ORD1970160ORD I NjlNCE # 160 AN ORDINANCE 'ro AMEND SECTION 2.02, SECTION 8.11(7) ,A 2.c. and SECTION 9.06(7) A. 2.b. and f. OF CHAPTER 17 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE. * THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Section 2.02 of Chapter 17 of the Municipal Code is hereby amended by cldding thereto the following definition: (71) Tavern: A commercial establishment serving the public and offering the sale of fermented malt beverages and/or intoxicating liquors for consum- ption on the prenlises. This definition does not include private lodges nor clubs selling fermented malt beverages arld/or intoxicating liquors only to members and to gcest invited by members. A restaurant whoze main business is to serve meals to the public anc offering fermented beverages and/ or intoxicating liquors primarily to be consumed with meals served on the premises is not included under the definition of a tavern. SECTION 2. Section (7) Paragraph A. 2.c. of Section 8.11 6-1 NEIGHBORHOOD CONVENIENCE DISTRICT of Chapter 17 is hereby amended to provide as follows: (c.) Customer service establishments such as restaurants, shoe repair, barber and beauty shops, studios and similsr uses not exceeding 1000 square feet of primary floor area. SECTION 3. Secti.3n (7) Paragraph A. 2.b. and 2.f. of Section 9.06 OHS HIGHWAY SIRVICE DISTRICT of ChaDter 17 is herebv amended to provide as follolds: (b.) Restaurants, (f.) Commercial entertainment facilities. SECTION 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances incon- sistent with or contravening the provisions of this ordinance are ! hereby repealed. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect after its passage and publication. Passed this 13 day of a- Approved this /3 day of /970 ,m 1770 / " Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk - Y