ORD1969151ClRDINANCE 8151 (.As Amended) AN ORDINANClE TO CREATE CHAPTER 1.11 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE DEFINING TKE DUTIES OF THE HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT m THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO 6 ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 1.11 of the Municipal Code is hereby established to provide as follows: 1.11 HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT (1) Appointment. The office of Highway Superintendent shall be filled by reconnnendation of the Public Works Committee, appointment by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by the Common Council. (2) Duties. The Highway Superintendent shall supervise, under the direction of the City Engineer, except where otherwise directed by the Common Council, all of the street work of the City. He shall keep a record time book of all persons and equipment employed by him, or placed under his direction. Such record book shall be the property of the City and shall be subject at all times to the inspection of any 0 member of the Common Council, and shall always be kept in the office of the Comptroller. The Highway Superintendent shall certify to the time of each person employed on the streets under his supervision, and his certificate shall be taken by the Common Council for the time of each of the said City employees. He shall have no authority to purchase or sell any material 3r to employ any men or equipment except as directed by the Common Coun-il, and he shall be at all times subject to the order of the Pu'jlic Works Committee, where such order is not in conflict with the acts of the Common Council. SECTION 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances incon- sistent with or contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This orllinance shall be in force and take effect upon passage and publication. I\ fl LdYhiL 1. Donald E. Wieselmann, Mayor ATTEST: 0 ie ORDINAPICE # 151 / AN ORDINANCE TO CREATE CHAPTER 1.11 OF THE a MUNICIPAL CODE DEFINING THE IKITIES 0 THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 1.11 o hereby established to provide as follows: 1.11 HIGHWAY SUPER1 (1) Appointment. The office of Hig be filled by appointment by khe May by the Comon Council. t shall supervise, under cept where otherwise directed et work of the City. He ersons and equipment irection. Such record book shall be subject at all of the Common Council, of the Comptroller. The o the time of each person rvision, and his certificate shall be taken b Council for the time of each of the said City employ 11 have no authority to purchase or sell any materia oy any men or equipment except as directed by the il, and he shall be at all times subject to the o Public Works Committee, where such order is not in h the acts of the Comon Council. dinances or parts of ordinances ening the provisions of this inance shall be in force and take 1969. I 8 Lr I' ! Donald E. Wieselmann, Mayor City Clerk slb /