ORD19681010R.DINANCE NO. 101
CITY OFFICERS 6 EMPLOYEES .* BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED by the Common Council of the City of
Muskego of the County of Waukesha, of the State of Wisconsin.
Section 1: That no person shall serve as officer or his
assistant, whether elected or appointed, nor as employee of the
City of Muskego, Wisconsin, except he be a resident of said City.
Section 2: That the requirement set forth in Section 1
hereof may be waived once each year for a period of one (1) year
by majority vote of the Common Council of the City of Muskego,
e Section 3: That should any part of this ordinance be held
invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining parts
shall be severable and shall continue to be in full force and
Section 4. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances
conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby
repealed insofar as the same effect this ordinance.
Section 5: That this ordinance shall take effect and be
in full force from and after
a PASSED AND APPROVED by the Common Council of the City of
Muskego on the day of 9 1968.
(Place Municipal a Seal Here)
City Clerk