ORD1968132SORDI NANCE NO. 13'2 - 5 Special Ordinance Br i sto I Oaks rezoning m AN ORD INANCE TO REZONE CERTAIN PROPERTY AND TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF hIUSKEGO, WISCONSIN THE COMMON COUNCIL OF TtE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS In ber ord sha sha (A) SECTION I . There is attached hereto as Exh ib i t "A" and incorporated this ordinance by reference a Notice of Public Hearing, published on Novem- 14, 1968, in the Tri-Town Hub, the official city newspaper, said Exhibit "A" contains all of the legal descriptions of the property rezoned by this inance and the names of the owners of said properties. Section 2 hereof II refer to said properties by the names of the owners only and by reference II incorporate the legal descriptions. That property SECTION 2. The following described properties are rezoned as follows: B) That ereby re property in the SE+ of the NE4 of Sec. 26 known as the Tillie Kramer is hereby rezoned from Agriculture to B-4 (Highway Business). property in the NE$ of S~C. 26 known as the Ralph Herda property is zoned from Agriculture to R-3 (Country Home). (C) That is hereby property in the NE+ of Sec. 25 known as the Barbara Blattner property rezoned from R-2 (Countrf Home) to R-3 (Country Home). (D) That property in the NWi of Sec. 25 known as the Ralph Herda property is hereby rezoned from Agriculture to R-3 (Country Home). (E) That property in Sec. 25 and Sec. 26 known as the Jordan Kopac, John Jung, Harry Braun, Francis Van Remmen properties is hereby rezoned from Agriculture to RSM (Multiple Family). (F) That property in the SW$ of SF:C. 25 known as the Harry Braun and Francis Van Rernmen properties is hereby rezoned from Agriculture to B-4 (Highway Busi- ness). (GI That property in the NE$ of Sec. 25 known as the Barbara Blattner property is hereby rezoned from R-3 (Countr). Home) to B-4 (Highway Business). 3H) That property in Sec. 25 and Ziec. 26 known as the John Jung, Harry Braun and Francis Van Remmen properties is hereby rezoned from Agriculture to 8-4 (H ighway Business) . SECTION 3. The zoning mep as referred to in Chapter 17, Section 3.04 of the Municipal Code of Muskego, hisconsin, is amended by reclassifying the above described property as shown on said map in accordance with Section 2 hereof. SECTION 4. All ordinances or parts of ord contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be in ful and after its publication and passage. Passed this 3rd day of December, 1968. Approved this 3rd day OF Denber, 1968. inances inconsistent with I force and effect from Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk -