ORD1968119"2.. 7/7 7wh ORDINANCE NO. 119 (As Amended) L AN ORDINANCE TO CREATE SECTION 7.11 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO SNOW EMERGENCY AND POLICE POWERS INCIDENT THERETO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO SEC. 1. Section 7.11 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby created to read as follows: 7.11 SNOW EMERGENCIES (1) DECLARATION OF EMERGENCY. The Mayor, or in his absence, the President of the Common Council or the Highway Superintendent, shall declare a snow emergen.cy during the period of a driving snow storm or immediately thereafter, whenever traffic becomes conge,sted by reason of said snowfall, and the operation of emergency vehicles, including snow removal equipment and machinery, is impeded. (2) DURATION OF EMERGE:NCY. Such emergency shall exist so long as traffic remains congested, and the operation of emergency vehicles is impeded, or likely to be impeded, by the falling of snow and the congestion of traffic upon the streets, alleys or public parking lots of the City. officials, may proclaim the state of emergency through the press, (3) NOTICE OF EMERGENC:Y. The Mayor, or other authorized radio or other public means of communication, and may designate and authorize police officers and snow removal personnel to inform the citizenry of the existence cf the emergency. (4) PARKING PROHIBITED DURING EMERGENCY. No person shall park any vehicle on a main street, alley or public parking lot during the period of a snow emergency or immediately thereafter until such main street, alley or public parking lot has been cleared of snow, unless with reasonable diligence he could not avoid it. (5) NEGLIGENT PARKING ON SIDE STREETS. No person shall permit any vehicle to park or stop upon any uncleared street or alley or parking lot, either during a driving snowstorm, immediately thereafter, with snow removal equipment, unless with reasonable diligence he could or during a state of declared emergency in such manner as to interfere not avoid it. (6) REMOVAL OF VEHICLES. Any traffic officer, the Highway Super- intendent or any of his empl.oyees under his supervision and direction snow removal equipment or any emergency vehicle. The cost of removing such vehicle may be charged to the owner or operator thereof, and the removal may be made by the City Highway Department with City help, or by commercial towing service. Cars removed and towed away shall be stored in a safe place and 19estored to the owner or operator of such may remove any vehicle which may interfere with the operation of any ! car upon payment of towing fee therefor. I contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. SEC. 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or SEC. 3. This ordinance shall be in force and effect upon passage and publication. Approved this // - I , 1968 c I ATTEST: 4 City Clerk / - ORI) I NANCE NO. 119 ” AN 0i7D INANCE ‘TO CREATE SECTION 7. I I OF THE MUN IC1 PAL CODE RELATI NG TO SNOW EMERGENCY AND POLICE POWERS INCIDENT THERETO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAI N AS FOLLOWS: SEC. I. Section 7.11 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby created to read as fol lows: 7. I I SNOW EMERGENCI ES (I) DECLARATION OF EMERGENCY. The Mayor, or in his abs nce, the Pr::sident of ?:he Common Council or the Highway Super- intondent, shall declare a snow emergGncy during the period of a driving snow storm or imm:xliately ther.:after, whenever traffic be- comes congested by reason of said snowfall, and the op:ration of emergency vehicbs, including snow removal 2quipment and machinery, is impeded. veh and i ng off i (2) DURATION OF EMERGENCY. Such emergency shall exist so long as traffic remains congested, and the operation of emergency icles is impeded, or likely to be impzded, by the falling of snow the congestion of traffic upon the streets, alleys or public park- lots of the City. (3) NOTICE OF EMERGENCY. The Mayor, or o-ther authoriz-d icials, may proclaim the state of emergmcy through the press, radio or other public means of communication, and may designate and authoriz- pol ice officers and snow removal personnel to inform the citizenry of the existence of the emergency. (4) PARKING PROHIBITED DURING EMERGENCY. No person shall park any vehicle on a main street, alley or public parking lot during the period of a snow emergency or immediately thereafter until such main street, alley or public parking lot has been cleared of snow. (5) NEGLIGENT PAIIKING ON SIDE STREETS. No person shall permit any vehicle to park lor stop upon any uncleared street or alley or parking lot, either during a driving snowstorm, immediately there- after, or during a state of declared emergency in such a manner as to interfere with snow removal squipment, unless with reasonable diligence he could not avoid it. e (6) REMOVAL OF VEHICLES. Any traffic officer, the Highway Superintendent or any of his employees under his supervision and direction may remove any vehicle which may interfere with the operation of any snow removtjl equipment or any emergency vehicle. The cost of removing such vehicle may be charged to the owner or operator thereof, and the removal may be made by the City Highway Department with City help, ar by commercial towing service. Cars removed and towed away shall be stored in a safe place and restored to the owner or operator of such car upon payment of towing fee therefor. SEC. 2. All ordinances or parts of orsdinances hconsistent with or contravening the prcvisions of this ordinance are hereby re- Dea I ed ~ e r SEC. 3. This ordinance shall be in force and effect upon passage and pub I icat ion. e Passed this - .__" day of , 1968. I___" Approved this day of - " -... "# 1968. ATTEST: _.""_ "" "_._ City Clerk 9/68