ORD1969138OFWNANCE 11138-69 1:AS AMENDED) AN ORDINANCE TO CREATE SECTION 16.14(5) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 a THE COMMON COUNC1.L OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO. WISCONSIN. DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 16.14(5) is hereby created to read as follows: PLUMBING INSPECTCR. The position of Plumbing Inspector of the City of Muskego is hereby established, said Inspector shall be appointed A. B. C. D. by the Common Council and shall.be a licensed plumber. TENURE. The tenure of the office shall be from the date of appointment until such time as his successor has been appointed and quali- fies. Tenure of office may be terminated for just cause for misfegsance or malfeasance in office or by two-thirds vote of the Common Council. DUTIES. The Inspector shall have the powers and duties as prescribed by Chapter 16 of the Municipal Code, the Plumbing Code, and shall have such other powers and duties as prescribed by Chapter 145 Statutes as the Building Inspector shRll from time to time determine. COMPENSATION. Compensation of the Inspector shall be as d..-termined by the Common Council. DEPUTY BUILDING INSPECTOR. The Plumbing Inspector shall also be the Deputy Building Inspector. SECTION 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in- consistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby re- pealed. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and e effect from and after its p;rssage and publication. PASSED AND APPROVlSD THIS 11th DAY OF March , 1969. n 1 "U.&&oFLdA Donald E. Wieselmann, Mayor ATTEST: . ORD I FIANCE # 138-69 I AN ORDINANCE TO CREFTE SECTION 16.14(5) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAl N AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Section 16.14(5) as fol lows: PLUMB I NG INSPECTOR. The pos of the Citv of Muskeao is herebv estab - be appointed by the Common Council and is hereby created to read ition of Plumbing Inspector Iished, said Inspector shall shall be a licensed plumber. A. TENURE. The tenure of the office shall be from the date of appointment until such time as his succc:ssor has been appointed and quali- fies. Tenure of office may be terminated for just cause for misfeasance or malfeasance in office or bl, two-thirds vote of the Common Counc i I . B. DUTIES. The Inspector 'shall have the powers and duties ES prescribed- by Chapter 16 of the Municipal Ccde, the Plurnbi:ng Code, and shall have such other powers and'duties as prescribed by Chapter 145 Statutes as *he Bu i lding Inspector shall from time to time determine. C. COMPENSATION. Compensation of the Inspector shal I be as zetermined by the Common Counc i I. D. DEPUTY BUILDING INSPECTOR. The Plimbing Inspector shal I also be the Deputy Bu i Id i ng Ihspector whose powers and dljt ies shal I be as prescr-i-bed by the Bu i Id i ng I nspector. \ consistent with or contravening this ordinance are here,~ pb repealed. \ SECTION 2. All ordinances or parts of ordin nces in- / SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in full fo&e and effect from and after its passage and pub1 ication. 'I $ Dated this - day of I Passed th is day of Approved th is " day of I " I I969 .', 1969. ~ 1969. \< ATTEST: /~J ' Mavor City Clerk -