ORD1968121ilHD I N.'II.iCE NO. 121 AN ORDINANCE -rO CREATE SECTION I~.uI(~) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE REGULATING SALC AND POSSESS1 ON OF FERMENTED MALT SEVERAGES AND I NTOX ICi~7'1 NG LiQUORS BY MI NORs THE COMl.IGN COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, LIISCCJNSIN, DO i)RD:\IK AS FOLLOWS: SEC. I. Section 12.0!(8) of the Municipal Code of the Ci t> af blusi:,Jgo is her :by created to read as fol lows: ( 1) SALE TO MI N3RS: FERMENTED M;\LT BEVERAGES. No fer- m~mtcd mlt 5werJges shall be sold, dispensed, given away, or fur- nished to any person under the age of twenty-one (21) years, unless accompanied by parent, guardian or sDouse. (2) POSSESSION OF MALT BEVERAGES BY MI NOR. No unemanci- pat :d minor not accompanied by parent, guardian or chaperon, shal I have in k:is possession outside of licensed prcmis>s, any malt beverages. (3) POSSESSION OF INTOXiCATlNG LIQUOR5 AND WINE. BY MINOXS. No persan under the age of twenty-one years shall ha./e in his poss:ssion a: any tinw any intoxicating liquor or wine. SEC. 2. If this ordinance, or any part thereof, is found to be in conflict with St33te law, the State law shali prevail. SEC. 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening the provisions of this o;-dinance are hereby rep .a I ed. SEC. 4. Th upon passage and pub1 Passed this Approvcd th I s ordinance shall be in force and effect cat ,I on. 9.th dsy of "" "_ __ ..Ss~-tembp_r_. 1968. n :\TSEST: Jil,