ORD1969142ORD I IJANCE # 142 AN ORDINANCE TO CREATE AND TO AMEND CERTAIN SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 30 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE I; ORDA IN AS FOLLOWS; THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO SECTION I. Section 30.32(7) of the Municipal Code is hereby created to read as fo lows: Section 30.32(7) COMBINATION SUBFLOOR-UNDERLAYMENT. Plywood designed for a :jingle floor system, three quarters of an inch thick may be used under the following conditions: (a.) Stamp indicating use of exterior glue. (b. Tongue and groove provided. (c.) Nailing as per code schedule. (d.) Maximum joist spacing 16 inches on center. (e.) Outer plys laid at right angle to joists. SECTION 2. Section 30.21(2)(d) of the Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: Foundation wall vent:. shall be provided located near the corner of such sr'ace. Such vents shall have an aggregate free ventilating area equal to two (2) square feet per one hundred (100) lineal feet of wall enclosing such space, or a minimum aggregate area of two square feet. All basementloss spaces shall bewovided with a minimum access openirg of four (4) square feet. "If access opening is in basement wall and is kept clear and open except for screening which allows for air movement, this opening may be 5ubstituted for the above required ventilation area." e amended to read as fol lows: SECTION 3. Sectior 30.40(b) of the Municipal Code is Factory-built firepleces that are approved as a result of tests and listing by a nationally recognized testing laboratory may be approved for installation. "A factory built solid fuel burring fireplaces shall be vented into an approved c I ass "A" ch imney." 0 SECTION 4. Sectior 30.43(4) of the Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: Foundations and Footings. Attached private garages shall be provided with the same type footings and foundations as required herein for the principal building. Detached private garages may be built with a continuous floating slab of reinforced ccncrete not less than four (4") inches in thickness. Reinfcrcement shall be a minimum of 6" x 6" No. IO wire mesh. The slab shall be provided with a thickened edge all around, eight (8") inches wide and eight (8") inches below top of slab. Exterior wall curbs a sha I I be provided not: less than four (4") inches above the finished ground qrade adjacent to the garage. Bolts 3/8 inches in diameter with nuts and washers attached, 6 inches long, shall be embedded 3 inches in the concrete curb of detached garages 8 feet on centers. SECTION 5. All ordinances or parts of ordinances incon- sistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 6. This or.dinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its publication and passage. e ATTEST: City Clerk / /