ORD1969155ORD I NANCE #I 55 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ORDINANCE #I27 BEING CHAPTlR 3.10 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAl N AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Chapter 3.10 of the Municipal Code relating to sewerage service charges 'is- herewith amended as follows: Section (5)(9) is amended to read: "The sewerage service charge for schools shal I be $4.50 per year per student enrolled, said service charge to be payeble in quarterly installments of $1.125 per student. The enrollment shall be deter- mined by certification to the City Clerk by the Secretary of the school board or the school district Clerk within one month following commencement of each school year disclosing the enrollment in each school served by the system, and said enrollment shall relate to the next four quarterly billings following such ce:rtification." Section (5)(j) is created to read: * e "Where premises are used for more than one purpose or business and separate sanitary facilities are provided for each purpose or business, then a sewerage service charge shall be payable for each such purpose or business for which the premises are used in accordance with the rates herein con- tained. Where premises are used for more than one purpose or business and separate sanitary facilities are not provided for each purpose or business, then the charge to be levied shall be the highest rate herein provided -'or any such purpose or business plus I /2 of the rate appl icab le to al I other purposes or businesses on said premises using the common sanitary faci I ities." Section (5)(k) i:j created to read: "When any comb inat ion of uses exist on any of the premises ser,Jed by the sewerage system so that the accurate sewer service rate applicable cannot be readily ascertained by the provisions of this ordinance, then the Board of Public Works shall, after conducting an investigation and considering the pertinent fa,:ts in each case, determine and set the service zharge for such premises by resol ut ion of th,3 Board." Section (5)(1) is created to read: "For each 13t, parcel of land or premises for which sewage disposal facilities have been made available, but for which no special assessment has been determined prior to connection with main public sewer, there shall be levied, assessed and col I ected a conne8:t ion charge based upon the special assessmen't formula by which other pro- perties in the sane area were assessed for the same improvement." A Passed this '3 day of , 1969 Approved th is >23 day of n 1969. ATTEST: @ PUBLISHED: -