ORD1969141ORDINANCE #141 (As Amended) AN ORDINANCE TO CREATE CHAPTER 13 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO REGULATIONS OF ANIMALS THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO I @- ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 12.09 (1) thru (8) of the Municipal Code is hereby repealed. Muskego is hereby created to read as follows: SECTION 2. Chapter 13 0.f the Municipal Code of the City of 13.01 LICENSING AID REGULATION OF DOGS. I (1) STATE LAWS ADOPTED. Ch. 174, Wis. Stats., exclusive of any penalties, is adopted by reference and made a part of this chapter so far as applicable I (2) LICENSE REQUIRED. Every owner of a dog more than 5 months of age on January 1 of any yc:ar or 5 months of age within the license year shall annually or within 30 days from the date such dog becomes 5 months of age, at I-he time and in the manner provided by law for the payment of persoval property taxes, pay to the Treasurer his dog license tax and obtain a license therefor. (3) LICENSE FEE. The license fee shall be $2.00 per year for a male dog and spayed female dog and $4.00 for an unspayed female dog (4) RUNNING AT LARGE PRCHIBITED. No owner or keeper of any dog shall permit such dog to run at large within the City. "At large" means that the dog is off the premises of the owner or keeper and not accompanied and under the control of a person of suitable age. (5) KEEPING OF VICIOUS DOGS PROHIBITED. No person shall keep a vicious dog within the City. A showing that a dog has bitten, attacked or injured any person shall constitute a prima facie showing that such dog is vicious. (6) NOISY DOGS PROHIBITE). No person shall keep a dog which by barking, fighting or howling .rlisturbs the peace and quiet of the neighborhood. and confine dogs in violationofEis section. He may commence action in the name of the City for the collection of forfeitures for violation of this section. (7) DOG POUND. (a) Dog 0.fficer. The Dog Officer shall apprehend a (b) Impounding of Dl)=. The Dog Officer shall apprehend and confine in the dog pound any dog found in violation of this section or any dog suspected of rabies. (c) Examination for Rabies. The keeper of the Pound shall keep any dog suspected of rab:=for such period as the Health Officer shall deem necessary to deternine whether such dog has rabies. If the dog is found to have rabies, :.t shall be disposed of in a humane manner by the keeper of the Pound or by the Health Officer. (dl Disposition of llnclaimed Do s. The keeper of the Pound shall keep all dogs apprehended hereunder 57 or 7 days and if any dog is not claimed within such time t.he dog may be sold or destroyed in a I humane manner. may reclaim the dog upon the rzyment of costs incurred in the appre- (e) Payment of Costz. The owner or keeper of a dog impounded - 0 hension, keeping and care of the dog. Such costs shall be $5.00'if -. the dog is reclaimed within 24 hours and an additional $2.00 per day thereafter, in addition to any expenses for innoculation or other medical treatment of the dog. Page 2 Ord.4141 (8) NUMBER OF DOGS LIMIT.ED. No person shall keep more than 2 dogs over the age of 5 months within any area in the City in which 2 or more residences are occu?ied within 1000 feet of each other, except in an authorized kennel. to read as follows: SECTION 3. Section 13.02 of the Municipal Code is hereby created 13.02 REGULATION OF HORSE AND HORSEBACK RIDING. (1) AREAS OF RIDING RESTXICTED. No person shall engage in horseback riding in the City, except on the private property of the rider, the property of another with his consent, on designated bridle trails on public or private property. (2) RIDING ON PUBLIC PROPERTY RESTRICTED. No person shall engage except to cross the same, or where no shoulders exist riding in the in horseback riding upon a traveled portion of any public highway, right hand lane will be permitted only between the hours of sunrise property, except when the same is done as a participant in connection and sunset, nor in school yards, public parks or on other public with a public event such as a parade or fair." (3) ORDERLY RIDING. NO person shall ride a horse in the City, except the same shall be thoroughly broken and properly restrained with a'bridle. No person shall engage in a horse race on public property within the City. Every person shall ride a horse with Proper care and in such a manner as not to endanger the Safety 01 Property of himself or others. (4) RUNNING AT URGE OR UNATTENDED PROHIBITED. No owner, keeper or person having a horse or horses under his control shall allow the control to damage public or private property nor shall any person same to run at large. No person shall allow any horse under his hitch or tie a horse to any rock, tree or shrubbery or allow the animal to remain unattended on private or public property without proper consent. (5) STABLING OF HORSES. No person shall keep or stable any horse, except as permitted by Chapter 17 of the Municipal Code, the Zoning Ordinance, of the City of Muskego. (6) NEGLECTED OR ABANDONED: POLICE PO\nlER. Any police officer may shelter and care for any horse or other animal found to be cruelly deliver such animal to another person to be sheltered, cared for and exposed to the weather, starved, neglected or abandoned, and may given medical attention, if necessary. In all cases the owner, if known, shall be immediately notified and the person having possession of the animal shall have a lien thereon for his care, keeping, medical attention and expenses of notice. Whenever, in the opinion of a police officer, an animal is hopelessly injured or diseased so as to be beyond the probability of recovery, it shall be lawful for such police officer to kill such animal. - SECTION 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and effect upon passage and publication. Passed this 22nd day of April , 1969. -77 ORDINANCE # 141 AN ORDINANCE TO CREATE CHAPTER TO REGULATIONS OF ANIMALS. 13 OF THE VUNICI PAL CODE RELATING THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WlS03NSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Section 12.09 (I) thru f8) of the Municipal Code is hereby repealed. SECTION 2. Chapter 13 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby created to read as follows: 13.01 LICENSING ( I ) STATE LAWS ADOPT any penalties, is adopted by reference and, so far as applicable. ., exclusive of art of this chapter (2) LICENSE , /.' of age on January I of any shal I annual ly or with in 30 5 months of age, at the time and in the b personal property taxes, pay to I icense tax and obtain a license therefor. ,,%ha1 I be $2.00 per year for for an unspayed female dog. No owner or keeper of any large with in the City. "At large" e owner or keeper and not n of suitable age. BITED. No person shal I keep ma fac ie showing that such A:showing that a dog has bitten, attacked rson shal I keep a dog wh ich peace and quiet of the The Dog Officer shal I appre- ect ion. He may commence act ion in the name the City For the collection of forfeitures for violation of this (b) blmpounding OF Dogs. The Dog Officer shal I apprehend and confine in the dog pound any dog found in violation of this section Q or any dog suspected of rabies. (c) Examination For Rabies. The keeper of the Pound shal I keep any dog suspected of rabies for such period as the Health Officer shall deem necessary to determi'le whether such dog has rabies. If the dog is found to have rabies, it shall be disposed of in a humane manner by the keeper of the Pound or b,! the Health Officer. (d) Disposition of Unclaimed Dogs. The keeper of the Pound shall keep all dogs appretlended hereunder for 7 days and if any dog is not claimed within such time the dog may be sold or destroyed in a humane manner. (e) Payments of Costs. The owner or keeper of a dog im- pounded may reclaim the dog uporl the payment of costs incurred in the pprehension, keeping and care of the dog. Such costs shall be $5.00 if the doa is reclaimed within :!4 hours and an additional $2.00 per day - - thereafter, in addition to any expenses for innoculation or other medical treatment of the dog. (8) NUMBER OF DOGS LIMITED. No person shall keep more than 2 dogs over the age of 5 months within any area in the City in which 2 or more residences are occupied within 1000 feet of each other, except in an authorized kennel. SECTION 3. Section 1:.02 of the Municipal Code is hereby created to read as follows: 13.02 REGULATION OF. HORSE AND HORSEBACK RIDING. (I) AREAS OF RIDING FESTRICTED,. No person shall engage in horseback riding in the City, except on the private property of the rider, the property of another with hi: consent, on the shoulders of public roads or on designated bridal trails on public or private property. (2) RIDING ON PUBLIC PROPERTY RESTRICTED. No person shall engage in horseback riding upon a traveled portion of any public highway, except to cross the same, nor in school yards, public parks or on other public property, except when the same is done as a participant in connection with a public event such as a parade or fair. (3) ORDERLY RIDING. No person shall ride a horse in the City, except the same shall be thoroughly broken and properly restrained with a bridal. No person shall engage in a horse race on public property within the City. Every person shall ride a horse with proper care and in such a manner as not to endanger the safety or property of himself or others. (4) RUNNING AT LARGE OR UNATTENDED PROHIBITED. No owner, keeper or person having a horse or horses under his control shall allow the same to run at I arge. No person shal I al low any horse under h is control to damage public or private property nor shall any person hitch or tie a horse to any rock, tree or shrubbery or allow the animal to remain unattended on private or public property without proper consent (5) STABLING OF HORSE3. No person shall keep or stable any horse, except as permitted by Chapter 17 of the Municipal Code, the Zoning Ordinance, of the City of Muskego. a (6) NEGLECTED OR ABANIONED: POLICE POWER. Any police officer may shelter and care for any horse or other animal found to be cruelly exposed to the weather, starved, neglected or abandoned, and may deliver such animal to another person to be sheltered, cared for and given medical cases, the owner, if known, shal I be ving possession of the animal shal I ing, medical attention and expenses a pol ice officer, an animal is attention, if necessary. In all immediately notified and the per have a lien thereon for his care of notice. Whenever,in the opin son ha ion of , keep hopelessly injured or diseased so as to be beyond the probability of recovery, it shall be lawful fcr such police officer to kill such animal. SECTION 4. All ordirances or parts of ordinances inconsistent ~ *with or contravening the proviz ions of this ordinance are hereby re- b pea I ed. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in force and effect upon passage and publication. a ATTEST: Passed this dey of , 1969. Approved th is - dey of , 1969. Mayor