULT INDICATES SOIL CONDITIONS SUCH THAT A TIME PERIOD OF MORE THAN 60 MINUTES IS REQUIRED FOR WATER TO FALL ONE INCH, AT THE LOCATION AND GRADE AT 'WHICH THE SEEPAGE BED OR OTHER SOIL ABSORPTION INSTALLATION IS TO BE INSTALLED, THE PLUMBING INSPECTOR SHALL NOT APPROVE A PERMIT FOR SUCH INSTALLATION. THE PLUMBING INSPECTOR SHALL ISSUE A PERMIT FOR AN WAUKESHA COUNTY COKWWNITY HEALTH CODE. ABSORPTION SYSTEM I'NSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SECTION 5. SECTION 16.22(2) IS AMENDED TO PROVIDE AS FOLLOWS: (2) THE BUILDING $EWER FROM INSIDE OF THE BUILDING TO-THE SEPTIC TANK SHALL BE OF EXTRA HEAVY CAST IRON SOIL PIPE, CLAY OR TYPE L COPPER TUBING INSTALLED WITH APPROVED JOINS'S. SECTION 6. SECTION 16.23(2) IS AMENDED TO PROVIDE AS FOLLOWS: (2) THE EXCAVATED AREA SHALL BE COVERED WITH AND TO A DEPTH OF ONE FOOT. THIS STONE SHALL BE INCHES IN 100 FEET. THE SEEPAGE TILING SHALL BE 6 INCHES OF SIMILAR STONE. THE EXCAVATED AREA SHALL BE COVERED WITH ~S-LB. TARRED FELT OR EQUAL. ALL IRON PIPE TO 12 INCHES ABOVE GRADE WITH A STATE APPROVED COVER. AN INSPECTION MUST BE MADE BEFORE BACKFILLING. EACH BED WUST BE PROVIDED WITH A CRUSHED STONE NOT LESS THAN 3/4 INCH IN DIAMETER GRADED WITH A UNIFORM GRADE OF NOT MORE THAN TWO LAID OVER THE STONE AND COVERED WITH A MINIMVW OF SYSTEMS SHALL BE PROPERLY TENTED WITH 4 INCH CAST MINIMUM OF ONE 24" DISTRIBUTION AND VENT BOX EACH. SECTION 7. SECTION 16.24 IS AMENDED TO PROVIDE AS FOLLOWS: (3) REPORTS TO PLU,YBING INSPECTOR (A) THE WELL CONSTRUCTOR AND PUMP INSTALLER SHALL REPWLT TO THE PLVWBING INSPECTOR THE LABOR.1TORY ANALYSIS OF THE SAMPLE SUBNITTED AT COMPLETION OF THE RESPEC- TIVE WORK,. (B) THE WELL (CONSTRUCTOR SHALL ALSO SUPPLY TO THE PLUMBING INSPECTOR A COPY OF THE WELL CONS!l'RUCTION REPORT AT THE TINE THE REPORT IS MADE TO THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH. SECTION 8. ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES INCON- SISTENT WITH OR CONTRAVENING THIS ORDINANCE ARE HEREBY REPEALED. SECTION 9. THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE IN FULL FORCE AND *EFFECT FROK AND AFTER ITS PUBLICATION AND PASSAGE. DATED THIS 9 DAY OP' JUNE 3 1970 ATTEST: 4Q 4% 0 CLERK B~TTE BOWYER ORDINANCE #17 1 AN ORDINANCE To REPEAL, To RECREATE AND To AMEND CERTAIN SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 16 OF "E MUNICIPAL CODE / e THE COMMON COUNC:LL OF THE CITY OF MIJSKEGO, WISC~NSIN DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Sect:Lon 16.07(2)(a)5 is hereby Section 16.07(2)(~)6 is renumbered Section 16.07(2)(~)5. SECTION 2. Sect:Lon 16.08 PERMIT FEES (1) / and (2) are hereby amended to provide as follows: (1) MINIMUM FEE. The minimum fee permit shall be $5.00. Where additional permits same licensee on the same job :ire necessary, the apply. (2) SCHEDULE. (Am. (3rd. 134) fees is as follows: (f) Piping Changes, each $3.00 (g) Privat'e Sewer Mains, $6.25 per hour (h) Manhol'es ($10.00 / (i) Sewer lateral, main to lot line $5.00 (j) Sewer lateral, lot dine to building, minimun $10.00 each/, plus $. 10 per foot over 1'90 feet. / (k) hold in,^ Tanks with alarm, each $10.00 (i) Fixtures, each $j?.OO (m) Floor Drain Inseallation, each $1.00 (n) Hot Water Heatek, each $3.00 (0) Water Softener/or Conditioner - Initial Installation, each $3.00) SECTION 3. Section 16.19 is hereby amended to provide I as follows: / 0 (3) All building drains installed below basement floor shall be constructdd of extra heavy cast iron soil pipe 1 or vitrified /pipe with a minimum diameter of 4". (5) All from main to lot line shall have a minimum size of/6 inches and shall be installed in accordance with paragraph (1) of this section. SECTION 4. Section 16.21(3) is amended to read as (3) The percolation test shall be made by the City or its authorized agent, If the percolation test result indicates soil conditions such that a time period of more than 60 minutes is required for water to fall one inch, a$/the location and grade at which the seepage bed or other soil absorption installation is to be install'ed, the Plumbing Inspector shall not approve a permit for such installation. The ylumbing Inspector shall deny a permit for an absorption systems for any of the following reasons: / follows: e l / 0 I / (a) High water table (b) Insufficient area /, (c) Where the slope does not provide for properly installed system (d) Where the type of soil is too severe accordance U. S. D.A . soil Conservation Service1 SECTION 5. Section 16.22(2) is amended to provide as (2) The building sewer from inside of tp building to the septic tan.k shall be of extra heavy cast iron soil pipe, clay a'r type L copper tubinglinstalled with approved joints. follows : i SECTION 6. Section 16.23(2) is to provide as follows: i (2) The excavatetd area shall be covered with crushed stone not less than 314 inch in dfiameter and to a depth of one foot. Thi.s stone shall be graded with a uniform grade of not more! than two inches in a 100 feet. The seepage tiling shall be laid oyer the stone and covered with a minimum of' 6" of similar stone. The excavated area shall be covered with 15,Llb. tarred felt or equal. All systems shall. be properly vented with 4" cast iron pipe to 12 inches, above grade with a State approved cover. An inspection must/be made before backfilling. Each bed must be provided/with a minimum of one 24" distribution and vent box each. / SECTION 7. Section is amended to provide as follows : (3) Reports to I'lumbing Inspector. / (a) The wel.1 ,constructor and pump installer shall report tp the Plumbing Inspector the laboratory analysl.7 of the sample submitted at completion of the respective work. / (b) The wpl.1 constructor shall also supply to the Plum/birtg Inspector a copy of the well construction report at the time the report is made to the Stake Ikoard of Health. e SECTION 8. ordinances or parts of ordinances incon- sistent with or this ordinance are hereby repealed. shall be in full force and effect from and after its publication and passage. / Jerome J. Gottfried, Mayor ATTEST: * Fity Clerk