ORD1970164ORDINANCE # 164 AN ORDINANCE TO REPEAL AND RECREATE SECTION 16.25 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE DO ORDAi N AS FOLLOWS: THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 , WISCONSIN, SECTION I. Section 16.25 of the Municipa repea I ed. I Code is hereby SECTION 2. Section 16.25 of the Municipal Code is hereby recreated to read as follows: 16.25 RELIEF VALVE:;; HOT WATER HEATlNGlSTORAGE TANKS p I aced, repa i red 01- approved automatic with a minimum size hot water heaters IJ has been tested and (I) Every hot watm2r storage tank, manual or automatic water heater, or o.ther equipment used for the heating and/ or storage of domestic hot water hereinafter installed, re- relocated shall be provided with an temperature and pressure relief valve, of 3/4 inch, except that automatic ith an energy shut-off device, which approved by, or meets the specification requirements of, the American Gas Association, the Under- writers Laboratories, Inc., or other recognized approval authorities, need only be provided with an approved pressure relief valve of the diaphragm type installed as specified here i n. (2) Approved installed sha the Plumbing temperature/pressure relief valves to be II be Watts #40XL, or equal, as approved by I nspec:tor. (3) Installation c,f all relief valves shall be in accord with the following: (a) If a seperate tapping is provided on the top of the heater, it shall be installed directly in th i s tapp i ng. -II) (b) If a separate tapping is provided on the upper (vertical) side of the tank, directly in here. (c) If no separate tapping is provided, relief valve shall be inserted into a 3/4 inch tee with the water outlet out the side of said tee. (4) The drain tube from relief valve discharge shall be a installed full size (3/4") and run to within six inches of the floor. SECTION 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsis- tent with or contravening thij ordinance are heby repealed. SECTION 4. This odinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage antJ publication. Passed and approved this day of , 1970. ATTEST: