ORD1970170ORDIUANCE # 170 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEID, REPEAL AND CREATE CERTAIN SECTIONS OF CH.1PTER I6 (PLUMBING CODE) OF THE MUN I CI PAL CODE. a THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Section 16.20 of the Municipal Code is amended to Drovide as follows: 16.20 PERMISSION FOR PRIVATE SYSTEMS. No private water supply or disposal system such as wells, privies, septic tanks, cess- pools, absorption beds or ponds shall be constructed, repaired or re- built without written authorization by the Plumbing Inspector, and, in compliance with applicable pr'ovisions of this chapter. SECTION 2. Sectiorl 161.26 of the Municipal Code is hereby repea 1 ed. SECTION 3. Sectior 16.26 of the Municipal Code is recreated to provide as follows: 16.26 HOLDING TANK PROGRAM. (1) Holding tanks shall be installed and regulated as fol lows: (a) That whenever a holding tank permit is applied for the City of Muskego will require a cash bond in the minimum amount of One Thousand ($l,OOO.OO) Dollars; said bond shall guarantee to the city the performance of the obligations imposed upon the owner and reimburse- ment to the city for any and all expenses incurred by the city for which the owner is obligated to reimburse the city; said bond shall further provide thtt the minimAm amount of One Thousand ($l,OOO.OO) Dollars cash shall remain on 'deposit at all times with the city, and if any of said monies are expended the owner shall pay to the city a sum sufficient to main,tain the cash bond at One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars or such gi-eater sum as the agreement between the city and owner may stipulate. s igned by the c i ty and the owner deta i I ing the terms of a hold i ng tank (b) Complete plans of the installation and an agreement servicing agreement in accordt3nce with Paragraph I shall be submitted to the Plumbing Section of the State Board of Health for each request to install a holding tank. (c) The installation of the holding tank shall be made in accord with the following criteria: I. The holding tank shall be constructed of approved material in accord with the provisions of the Wisconsin Administrative Code, Section H 62.20(1)(d), designed in accordance with Section H 62.20(1)(e) and located in accord with Section H 62.20(1)(c). (Be certain to locate the well on the plan.) 2. Holding tanks shall be sized in consideration of a five day holding capacity although thought should be given to installing a holding tank with a capacity equal to a one week total load. (Sizing should be based on the data appearing in the table in Section H 62.20(1) (e) I of the State Plumbing Code.) 3. A warning device shall be installed to alert the individual in charge of the need to pump the holding tank, if the tank should near its capacity, prior to its regularly scheduled servicing. This device shall be either an audible alarm or light which should be pole mounted or co~spicuously located inside the building. 4. Each tank shall be provikd with a manhole of at least a 20 inch inside diameter, brought to at least 6 inches above the surface of the ground to facilitate ease of inspection and servicing. The manhole sections and cover shall be of concrete or steel in accord with the State Plumbing Code, Section H 62.20(1)(d) I. 5. The joints between the holding tank cover and tank, between the first manhole section and tank, and between each successive manhole section shall be made water tight. 6. To effect efficient removal of solids the bottom of the tank shall be set at a pitch of 4% toward the end of the tank served by the manhole. 7. Plans shall include construction details of the holding tank if it is not possible to purchase an approved holding tank of the capacity required. 8. If an approved septic tank is installed to serve as a holding tank, the inlet and outlet baffles shall be removed with the outlet plugged as per Section H 62.15 and H 62.16 of the State Plumbing Code. 9. The manhole cov~~r shall be equipped with an effective locking df+vice to prevent persons, especially children, from tampering with this cover, gaining access to its contents and exposing themselves to a health hazard and to prevent othel- unprecedented accidents. IO. There shall be provided at least a two inch fresh air inlet installed and located in compliance with Section H 62.20(3) of the Wisconsin Administrative Code. II. It shall be necessary to have the tank pumped by a licensed septic tank pumper with sludge and other material removed from the holding tank and hauled to an approved place of disposal ir accord with the Wisconsin Statutes, Chapter 146, Chapter RD 13 and Section H 62.20 of the Wisconsin Administretive Code. SECTION 4. Section 16.27 is created to provide as follows: 16.27 PENALTIES. Any person who shall violate any provision of this chapter or any order, rule or regulation made hereunder shall be subject to a penalty as provided in sec. 25.04 of this Municipal Code. Imposition of a forfeiture thereunder shall not preclude the City from maintaining any appropriate action to enjoin or remove any violation of th is chapter. SECTION 5. All ordilances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening this ordilance are hereby repealed. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and pub ' Passed and Adopted this ATTEST : tlty Ller I