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ORD1968109CIRDINANCE No. 109 (As Amended) REVISION OP C!HAPl'ER 7 OP MUNICIPAL C(DB THE COHlllN COUNCIL'OP THE CITY OP NUSI[EGO, DO ORDAIN AS POLLOWS : .* describing and defining remons with rerpect to vehicles and 7.01 STATE STATUES ADOPTED. The rtatoltory provisions traffic in the following e:numerated sections of the Wisconsin Statutes, exclusive of any provision8 therein relating to the 8 statutes, are hereby adopted and by reference ude a part f this penalties to be imposed or the punishmeat for violation of Mid chapter as if fully, set forth herein. A8y act required tobr- formed or prohibited by any rkatute incorporated herein by refer- ence is required or prohibited by thir rectionr Sections: 340.01, 341.01, 342.01 343.01, 344.01, 346.01 347.01, and 348.01 Word8 and phra8e8 defined 341.04 341.11 (4) 341.15 341.32 341.51 (4) through 341.51 (6) RegistratiOa of dealer, dirtributor, .. Pailore to resirter vehicle Dinplay of regirtration certificates Display of regirtration plates Registration r@ 341.55 341.53 341.57 341.61 341.62 342.05 342.15. 342.16 342.31'(2) 342.33 342.34 343.05 343.07 343.08 343.10 343.12 343.125 (1) and (2) 343.18 343.22 343.35, 343.37 343.43 343.44 . ._ - :* 343.45 343.46 343.60, 343.61 (1) and (41, 343.62 (11, 343.71 and 343.72 344.46 344.47 344.51, 344.52 3 46.02 46.00 Motor Driven Vehicles 346.03 346.04 346.05 through 346.16 346.18 through 346.21 346.23 through 346.29 346.31 through 346.35 346.44 through 346.48 346.37 through 346.42 manufacturer or tranrporter Expiration of regirtration Registration of finance companies Improper ure of registration plates False evidence of regirtration Certificate of title required Tranrfer of interest in vehicle Report of rtolea or abandoned vehicle. Sales of tdcab8 and public vehicle. DestructL+n Of =hicks Operator'r liceme required Instruction permits Re8triet.d licenser for minors Occupational license restrictions Chauffeurr* license School bur operators Change of addreas or name License to be carried Surrender of licenses Driving after license revoked or Unlawful use of licenses Re8ting vehictes Permitting unauthorized persons to drive USU8e Of plate8 ruspended Drivers school regulation Transfer of ownership to defeat Driving after license suspended or Financial responsibility for rented Applicability of chapter 346 Authorized emergency vehicles Obedience to traffic officers, signs Driving, meeting, overtaking and passing Right of way Drivers and pedestrians Turning and st3ping and required signal Traffic signs,' signals and markings Required stops financial responsibility revoked vehicles and signals S . . Page 2 346.50 through 346.55 346.57 through 346.59 346.61 through 346.64 346.66 throueh 346.73 346.77 through 346.81 ~ ~~~~ s, 346.87 - 346.89 346.88 346.90 346.92 346.91 346.93 346.94 347.02 347.03 * 347.04 347.35 through 347.49 347.06 through 347.29 348.02 348.05 through 348.10 348.15 through 348.20 348.25 through 348.27 348.28 941.01 947.045 ~~ ~ ps 218.20 through 218.23 218.01 (2)(a) 218.30 through 218.33 Restrictions on stopping and parking Speed restrictions Reckless and drunken driving Accident reports Bicycles and play vehicles Obstruction of operator Limitations on backing Inattentive driving Crossing fire hose Following emergency vehicle Illegal riding Miscellaneous prohibited acts Intoxicants in vehicles carrying minors Applicability of chapter 347 Sale of prohibited equipment Improperly equipped vehicle Other equipment Lighting equipment Applicability of chapter 348 Size and load Weight Permits Permits to be carried Reckless driving off highways Change in place of business to be reported Drinking in motor vehicles on highways Motor vehicle salvage dealers Motor vehicle auction dealers I ji:, .03 Sr.ow Fobiles 7.03 ADDITIONAL RULES OF TfE ROAD: STRICTER PROVISIONS TO APPLY. In addition to the rules established by the Wisconsin Statutes and 7.02 STATE SPEED LIMITS ADOPTED. Section 346.57, 346.58, and 346.55 Wisconsin Statutes relating to the maximum and minimum speed of vehicles are adopted by refereke and made a part of this code as if fully set forth herein. (1.) INCREASED SPEED LIMITS. Wherever the Common Council shall, pursuant to Sectionml)(c) of the Wisconsin Statutes, establish an increased speed limit on streets in outlying districts, such increased speed shall be the speed limit on such streets, and no person shall drive a vehicle in excess of the limit prescribed. incorporated by reference in Sections 7.01 and 7.02, the following and these provisions. the stricter rule shall apply. rules shall apply and in case of any conflict between the Statutes e 7.04 PARKING FOR ADVERTISING OR SALE PROHIBITED. No person shall park a motor vehicle in any street fnr the primary purpose of I advertising or for the sale of such vehi 7.05 PARKING RESTRICTIONS. No persoil shall stop or leave any when parking is prohibited, limited or restricted by official traffic vehicle standing upon any portion of a highway where and at the time signs. alleys within the City areaesignated as Class B highways and shall 7.06 WEIGHT LIMITATIONS. (1) CUSS B HIGHWAYS. All streets and be subject to the weight 1.imitations imposed by Sec. 348.16 (2) Wis. Stats. (2) TRAFFIC PROHIBITED. No person shall operate a motor vehicle, except a motor bus, which is not equipped with pneumatic tires or has a combined vehicle load weight exceeding 6,000 lbs. on any street or fo: the purpose of obtaining orders for moving or delivering of alley within the City not designated as a heavy traffic route, except supplies or commodities to or from a place of business or residence, provided the weight of the vehicle and load shall not exceed the weight limitations of secs.. 348.15 or 348.16 (3). \Vis. Stats. Page 3 7.07 ONE WAY STREETS. No person shall drive a vehicle on any onc way street, one way all.?)., or in a Municipal parking lot, except in the direction designated, unless directed to do so by a 'Traffic ofiicer. 7.05 !?IGHT OR LEFT TU!??lS. No person operating a vehicle shall make any right or lcLt turn-at any intersection where the same is prohibited, unless directed to do so by a 'Traffic Officer. e U-turn on any street where the same .is prohibited, unless directed 7.0'1 U-TURNS. No pers3n operating a vehicle shall make any to do so by a Trafric Ofricer. 7.10 I:,REC:'I'ION OF SIGNS AN11 SIGNALS. The Highway Superintendent shall procure, erect and maintain appropriate standard traffic signs, signals and markings confor.ning to the rules of the State Ilighway Commission, notifying drivers of the various driving or parking or other public places within the City. Signs shall bc erected in rules or restrictions at thc various streets, alleys, intersections s~ch 1ocal;ions and manner as authorized by the Common Council so as Ln !:i\.c adequate warning to USL~KS of the streets, alleys or high- ways in question. the restriction was duly given at thc time of the violation by ;1 sigll erected and in place and sufj..icient legible to be seen and undcrstood by a rezsonably Jbscrvant. ., 7.12 r:F.COi?I) OF :!C.GULATLOtG. The City Clerk shall maintain in his olficc. at all times, a ~completc list of all traffic rc~ulations at particular places adoptet:i by the Common Council, whcther adopted IJY ordinnnce or resolution. (aid Lists are incorporated herein by reference, the same as if f.tllly set lorth. -.13 1iM:tGENC'Y 1XAFl:IC r<EGULATI@NS. Tn case of emergency, the " LhieLTPolice may make andxorce temporary emergency traffic rc::ulations to cover special conditions. " ~- of th;.s chapter shall be subject to a penalty as prescribed i.n Sec. :'.j.O4 of this Municipal Cod?, except that the minimum forfeiLII1-e shall IIC S19.00 fur any violation esccpt a violation of Sec. 7.01 clcscrilxxl in secs. 330.61 t:!lrough 7-11j.64, \Vis. Stat? ., which minimum forieiturc shall be $75.00. 7.14 I'ENALTY. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions 1" having ken issued a citarion on 1 hc day of , 1 , for violation of scc. 9 of thchznicipal Code-tCity otuskcgo, !Uil;consin hereby stipu- late that I am guilty of su1:11 offense and consent to forfeit as the penalty for such offense without court order 0: Ilearinc the sum 01- ____ Page 4 (?) F0i;I:EITElI PENATli Y.. 'The sum to be forfeited pursuant LO thL, stipulation for violaLon of this chapter shall be as provicicd in Lhr schedule of penal;it!s estnl~lished by the County Judge. Ling iorfcited least oncc in construct1 to limit the right of the proper authorities to accept (-I) RAIL I3Olil)Lj.,n contained in this section shall be bail bonds, dcposils or certificates or money deposits as provicl~.d in sec. 6u.ll.1, 3.15.13, or 345.15, Wis. Stats. (5) S'TA'I'E?!ENT OF NOTlCE. Any official, eniforcemcnt officer or Lity attorney accepting a stipulation of guilt or a bail under pro- visions of this section or prosecuting a violation of this chapter shall comply with thc provisions of secs. 343.27 and 343.29 \$is. Slats., and shall inform tlle accused of the effect of a stipulation of guilt, forfeiture of ba/L1 or plea of guilty or nolo contcndcre. Such official or ofiiccr shall require the accused to sign a state- rent of noti.ce which shall be in substantially thc following form: 1, - " 7 on the day 01 sec-. of the AlunlclpiTCodc of thety of hluskego, Wisconsin, lierebv acknowledge that I have been informed that a stioulalation of having been issued a citation ___ "9 19 , for violation of \. ruilt; forfeiture, or"blca of Guilty or nolo contendere ky me on thc above charge will result in my liccnsc being revoked or my operator's record being charged with points will rcsult in my Glerator's license being revoked. demerit points and that 12 demerit I)atccl: Iteceivctl by: "" Signed 0RDI:NANCE NO. 109 REVISION OF CHAITER 7 OF MUNICIPAL CODE THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : 7.01 STATE STATUTES ADOPTED. The statutory provisions describing and defining reguLations with respect to vehicles and - traffic in the following enumerated sections~of the Wisconsin Statutes, exclusive of any provisions therein relating to the penalties to be imposed or the punishment for violation of said statutes, are hereby adopted and by reference made a part f this chapter as if fully set forth herein. Any act required to,&er- formed or prohibited by any statute incorporated herein by refer- ence is required or prohibited by this section: 9 Sections: 340.01, 34"1.01, 342.01 343.01, 344.01, 346.01 347.01, and 348.01 Words and phrases defined 341.04 Failure to register vehicle 341.11 (4) Display of registration certificates 341.15 Display of registration plates 341.32 Registration 341.51 (4) through 341.51 (6:) Registration of dealer, distributor, 341.55 341.53 341.57 341.61 341.62 342.05 342.15, 342.16 342.31. (2)~ 342.33 342.34 343.05 343.07 343.08 343.10 343.12 343.125 (1) and (2) 343.18 343.22 343.35, 34'3.37 343.43 e 343.44 343.45 343.46 343.60, 343.61 (1) and (41, 343.62 (11, 343.71 and 343.72 344.46 344.47 a 344.51, 344.52 - 346.02 346.03 346.04 346.05 through 346.16 346.18 through 346.21 346.23 through 346.29 346.31 through 346.35 346.44 thzough 346.48 346.37 through 346.42 manufacturer or transporter Expiration of registration Misuse of plates Registration of finance companies Improper use of registration plates Certificate of title required False evidence of registration Transfer of interest in vehicle Report of stolen or abandoned vehicles Sales of taxicabs and public vehicles Destruction of vehicles Operator's license required Restricted licenses for minors Instruction permits Occupational license restrictions Chauffeurs' license School bus operators License to be carried Change of address or name Surrender of licenses Unlawful use of licenses Driving after license revoked or Permitting unauthorized persons to drive Renting vehicles suspended Drivers school regulation Transfer of ownership to defeat Driving after license suspended or financial responsibility Financial responsibility for rented revoked Applicability of chapter 346 Authorized emergency vehicles Obedience to traffic officers, signs Driving, meeting, overtaking and passing Right of way Drivers and pedestrians Turning and st'pping and required signals Required stops Traffic signs, signals and markings vehicles and signals Page 2 346.50 through 346.55 346.57 through 346.59 346.61 through 346.64 346.66 through 346.73 e 346.87 346.77 through 346.81 346.88 346.89 346 - 90 346.91 346.92 ~ ~. ~ - 346.93 346.94 347.02 347.03 347.04 347.06 through 347.29 347.35 through 347.49 348.02 348.05 through 348.10 348.15 through 348.20 348.25 through 348.27 348.28 941.01 947.045 218.01 (2)(a) 218.20 through 218.23 218.30 through 218.33 Restrictions on stopping and parking Speed restrictions Reckless and drunken driving Accident reports Bicycles and play vehicles Limitations on backing Obstruction of operator Inattentive driving Crossing fire hose Following emergency vehicle Illegal riding Miscellaneous prohibited acts Intoxicants in vehicles carrying minors Applicability of chapter 347 Sale of prohibited equipment Lighting equipment Improperly equipped vehicle Other equipment Applicability of chapter 348 Weight Size and load Permits to be carried Permits Reckless driving off highways Drinking in motor vehicles on highways Change in place of business to be reported Motor vehicle salvage dealers Motor vehicle auction dealers 7.02 STATE SPEED LIMITS ADOPTED. Section 346.57, 346.58, and 346.59 Wisconsin Statutes relating to the maximum and minimum speed of vehicles are adopted by reference and made a part of this code as if fully set forth herein. (1.) INCREASED SPEED LIMITS. Wherever the Common Council shall, pursuant to Section 3491)(c) of the Wisconsin Statutes, establish an increased speed limit on streets in outlying districts, such increased speed shall be the speed limit on such streets, and no person shall drive a vehicle in excess of the limit prescribed. 7.03 ADDITIONAL RULES OF THE ROAD: STRICTER PROVISIONS TO APPLY. In addition to the rules established by the Wisconsin Statutes and incorporated by reference in Sections 7.01 and 7.02, the following rules shall apply and in case of any conflict between the Statutes and these provisions, the stricter rule shall apply. e 7.04 PARKING FOR ADVERTISING OR SALE PROHIBITED. No person shall park a motor vehicle in. any street for the primary purpose of advertising or for the sale clf such vehicle. 7.05 PARKING RESTRICTIOKS. No person shall stop or leave any when parking is prohibited, 1.imited or restricted by official traffic vehicle standing upon any porfion of a highway where and at the time signs. 7.06 WEIGHT LIMITATIONS. (1) CLASS B HIGHWAYS. All streets and alleys within the City are designated as Class B highways and shall \Vis. Stats. * be subject to the weight limitations imposed by Sec. 348.16 (2) (2) TRAFFIC PROHIBITED. No person shall operate a motor vehicle, except a motor bus, which is not equipped with pneumatic tires or has a combined vehicle load weigh.t exceeding 6,000 lbs. on any street or alley within the City not designated as a heavy traffic route, except for the purpose of obtaining orders for moving or delivering of provided the weight of the vehicle and load shall not exceed the supplies or commodities to or from a place of business or residence, weight limitations of secs. 348.15 or 348.16 (3), Wis. Stats. Page 3 7.07 ONE WAY STREETS. No person shall drive a vehicle on any one way street, one way alley, or in a Municipal parking lot, except Officer. in the direction designated, unless directed to do so by a Traffic @ make any right or left turn &t any intersection where the same is prohibited, unless directed t:o do so by a Traffic Officer. 7.08 RIGHT OR LEFT TURNS. No person operating a vehicle shall " 7.09 U-TURNS. No person operating a vehicle shall make any U-turn on any street where the same is prohibited, unless directed e to do so by a Traffic Officer. 7.10 ERECTION OF SIGNS AND SIGNALS. The Highway Superintendent shall procure, erect and maintain appropriate standard traffic signs. signals and markings to the kes of the State Highway Commission, notifying drivers of the various driving or parking rules or restrictions at the various streets, alleys, intersections or other public places within the City. Signs shall be erected in such locations and manner as authorized by the Common Council so as to give adequate warning to users of the streets, alleys or high- ways in question. -. 7.11 OFFENSE DEPENDS UPClN SIGN. No person shall be guilty of a violation of any restriction requiring a sign unless notice of the restriction was duly given at the time of the violation by a sign erected and in place and. sufficient legible to be seen and understood by a reasonably observant. 7.12 RECORD OF REGULATIClNS. The City Clerk shall maintain in his office at all times, a complete list of all traffic regulations I at particular places adopted b; the Common Council, whethe; adopted by ordinance or resolution. Said lists are incorporated herein by reference, the same as if fully set forth. I 7.13 EMERGENCY TRAFFIC REGULATIONS. In case of emergency, the Chief of Police may make and xorce temporary emergency traffic regulations to cover special conditions. of th2s chapter shall be subject to a penalty as prescribed in Sec. 25.04 of this Municipal Code, except that the minimum forfeiture shall be $10.00 for any violation except a violation of Sec. 7.01 described in secs. 346.61 through 346.64, Wis. Stat%.., which minimum forfeiture shall be $75.00. 7.14 PENALTY. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions 7.15 ENFORCEMENT. (1) STIPULATION OF GUILT. The Chief of Police or any officer designated by him, upon request of any person 48 hours after issuance of a citation therefor, may accept a written stipulation shall be substantially the following form: stipulation of guilt and the required penalty from such person. Such charged with a violation of any provision of this chapter within STIPULATION OF GUILT STATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNTY OF WAUKESHA 1 ss. a I, the day o 19 of mnicipa: Code of the 15ity ofuskego, Wisconsin hereby stipu- , for violation of sec. late that I am guilty of such offense and consent to forfeit as the penalty for such offense without court order or hearing the sum of -, having been issued a citation on $ . Herewith delivered to the of said City. Dated : Signed: Received by: Page 4 (2) FORFEITED PENALTY. The sum to be forfeited pursuant to the stipulation for violation of this chapter shall be as provided in the schedule of penalties established by the County Judge. (3) FORFEITURES TO TREASURER. The officer accepting forfeited penalties shall deliver them to the City Treasurer at^ least once in every 7 days. (4) BAIL BONDS. Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to limit the right of the proper authorities to accept ball bonds, deposits or certificates or money deposits as provided In sec. 66.114, 345.13, or 345.15, Wis. Stats. m .. (5) STATEMENT OF NOTICE.. Any official, enforcement officer or City attorney accepting a stipulation of guilt or a bail under pro- visions of this section or prosecuting a violation of this chapter Stats:, and shall inform the accused of the effect of a stipulation shall comply with the provisions of secs. 343.27 and 343.29 Wis. of gult, forfeiture of bail or plea of guilty or nolo contendere. Such official or officer shal.1 require the accused to sign a state- ment of notice which shall be in substantially the following form: STATEMENT OF NOTICE STATE OF WISCONSIN COUNTY OF WAUKESHA ) 1 ss. I, on the day of * 19 , for violation of sec. of the Municipal Code of thety of Muskego, Wisconsin, hereby acknowledge.,that I have been informed that a stipulalation of , having been issued a citation guilt; forfeiture/'or plea of guilty or nolo contendere by me on the above charge will result in my license being revoked or my operator's points will result in my operator's license being revoked. record being charged with demerit points and that 12 demerit - C7r.xLL. " Dated: Received by: - Signed and publication. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect upon passage Dated this day of , 1968. Mayor ATTEST: /&I& City Clerk 8/68 mP ORD I NA,NC,E N0.m REVISION OF CH.AI?TER 7 .OF MUNICIPAL CODE @$ ORDA prov THE COMMON COlJNCl L OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, DO IN AS FOLLOWS: / 7.01 STATE STATUTES ADOPTED. No change in this ision. 7.02 STATE SPI!ED LIMITS ADOPTED. Section 346.57, 346.58 and 346.59 Wi scon-si n Statutes re1 at ing to the max imum - and minimum speed of vehicles are adopted by reference and made a part of this code as if fully set forth herein. (I.) INCREASI!D SPEED LIMITS. Wherever the Common Council shall, pursuant to Section 349 (Il)(c) of the Wisconsin Statutes, establish an increased speed limit on streets in out- lying districts, such increased speed shall be the speed limit on such streets, and no /person shall drive a vehicle in excess of the limit prescribed. 7.03 ADD I TIOIlAL RULES OF THE ROAD: STRICTER PRO- VISIONS TO APPLY. In addition to the rules established by the Wisconsin Statutes and incorporated by reference in Sections 7.01 and 7.02, the following’ rules shal I apply and in case of any conflict between the Statutes and these provisions, the stricter rule shall apply. 7.04 No Change. 7.05 No Chant~e. - 7.06 No Change. 7.07 ONE WAY STREETS. No person shall drive a vehicle on any one way street, one way alley, or in a Municipal parking lot, except in the direction designated, unless directed to do so by a Traffic Of-Ficer. a 7.08 RIGHT OR LEFT TURNS. No person operating a vehicle shall make any riqht or left turn at any intersection where the same is prohibited, unless directed to do so by a Traffic Officer. 7.09 U-TURNS. No person operating a vehicle shall make any U-turn on anv s.’rreet where the same is Drohibited. un- ,? I ess. directed to do so b$/ a Traffic Officer. 8 7. IO ERECTION OF SIGNS AND SIGNALS. The H ighway SuDerb7terdent shall procure, erect and maintain appropriate & standard traffic signs, :signals and markings conform’ing to the .. rules of the State Highw<jy Commission, notifying drivers of the various driving or parking rubs or restrictions at the various streets, alleys, intersections or other public places within the City. Signs shall be erected in such locations and manner as authorized by the Comnon Council so as to qive adeauate - warning to users of the streets, alleys or highways in question. e 1 .," 7.11 OFFENSE DEPENDS UPON SIGN. No person shall be guilty of a violation-6f any restriction requiring a sign unless notice of the restriction was duly given at the time of the violation by a sign erected and in place and sufficient legible to be seen and understood by a reasonably observant person. 0 7.12 RECORD OF REGULATIONS. The City Clerk shall maintain in his office at: all times, a complete list of all traffic regu I at ions at particular places adopted by the Common Council, whether adopted by ordinance or resolution. Said lists are incorporated herein by reference, the same as if fully set forth. 7. I3 EMERGENCY TRAFFIC REGULATIONS. In case of emergency, the Chief of Police may make and enforce temporary emergency traffic regulations to cover special conditions. 7. I4 IS THE F'ENALTY CLAUSE CONTAINED IN 7.08 VERBATIM. a 7.15 IS THE E!NFORCEMENT CLAUSE CONTAINED IN EXIST- ING 7.09 VERBATIM. - - NOTE: If thisordinance is adopted,ehen the provisions of Section 7.02 (I and 2) would be eldopted by a resolution and 7.03 be adopted by resolution immediately prior to adoption of the ordinance to maintain the continuity of these regulations.