ORD1969159ORD I N4NCE # 159 I AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 12.01(3)(f) iD SECTION 12.01(7) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE Ab THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Section 12.01(3)(f) of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to read IS follows: (f) Location. No license shall be issued for any premises which does not comply with sec. 176.05(9) (m), Wis. Stats. nor in an area not considered com- patible with such use at time license is granted. The provision of said section shall also apply to playgrounds. SECTION 2, Section 12.01(7) of the Municipal Code is hereby amended to provide is follows: (7) Revocation. (a) Whenever a licensee under this section shall violate any provision of this section, proceedings for revocation may be instituted under secs. 176.11 and 176.12, Wis. Stats., and the pro- vision therein relating to granting a new license shall likewise be applicable. A violation of this section by a duly authorized agent or employee of a licensee shall zonstitute a violation by the I i censee. (b) Whenever the Common Council or City Clerk as agent thereof is made aware of an incompatibility in the operat'ion of a licensed premises in relation to its surroundinq or nearby environment or in vio- lation of any condition, established at the issuance of the license, a review for the purpose of revoca- ting, establishinq new conditions, or continuing the license under previous conditions will be initiated under the same procedures as provided under the provision of this section. SECTION 3. All or,dinances or parts of ordinances incon- sistent with or contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. This crdinance shall be in full force and effect after its passage and publicat . fl IC Passed this /3 , day of Lq , 1969. Approved th is day of /' , 1969. 1 n ATTEST: