ORD1968128AORDINANCE NO. 128 - A AN ORDINANCE: CREATING CHAPTER 7.18 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE REQUIRING REGISTRATION AND INSPECTION OF BICYCLES THE COMMON COUNCIL OE' THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO 0 ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 6 created to read as follows: SEC. 1. Chapter 7.18 of the Municipal Code is hereby 7.18 BICYCLES (1) REGISTRATION OF BICYCLES. It shall be unlawful for any one to ride a bicycle in the City of Muskego unless it is legally registered in Muskego or other municipality or unless it is owned in a municipality not having a prcwision for registration, as herein provided. (2) APPLICATION: REGISTRATION FORMS. The operator or owner of a bicycle shall register with the Police Department the name and address of its owner and a complete description of the bicycle on forms issued by said department and shall do likewise biannually thereafter on or before May 1. A registration fee of $1.00 shall be paid upon the filing of each of said forms. The registrations shall be numbered serially and kept by said department as a public record. Upon each calendar years, which shall entitle the licensee and persons authorized by the licensee to operate said bicycle in said city. I) registration, there shall be issued a license, effective for two (2) (3) REMOVAL OF TAGS. Said license shall remain on said bicycle until replaced by a license of later registration hereunder or unless license is revoked by the Police Department. In the event of theft or loss, a substitute license shall be issued for $.50. No person shall willfully or maliciously remove, destroy or mutilate any license plate. (4) INSPECTION OF BICYCLES. The Police Department may inspect bicycles and deny registration:; if they are found to be improperly equipped or in unsafe mechanical condition. Said deparhnent may also cancel the registration thereo:E and remove the license of any bicycle operated on any street in unsafe condition or in violation of the Bicycle and Play Vehicle Statutes. Said license shall be returned to the licensee at the discretion of the Police Department. a (5) CHANGE OF OWNER!;HIP. In case of change of ownership of a registered bicycle, the new owner shall apply for registration as required in this section. A license once issued cannot be transferred to a different bicycle by the same owner, excepting that the transfer of license plates from one bicycle to another shall be permitted in the event that the first bicycle SO registered is either sold or junked. (6) REVOCATION OF LICENSE. The Chief of Police may cancel the registration of and remove the identification tag from any bicycle operating in an unsafe manner, or in violation of any provision of this Code, and such cancellation of registration shall be in addition to other penalties provided therefor. SECTION 2. All ordimnces or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. @ PASSED AND ADOPTED ~-11s 2 6 DAY OF u, 0 1968