ORD1969149ORD I i\ ANCE # 149 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 17, SECTION 8.01 (7)((:) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE 1. THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAl N AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Section 8.01(7)(C) of Chapter 17 of the Municipal Code is hereby amended by adding thereto Section 10 to read as followS: IO. Two family residences, provided the architectural character is dominantly single family in appearance; the second unit doe:; not exceed 800 square feet of residential floor al-ea; and one person in each unit is related to a per';on in the other unit by blood, marr i age or adopt i 017. SECTION 2. This ormjinance shall be in effect from and after its passage and publicatio - ful I force and ,n. Passed this $3 Jay of 1969. Approved this - " day of , 1969. A ATTEST: