ORD1969150ORDINANCE #150 I:AS Amended) AN ORDINANCE TO CREATE SECTION 1.10 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE ISTABLISHING A CITY ENGINEERING e J DEPARTMENT AND DEFINING THE DUTIES OF THE CITY ENGINEER THE COMMON COUNCIL OI? THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section :!.lo of the Municipal Code is hereby created to read ah follows: 1.10 DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING The Department of En);ineering is hereby established, and shall include the City Engineer and such employees as the Council may provide from time to time. (1) Term and Appointment. The City Engineer shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by the Common Council, and shall serve until his successor is appointed and qualifies. (2) Duties. The City Enginee:: shall have the following powers and duties: (a) He shall be the head of the Engineering Department, and shall have general charge and supervision of all public works in the City or as otherwise directed by the Board of Public Works. (b) He shall be responsible for the maintenance, repair and construction of streets, alleys, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, bridges, street signs, storm and sanitary sewers, city buildings and structures and all machinery, equipment and property used in any activity under his control. He shall be in charge of the City Municipal Sewer and Water Departments and all regular employees thereof, or as otherwise #directed by the Board of Public Works. (c) The City Engineer shall keep on file in the office of the City Clerk a copy of all plats of lots, blocks and sewers embraced in the City limits, all profiles of streets, alleys and sewers and of the grade thereof .grid of all drafts and plans relating to bridges and to any public building belonging to the City, and he shall keep a record of th,? location of bench marks, and permanent corner stakes, from which subsequent surveys shall be started, all of which said records and documents shall be the property of the City, open to inspection of parties interested, and shall be delivered over by said En::ineer, at the expiration of his term of office, to his successIJr in office or to the Board of Public Works. He shall make an ,annual report of all the acts and doings of the Engineer's Departmlnt to the Board of Public Works on or before January 31 in each year. (d) He shall also perfonn such other duties as from time to time may be prescribed by the 'Common Council or the Board of Public Works. I) 0 3) Compensation. The City En,:ineer shall receive such compensation as 1 ekhe Common Council may from time to time determine. SECTION 2. All ordiaances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening the provision of this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect upon passage and publication. e DATED THIS 9 th - DAY OF September ,1969. ATTEST: City Clerk U' ORDINANCE # 150 e AN ORDINANCE To CREATE SECTION 1.10 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE ESTABLISHING A CITY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT AND DEFINING TH17 DUTIES OF THE CITY ENGINEER. THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 1.10 of the Municipal Code hereby created to read as fo'llows: 1.10 DEPARTM13NT OF ENGINEERING The Department of Engineering is hereby establ d, and shall include the City Ellgineer and such employees as the Council may provide from tim,? to time. is ishe 1) Term and Appointment. The City Engineer shall be appointed -6 ky the Mayor, subject to conEirmation by the Common Council, and shall serve until his successor is appointed and qualifies. (2) Duties. The City Engine'2r shall have the following powers and duties: I. I -e e (a) He shall be t'ie head of the Engineering Depart- ment, and shall hage general charge and supervision of all public works in the City. (b) He shall be responsible for the maintenance, repair and constru-tion of streets, alleys, curbs and gutters, sidewglks, bridges, street signs, storm & sanitary sewers, city buildings and structures and all machinery, equipment and property used in any activity under his control. He shall be in charge of the City Municipal Sewer and Water Departments and all employees thereof. (c) The City Engineer shall keep on file in the office of the City Clerk a copy of all plats of lots, blocks and sewers embraced in the City limits, all profiles of streets, alleys and sewers and of the.grade thereof and of all drafts and plans relating to bridges and to any public building belonging to the City, and he shall keep a record of the location of bench marks, and permanent corner stakes, from which subsequent surveys shall be started, all of which said records and documents shall be the property of the City, open to inspection of parties interested, and shall be delivered over by said Engineer, at the expiration of his term of office, to his successor in office or to the Board of Public Works. He shall make an annual report of all the acts and doings of the Engineer's Department to the Board of Public Works on or before January 31 in each year. (d) He shall also perform such other duties as from time to time may be prescribed by the Common Council or the Board of Public Works. Page 2 (3) Compensation. The City Engineer shall receive such compensation as the Common Council may from time to time deter- * mine. SECTION 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect upon passage and publication. DATED THIS - DAY OF 9 1969. Donald E. Wieselmann, Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk slb