ORD1970161ORDINANCE # 161 (as amended) ESTABLISHING A MUSKEGO WATER SHED COMMISSION THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Preamble. Whereas the City has within its boundaries two large :Lakes which affect the social, econ- omical and environmental health and welfare of its citizens and of the surrounding ar'zas of the City of Muskego, a Muskego Water Shed Commission is :hereby established. SECTION 2. Membership. (a) The Commission shall consist of the Mayor, the Associations and three residents of the City, two of whom shall City Engineer, two aldermen, three members of the Muskego Lakes be a farmer a* a businessman and the third a resident recognized for his experience and ability. All such appointments shall be by the Mayor and subject to confirmation by the Common Council by a majority vote. consist of advisory membefrs who shall be the Consulting Engineer (b) Advisory P:embers. The Commission shall also on lake projects and one representative each from the U. S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service, Wisconsin Department of Natural Res:ources, the South Eastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission and the University of Wisconsin Lake Study Department. by the Mayor for the fol:.owing terms: (c) All regular Commission members shall be appointed Aldermen: For two year terms. Lake Representatives: For two year terms. Citizen Member:;: For two year terms. The initial ap.?ointment made hereunder shall expire on April 30, 1971 and Ap,ril 30, 1972 and thereafter each term shall be designated by the Mayor. shall be for two years, the initial terms of the appointee SECTION 3. Officers. The mayor shall be the President of the Commission. A Vice-president and Secretary shall be elected annually from the regular membership of the Commission. the Commis- be necessary to a quorum. SECTION 4. Quorum. The attendance of five members of adopt such rules of proc:edure as it deems necessary for the conduct of its proceedir.gs. SECTION 5. Rules of Procedure. The Commission shall SECTION 6. Powers and Duties. The Commission shall have the following powem and duties: To act as a coordinating agency on all projects affecting the lakes. To assist in the planning of projects affecting the lakes. To analyze the costs of projects affecting the lakes. I. ATTEST: Page 2 To report to the Common Council on all projects approved by them. To recommend the priority of projects which affects the lake:;. To promote projects for the prevention of soil erosion. To promote sound conservation practices. SECTION 7. Common Council. All projects recommended by the Commission must be ,3pproved by the Common Council. SECTION 8. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in- consistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 9. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. Passed this 27 day of January, 1970. Approved this 27 day of January, 1970. A 1/ 70 s lb ESTABLI$,HING A MUSKEGO WATER SHED COMMISSION COUNCIL OF THE CITY WISCONSIN, e City has within the social, econ- of its citizens of the City/of Muskego, a Muskego establi hed. s , SECTION 2. Membership. \ / I City Engineer, two aldermen! two rnempebers of the Muskego Lakes (a) The Commiss? n shall yhsist of the Mayor, the Associations and three residents of.the City, two of whom shall be a farmer and a businessman\and tpe third a resident recognized for his experience and abilityq; All such appointments shall be by the Mayor and subject to confirmation by the Common Council by a majority vote. \I Department of Natural Eastern Wisconsin Department of Service, Wisconsin Regional of Wisconsin Lake Study Department. be appointed by the Mayor for the follow'ing terms: \ / Aldermen: For two year terms. \, Lake Representatives: For two year terms. Citizen Members: For two year terms. The initial ,appointment made hereundFr shall expire on April 30, 1971 and.Apri1 30, 1972 and thereqfter each term shall be for two years, the initial terms of thy appointee shall be designated.by the Mayor. \, of the commission.,^ A Vice-president and Secretary',shall be elected annually from the regular membership of the, Commission. ', I '. \ \, SECTION 3'. Officers. The mayor shall b,e the President \ / SECTION 4. Quorum. The attendance of five members of '\ the Commission shall be necessary to a quorum. / \ SECTION 5. Rules of Procedure. The Commiss5on shall adopt such rules of procedure as it deems necessary for the conduct of its proceedings. ; \ SE,CTION 6. Powers and Duties. The Commission shall have the following powers and duties: o act as a coordinating agency on all projects ~ Jaffecting the lakes. i % To assist in the planning of projects affecting / the lakes. To analyze the costs of projects affecting the lakes. To report to the Common Council on all projects approved by them. To recommend the priority of projects which affects the lakes. To promote projects for the prevention of soil erosion. To promote sound conservation practices. SECTION 7. Common Council. All projects recommended by the Commission must be approved by the Common Council. SECTION 0. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in- consistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 9. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and mblication. Passed this " /.? day of LLw- 1970. ,, Approved this - ILday o# c/' lg70. Mayor ATTEST: 1/70 slb ORDINANCE # 161 ING A MUSKEGO WATER SHED C~MMISSION ' 0 DO ORDA I MMON COUNC I L OF THE c ITY OF MUSK'EGO, w ISCONS IN, Whereas has within its economical and of the 6 Muskego Water Shed of the Mayor, the the Muskego Lakes two of whom shall a resident recognized shall be by e the Mayor. on April 30, 1970. 0 SECTION 3 i Officers. The Mayor shall be k .he President of the Commission./ A Vice-President and Secretary sh& I be e I ected annual I y 6'rom the regu I ar membersh ip of the Cohn i ss ion. SECTION I 5. Rules of Procedure. The Commission \ sh II SECT10 Ni 4. Quorun. The attendance of five mem \ ers of the Commission shall be necessary to a quorum. adopt such rul.es of Drocedur~e as it deems necessary for the >onduct of its proceedings. i \ SEdTION 6. Power:; and Duties. The Commission shall thve the following powers and dut:ies: \ To act as a affecting the lakes. To assist in the lakes. To analyze I akes. To report approved by them. the lakes. eros ion. SECTION 8. or parts of ordinances in- consistent with or ordinance are hereby repealed. shall be in full force and publication. Passed this day of , 1969. Approved this " day of , 1969. " ATTEST: City Clerk