ORD1968126SORIIINANCE NO. 126-S (Special Ordinance) AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING RULES AND REGULAT1:ONS FOR THE USE OF THE MUSKEGO COUNTY PARK WITHIN THE CITY OF MUSKEGO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF T€E CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Whereas, the Muskego County Park is located within the City of Muskego, it is deemed necessary for the public health, welfare, safety and morals, to establish rules and regu- lations with respect to the use thereof. SECTION 2. That certain ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Establishing Rules and Regulations Governing Parks and Parkways Under the Jurisdiction of the Waukesha County Park and Planning Commission, Waukesha County, Wisconsin" enacted by the Waukesha County Board on the 6th day of August, 1964 is hereby adopted by reference and incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this ordinance. SECTION 3. The City Cl.erk shall keep and maintain a copy of said ordinance on fi1.e in her office as a city record at all times. SECTION 4. Any person who shall violate any provisions of this ordinance shall be subject to a forfeiture of not less than One Dollar ($1.00), nor more than Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars, together with the costs of prosecution and in default of payment, thereof, shall be imprisoned in the county jail until said for- feiture and costs are paid, tsut not exceeding thirty (30) days. SECTION 5. All ordinar.ces or parts of ordinances incon- sistent with or contravening this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be in full fbrce and effect from and after its put'lication and passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 2 DAY OF I&, 1968. ATTEST: City C<erk / .. 3 SECTION 1. SECTION 2. SECTION 3 AN ORDINANCE iZSTABLISHING RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING PARKS AND PARKWAYS UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE WAUKESHA COUNTY PARK AND PLANNING COMMISSION WAUlRESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN PURPOSE The purpose of this ordinance shall be to protect in Waukesha County the parks and parkways and appurtenances thereto from fire, abuse and desecration; to provide for the recreational use of these areas; to control and regulate traffic and main- tain general order therein; and to further the safety, health, comfort, morals and welfare of all persons while within the limits of the parks and parkways. DEFINITIONS (A) Park; parkway The terms "park" and "parkway" wherever used unless otherwise stated, shall include the grounds, buildings thereon, waters therein, and any other property which is now or may hereafter be under the control or jurisdiction of the Waukesha County Park and Planning Commission. (B) Person The term "person", as used in this ordinance, shall include any individual, firm, partnership, corpor- ation and association of persons, and the singular number shall include the plural. (C) Commission The term "Commission", wherever used herein, shall mean the Waukesha County Park and Planning Commission. GENERAL PROVISIONS (A) Hours when parks are open Except for vehicular traffic moving upon through streets or roadways, and except when the Commission publishes general permission to use all or certain. parks or parkways upon summer nights, the parks and parkways shall be closed at 11:OO p.m. each night until sunrise the following morning, and no person shall remai.n therein during said hours, provided that, the Commission may from time to time, in all or any of the parks or parkways, publish or post closing hours different from the above, or discontinue closing hours, as in the exercise of the judgement of the Commission may appear reasonable and necessary. (B) Closing Park and Parkway facilities to the public. In case of an emergency, or when in the judgement of the Commission the putllic interest demands it, any portion of the parks or parkways or buildings therein may be closed to the public, or to designated persons until permission is given to return. (C) Interference with park employees. No person shall interfere with or in any manner hinder any employe of the Commission, nor any employe of a contractor while engaged in constructing, repairing, or caring for any portion of the parks or parkwa.ys, or while in the discharge of the duties conferred by this ordinance. (D) Use of Liquor in Parks. No person shall bring into or drink any spirituous, vinous, malt, or mixed liquors in any park or parkway, except in such areas as designated by the Commission and then only by written permission of the Park Commission, and except at such places as beverages are sold by licensees of the Commission. 2. (E) Disordly Conduct: ,(l) No person shall use threatening, abusive, insulting, ~, . obscene, inde-cent kanguage or conduct which consti- - ' tutes a breach. <of the peace. ' .. .. .. - (2) No person violating any of the prohibitions enumerated in (1) above sh8sll be allowed to remain in any park or parkway . (F) Smoking: when prohibited. (1) No person shall be permitted to smoke, or to hold a .lighted cigarette, cigar, or pipe in any building, or section of .s building, or in any park or parkway area where officially posted notices so prohibit. cigarette stub or empty a lighted pipe from an auto- mobile moving .along a parkway drive. (2) No person shall throw or drop a lighted cigar or (G) Care of waste. (1) No person shall scatter, drop or leave any piece of paper, rag, tin can, bottle, glass, peanut shells, melon rinds, b.mana peels or other ga.r,bage, dead flowers, or other rubbish in any portion of the parks or parkways, except in the receptacles provided for that purpose. any park or pa:rkway shall immediately pick up the broken pieces ,and remove same to a park waste container. (3) No person shall deposit, dump, throw, or place any earth, rubbish, dust, manure, paper, garbage, or any other refuse magtter or any sand, stone, lumber, or building mater.ia1, or any substance of any part of the waters, ground;;, or roadways of any park or parkway without written permission of the Commission. (2) Any person who breaks a bottle or other glassware in (H) Radios, television: loudness prohibited. Auto radios, portable radios and television sets must be turned low at all times so as not to be heard from a distance be- yond twenty feet from the instrument. No portable radio or television set shall be operated within any building unless specifically permitted in connection with a public gathering or a temporary exclusive use for which a permit has been granted. e 8 SECTION 4. PUBLIC MEETINGS AND SPEECHES, DEMONSTRATIONS. SALES. SOLICITATIONS AIIVERTISEMENTS , GAMES AND AMUSEMENTS. (A) Permit required for public meetings. All public meetings, assemblies, entertainments, tournaments or public discussion on any subject, religious, social, political, or o.therwise are prohibited within the limits of any park or parkway except when a written permit of the Commission has first been granted, and then only in areas designated as assembly areas by the Commission. (B) Permit required for parade, funeral procession. No military or other parade or procession or funeral shall take place in or pass through the limits of any park or parkway except upon written permit of the Commission. (C) Permit required for speeches, music. No person shall make any oration, or harangue, or public speech, nor use any loud speaker or other amplifying; nor shall any person publicly play any music on any musical instrument in any park or parkway without the written permission of the Commission. e e 3. (D) Permit required for services, demonstrations. (1)No service or demonstration by a.n organization, creed, or sect, excepting only non-denominational or inter- denominational. Easter Sunday Services, shall be allowed within the lirrlits of any park or parkway of Waukesha County, except in those areas designated by the Commission as assembly areas, and then only with the written per- mission of the Commission. This shall not be construed to forbid the offering of an invocation prayer or hymn in connection with church picnics or other similar gather- ings. livered by any person for political purposes or in con- nection with sale of any article or which shall con- stitute a public criticism or abuse of any religious organization or representative thereof. (E) Permit required for advertising, sales. (2) No sermon, discussion, harangue or speech shall be de- (1) No person shall sell, keep, or offer for sale, any tangible or intangible article, merchandise, or thing; nor solicit for any trade, occupation, business or profession, or for alms, within any park or parkway, without the written permit of the Commission. (2) No person shall distribute, post, affix or display any card, handbill, sign, placard, target, banner, flag (except that of the United States), or advertisement of any kind within any park or parkway, or upon any of the gates or enclosures thereof without the written permit of the Park Commission. The word "Distribute" shall include the scattering of printed matter from aircraft. (F) Games and amusements in designated areas. Gambling prohibited. (1)No person shall engage in any sport, game, race or amuse- ment in any park orgarkway except upon such portions thereof as may be ekignated for that purpose, and then only under such rules and regulations as may be estab- lished by the Commission. (2) No person shall be allowed to tell fortunes or to play or bet at or against any game which is played, con- '. ducted, dealt or carried on with cards, dice, corn, or other device for money, chips, credit, 'or any other representative of value; nor shall any person be allowed to maintain or exhibit any gambling table or other instrument of gambling or gaming. (G) Permits; interference with permittees prohibited. (1) No person shall in any manner disturb, harass, or interfere with any person or party holding written permit as indicated above, nor with any of their equipment \Jr property. (2) Permits for the exlusive use of any picnic or play area for a'ly specified date or time may be granted at the disl-retion of the Commission, and no person shall in any manner distrub or interfere with any person or .party occupying the ground under such a permit, nor with any of their eauiFment or property. SECTION 5. SECTION 6. SECTION 7 4. USE OF FIREARMS, FIREWORKS, BOW AND ARROW, THROWING OF MISSILES, MAKING OF FIRES. (A) Use of firearms and fireworks: hunting with bow and arrow; tral-. No person :;hall carry, fire, or discharge any gun, pistol or fire-ann, nor any rocket, torpedo or any other firewor of any description, nor shall any person engage in trapping; nor shall any person hunt with bow and arrow within any park or parkway. The word "gun1' shall include air gun. (B) Throwing o:E stones or missiles. No person shall throw stones or missiles in or into any park or parkway. (C) Making of fires. (1) No person shall make or kindle a fire for any purpose except in places provided therefor, and then subject to such regulations as may be prescribed. (2) The use of charcoal burners in designated picnic areas shall be permitted provided lawns and other eegetation are not damaged and provided further that all unburned coals or ash are disposed of in such manner as to prevent fire or damage to any park property. ANIMALS IN PARKS AND PARKWAYS. (A) Animals not allowed; exceptions. No animal except those placed in the park or parkways by the authority of the commission, and excepting horses when saddled or harnessed and in use for riding or pleasure, driving only on roadways or paths duly designated, and except dogs on leash as regulated by subsection (B) hereof, shall be conducted into or driven within the parks or parkways or be allowed to remain therein. fl (B) Dogs on leash; when excluded. No person having the control or care of a dog shall permit such dog to enter or remain in a public park or parkway unless it is led by a leash of suitable strength not more than six feet in length and. then only within such areas in parks as have been designated by order of the Commission. The Commission shall cause signs to be posted in areas wherein dogs are not permitted. PROTECTION OF PARK PROPERTY: USE AND ABUSE OF EQUIPMENT. (A) Fish, waterfowl, game birds. (1) No person shall take or attempt to take any fish from, or 5:end or throw any animal or thing into or upon, any of the waters of the parks or parkways; or kill, injure, or attempt to injure, or unnecessarily disturb the fish in said waters, except with per- mission of the Commission. (2) No one shall kill, injure, or attempt to injure, or unneces.sarily disturb any waterfowl or other birds or animals,, wild or domestic, within any of the parks or parkways. Nor shall any person rob or disturb the nest csr eags of any bird or other animal therein. 5. (B) Injury to vegetation, structures, and equipment. (1) No person shall climb any tree, or pluck any flowers or fruit, .wild or cultivated, or break, cutdown, trample upon, remove, or in any manner injure or deface, write upon, defile or ill use any tree, shrub, flower, flower bed, turf, fountain, ornament,.. -. statue, building, fence, apparatus, bench, table,/. official notice, sign, bridge, structure, or othei- property within any park or parkway. (2) No person in any park or parkway shall remove any device for the protection of trees or shrubs; nor shall any person fasten a horse or other animal next to any tree, shrub or grass plot which may become damaged by the action of the animal. (C) Removal of ice or sand prohibited. No person shall take ice from any stream or lake within any park or parkway, nor remove any sand therefrom or from the shores thereof without a written permit of the Commission. or land with any aircraft, including gliders and para- chutes, nor engage in stunt flying or parachute landing in any park or parkway without the written permit of the Commission. (D) Aircraft Landinp prohibited. No person shall ascend (E) Sleeping, camping regulated. (1) No person shall lie down upon any bench or table in any park or parkway, nor shall hang, occupy, or use any hammock, excepting those used for placing infants therein. (2) No person shall sleep, or camp, or lodge in any park or parkway except in such places as designated for such purposes, as overnight or tourist, or trailer camps, or camp sites, and then only subject to the rules and reg- ulations of the Commission governing the use of such areas. SECTION 8. INSTALLATIONS, PUBLIC UTILITIES AND PRIVATE CONSTRUCTION (A) Location and installation of utility fixtures. The location of all sewers and receivers, gas pipes, water pipes, stopcock boxes, hydrants, lamp posts, tele- graph, telephone, and electric power posts and lines, manholes, conduit and pumps within any park or park- way shall be subject to the jurisdiction and control of the Comission; and their construction, erection, repair or relocation shall be undertaken only after written permission is received from said Commission. (B) Private drives & walks, design and installation. (1) No curb, whether stone, concrete or grass, shall be cut for the purpose of constructing a private driveway across any parkway border nor for any other purpose, .without written permission of the Commission. (2) The location, width, grade, and construction of all paths, driveways and roadways across any sidewalk border along any parkway shall be subject to the approval of and constructed only after written per- mission therefor is obtained from the Commission. 6. (3) Every person, firm, or corporation, who shall receive a permit to open a trench, to cut a curb, or to deposit materials in o:c upon any park or parkway shall at all times after such work has been commenced or materials deposited, and until the same has been completed, and until all accurnulations of materials resulting from such work have been removed, so guard and protect the same that persons driving or passing along the roadway or sidewalk or in the vicinity of the place where the work is being done, shall not be likely to meet with any accident therefrom; and shall also during the time from sunset to sunrise, each night while said work is in progress, cause the same to be securely fenced and guarded by a red light or lights placed in a conspicuous position, and so se- cured that the same shall not be extinguished. SECTION 9. TRAFFIC REGULATIONS. (A) Regular drives and parking areas. No person shall drive any automobile, motorcycle, or other vehicle of traffic or burden upon any part of the parks or parkways except the proper drives and parking areas, or permit the same to stand upon the drives or any part thereof so as to congest traffic or obstruct the drive. (B) Vehicles for hire. No person shall cause any taxi, bus, limousine, or otter vehicle for hire to stand upon any part of the parks or parkways for the purpose of solic- iting or taking i.n passengers or persons other than those carried to the parks or parkways by said vehicle, unless licensed by the Commission. (C) Vehicles prohibit.ed. No person shall cause any bus with or without passengers, nor any cart, dray, wagon, truck, or trailer or other vehicle carrying goods, merchandise, manure, soil, or any other articles, or solely in use for the carriage of goods, merchandise, manure, or other article, to enter or be driven in any part of the parks or parkways. This section shall not apply to vehicles engaged in the construction, maintenance, or operation of the parks or parkways, to vehicles making deliveries to the parks or parkways, nor to buses under permit of the Commission. - (D) Traffic codes. It shall be the duty of every person operating an automobile, motorcycle, or other vehicle of traffic or burden within the parks or parkways to comply with the state, county and municipal traffic codes and with all orders, directions, and regulations of traffic officers, or officially displayed on any post, standard, sign, or device installed for the reg- ulations of traffic. (E) Speed of Vehicles. The Park and Planning Commission shall cause signs-to be erected indicating speed limits on roads and drives. Where no such signs are posted the speed shall in no case be greater than 25 miles per hour. (F) Traffic controls. The Park and Planning Commission shall cause to be erected such other traffic control signs as are necessary for the proper regulations and safe movement of vehicles, pedestrians, and equestrians. -7- (G) Parking Regulations., Vehicles normally shall be parked in designated parking areas. Parking along roads and drives may be controlled by appropriate signs. eSECTION REGULATIONS OF BICYC:LE RIDERS. Riders of bicycles shall comply with the rules for the regulation of other vehicles, as stated in Section 9 of this ordinance. or foot trails in the parks or parkways. Riders shall proceec. in the extreme right hand lane of the drives at all. times, in single file only. Riding crosswise anc, curving to and fro are strictly prohibited. No rider shall take both hands off the handles or ride recklessly in any ot:her manner. A bicycle shall not be towed by a rope or otherwise, nor shall any rider hold on to any moving vehicle for the purpose of being drawn along. No bicycle shall be pushed upon any park or parkway drive where an adjoining footwalk is available. Infants, children, c~r extra passengers shall not be carried on bicycles in any manner whatsoever. Children riding smal.1 bicycles, wheels less than twenty inches in diameter, may use the footwalks. Wherever possible, tlicycles shall be parked in places provided for such purpose. No person shall ricle a bicycle upon the lawns, walks SECTION 11. HORSEBACK RIDING REGULATIONS. Horseback riders shall comply with the following: (A) No person shall ride horseback in any park or parkway except upon designated roadways and bridle paths. (B) No person shall be permitted to ride horseback in any park or parkway after dark or before daybreak. (C) No person shall be permitted to ride or drive a horse which cannot be held under such control that it may be easily turned or stopped. (D) No person shall be permitted to ride or drive a horse (E) Pedestrians shal.1 have the right of way when crossing a in a reckless manner. bridle path, and whenever groups of people are visible within 300 feet,, horses shall be ridden at slow gaits. (F) Every rider shal.1 comply with all Commission rules and signs along the bridle paths. e SECTION 12. BATHING AND SWIMMINC REGULATIONS Bathers and swimmer:; shall comply with the following: (A) No person shall wade, bathe, or swim within a park or parkway except at such pools or beaches as are or may be designated for that purpose by the Park and Planning Commission. (B) No person shall wade, bathe, swim in, or attend any such pool or beach without proper bathing attire. (C) No person dressed in bathing costume shall be permitted in the parks or parkways except in such areas as are designated or bathers by the Park and Planning Commission. (C) No person dressed in bathing costume shall be permitted in the parks or parkways except in such areas as are designated for bathers by the Park and Planning Commission. (D) No person shall take any tin cans, bottles or glassware of any kind, except eye glasses, into an area designated e a -8- as a beach or pool for bathers by the Park and Planning Commission. (E) Any other rules and regulations which may be posted at beaches, pools or in bathhouses or other buildings. @SECTION 13. BOAT LAUCHING AND DOCKING REGULATIONS (A) No person shall launch or dock any boat or other water craft except at locations or facilities provided and designated for th.at purpose by the Park and Planning Commission. (B) No person shall 1.aunch or dock any boat or other water craft except at s,uch times as are designated by the Park and Planning. Commission. (C) No person shall s,tore or leave unattended overnight any boat or other water craft without the written per- mission of the Pz.rk and Planning Commission. County Park System shall comply with all posted regula- tions of the Waukesha County Park and Planning Commission. e= I (D) All persons using the boating facilities of the Waukesha i SECTION 14. ADMINISTRATION (A) Permits. All permits shall be issued by a duly author- i ized employee of the Park and Planning Commission in writing and subject to park rules and regulations. The persons to whom such permits have been granted shall be bound by said rules and regulations as fully as though the same were inserted in said permits, and any person or persons to whom such permits have been granted shall be liable for any loss, damage, or injury sustained by the Park and Planning Commission or by any person by reason of the negligence of the person or persons to whom such permits have been granted, their servants or agents , (B) Leasing of equipment. The Park and Planning Commission is authorized to lease equipment suitable for recreat- ional purposes to private or public organizations upon such terms as it may determine provided that any such lease shall1 contain the provision binding the lessee to save and keep the County of Waukesha hann- less from any and all liability whatsoever arising out of the leasing and use of such equipment, and provided further that the Park and Planning Commission may, in its discretion, in each case require lessee to provide public liability insurance covering the use of such equipment. County Board, the Park and Planning Commission may adopt additional or revised rules and regulations for the proper conduct and administration of the parks and parkways in the County of Waukesha not inconsistent with this ordinance, and may perform such other acts with reference to the management of the said parks and park- ways as are 1aw:Eul and as they may deem expedient to promote the beauty and usefulness of said parks and parkways and to increase the comfort, safety, conven- ience and public welfare of the citizens of Waukesha County and of visitors to said parks and parkways in their 'use of th12 same. I (C) Supplementary rules. - Until otherwise directed by the .. -9- SECTION 15. ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTIES. (A) Police Powers. Any peace officer of Waukesha County or any of its municipal subdivisions may without a warrant arrest any offender whom he may detect in the violatilm of any of the provisions of this ordinance, and take the person so arrested forth- with before a magistrate having competent jurisdiction, ,and he shall have at all times the right to enter the premises of any building, structure, or enclosure in any park or parkway, including such grounds, build,ings, structures, or enclosures which may be leased ,or set aside for private or exclusive use of any individual or group of individuals, for the purpose of arresting violators hereof, and may use all necessary means to attain that end. (B) Penalties. An:y person violating any of the provisions shall for each offense, forfeit a penalty of not less than Two I~ollars ($2.00) nor more than One Hundred Dollar;; ($100.00) together with the taxable costs in said :action in the discretion of the court, and in default of payment thereof shall be imprisoned in the County ,jail of Waukesha County for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days, in the discretion of the court. SECTION 16. REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES All other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provision:; of this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 17. DECLARATION OF SEVERABILITY The several sections, subsections and paragraphs of this ordinance, are hereby declared to be severable. If any section, subsection, paragraph or subparagraph of this ordinance shall be declared by a decision of a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of the ordinance, or of the section of which the invalid portion or paragraph may be a part. SECTION 18. EFFECTIVE DATE Following passage and publication by the County Board this ordinance shall be in full force and effect in each park and parkway. SECTION 19. ADOPTION Passed and approved by the Board of Supervisors of Waukesha County, Wisconsin this 8th day of December 1958 . . .r i. I. - 10 - REGULATION UNDER SECTION 13 (D) OF AN ORDINANCE OF 'THE PARK AND PLANNING COMMISSION ESTABLISHING 'RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING PARKS AND PARKWAYS UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE WAUKESHA COIJNTY PARK AND PLANNING COMMISSION WAUKI3SHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN SECTION 13. BOAT LAUNCHING AND i30CKING REGULATIONS (D) All persons using the boating .facilities of the Waukesha County Park System shall comply with all posted regulations of the Waukesha County Park and Planning Commission. Commission Regulation effective July 2, 1964 La~unching of Boats with Marine Toilets The launching 0:: any boat containing a toilet for the disposal of any waste material shall hereafter be pro- hibited at all County-owned boat launching facilities unless the toilet is plugged from the outside of the hull in such a r~anner that the plug cannot be removed from the inside of the boat. je 12/13/68