ORD1970169ORDINANCE # 169 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIOEOF b - CHAPTER 30 (BUILDING CODE) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE. THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: a SECTION I. Section 30.10 of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 30.10 UNUSUAL CON:3TRUCTION. When applicaths for unusual technical design or magnitudt? of construction are filed, the Building Inspector may refer such plals and specifications to the Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relations, State of Wisconsin, Safety and Building Division for Amlysis and recommendations as to the safety of design in compliance with this Code. SECTION 2. Section 30.15(6)(a) of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: (a) All habitable rooms in one and two family homes shall have a minimum ceiling height of seven (7‘) feet six (6”) inches. 0 Basement ceiling heights sha,I be a minimum of six (6’) feet ten (10”) inches under joist. SECTION 3. Section 30.15(8) and Section 30.15(8)(a) are herebv amended to read as follows: (8) STAIRWAYS. E\.ery exit stairway shall be not less than three (3’) feet in width and not more than four (4”) inches on one side may be used for handrails. Every platform shall be at least as wide as the stairway, measured at right angles to the direction of travel. Whenever a door opens onto a stairway, a platform shall be provided extending at least the full bidth of the door in the direction of travel. (a) If stairways are provided in addition to those required by this code, such additional stairways need not conform to the width requirements of this code. SECTION 4. Section 30.15 (9)(c) of the Municipal Code is 0 hereby amended to read as follows: (c) Plumbing fixtures as stated above shall be smooth, non- absorbent, resistive to detri.nentaI action of conveyed wastes and free from concealed fouling surfac<?s. SECTION 5. Section 30.15(11) of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: (11) ATTICS, ACCES‘.; THERETO. In every building and structure having an attic, there shall be provided permanent access thereto by minimum size opening shal I be twenty-four (24“) inches by twenty (20”) i nches. a means of a scuttle, disappear ing or permanent I y instal 1 ed stairway; SECTION 6. Section 30.18(l)(a) of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as fol ows: (a) Concrete footings for load bearing walls shall be of adequate 0 dimensions to distribute the load. Minimum thickness shall be eight (8”) inches. Footing width skal I extend six (6“) inches on each side of the wal I above. All footirgs shall be cast in forms upon undisturbed earth, unless the design of the footings and foundation is approved by the Building Inspector. Footings for any building or structure shall be constructed of concrete, or reinforced concrete and shall in all cases extend feet. Masonry units used in foundation walls shall be laid in )1 below the frost I ine of the adjoining grade a minimum of four (4’) Port1 and cement mortar. SECTION 7. Section 30.30(2) of the Muni hereby amended to read as follows; Exter i or Wall Sheath c ipal Code is (2) OTHER SHEATHING. In lieu of wood board sheathing on exterior walls and roofs of buildings and structures as herein regula- ted, materials as shown in Tables D and E may be used: TABLE D -- WALLS Maximum Stud Min. Thickness Spacing on i ng ( i nches Centers (inches) (No edge block Approved Fiber PI ywood Gypsum Expanded Po I ys ing req‘d) 318 Board 112 112 tyrene I in. Roof Covering and Type of Roof TABLE E -- ROOFS 16 16 16 16 (No edge blocking req‘d) PI ywood Rod Maximum Rafter Sheath i ng, Mi n. Spac i ng on Thickness (inches) Centers (inches) Wood and asphalt Shingles 112 Slate, Tile and Asbestos Cement Shingles 112 Flat Roofs (under 2$:12 pitch) 518 Truss Roof (over 24:12 pitch) I12 16 16 16 24 SECTION 8. Section 30.32(4)(b) of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as fol lows: (b) Top ply of plywood shall be at least ”C plugged” grade. SECTION 9. Sectiom30.32(5)(b), 30.32(5)(c), 30.32(5)(c) I and 30.32(d) are hereby amended to read as follows: (b) Where practicable, planks shall be continuous over at least two spans. All joints shall be cut parallel to and over center of floor beams with not more than two adjacent planks breaking joints @ over same support except at ends and at openings. (c) Maximum span of two (2”) inch plank deck shall not exceed the following: I. Planks continuous over two spans, seven (7’) feet. (d) Plank deck shall be blind and face nailed to floor beams e in accordance with the nailing schedule, Table 4. SECTION IO. Sections 30.33(6)(b), 30.33(6)(d)2 and 30.33 (6)(f) of the Municipal Code are hereby amended to read as follows: (b) SLOPE; RISE. Self-sealing or interlocking asphalt shingles may be used when the slope of the roof is a minimum of two and )I one-half (2%") inches rise to twelve (12") inches,run, providing a double layer of 15 Ib. asphalt saturated felt underlayment is hot- four (24") inches inside of the exterior building wall. @ mopped on the roof overhang and extends up to a point at least twenty- 2. Starting row of all asphalt shingles shall be doubled. Such shingles shall be nailed with aluminum, copper, or hot dipped galvanized nails. Nail according to manufacturer's recommendations. (f) FLAT ROOF COVERING. Built up roof covering for flat roofs, having a pitch of not more than two and one-half (2+") inches rise to twelve (12") inches run, shall be approved Class '%"(Under- writers' Laboratories, Inc.) minimum three (3) ply roofing consisting of three (3) layers of asphalt or tar saturated felt, each layer of not less than fifteen (15) p2unds per one hundred (100) square feet. Where tar or asphalt coating is used, the roof shall be surfaced with pea gravel. All layers of fsdt shall be mopped solid. e SECTION II. Sectim2n 30.38(8)(a)3of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 3. Single wall du8:ts when passing through or contained in combustible walls, floors, or ceilings shall have five-sixteenths (5/I6'') inch clearance to combustible construction and shall be covered with one (I) thickne:;s of asbestos paper weighing not less than twelve (12) pounds per one hundred (100) square feet, except that the 5/16 inch clearance and the asbestos paper may be omitted on ducts from automaticallv "ired forced air furnaces. SECTION 12. Section 30.43(4) of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: (4) FOUNDATIONS AND FOOTINGS. Attached private garages shall be provided with the sijme type footings and foundations as re- quired herein for the principal buildhg. Detached private garages may be built with a continuous floating slab of reinforced concrete not less than four (4") inches in thickness. Reinforcement shall be a minimum of 6"x6" No. lOxl0 wire mesh. The slab shall be provided with a thickened edge all around, eight (8") inches wide and eight (8") inches below top of slat). Exterior wall curbs shall be provided not less than four (4") inchcs above the finished ground grade adjacent to the garage. SECTION 13. Section 30.46 of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 30.46 PREFABRlCATElD DWELLINGS OR ACCESSORY BUILDINGS. Prefabricated assemblies not capable of design by accepted engineering analysis shall be subjected to tests. When prefabricated assemblies are not readily accessible for inspection at the site, a registered engineer or architect of the State in which the assembly is manufactured shall furnish a certified report of inspection. All tests and inspec- tion records shall be accessible to the Building Inspector at all times during fabrication and erection of the building or assembly unit or such records as he may desigrate shall be filed with him. ATTEST: City Clerk PUBLISHED: I' SECTION 14. All ordinances or parts of ordinances incon- sistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 15. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. @ Mayor I I I e e 9