ORD1968096ORDINANCE # 96 Ai'l ORDINANCE TO CREATE CHAPTER 22 OF THE MUXICIPAL CODE OF MUSKEGO. WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interests, of the tofore amended, be further amended and modified by CREATING City that the Municipal Code of Huskego, Wisconsin, as here- Chapter 22 thereof to deal with matters of discrimination and to provide for equal opportunity as hereinafter more partic- e ularly set forth. NON, THEREFORE, the Common Council of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin, does hereby ordain as follows: SECTION I. CREATED to read as follows: discrimlnatlon in housing unlawful. It is hereby declared to 22.01 Purpose. It is the intent of this chapter to render be the policy of this City that all persons shall have an equal opportunity for housing regardless of race, color, religion, national origin 01- ancestry. This chapter shall be 0 protection of the welfare health, peace, dignity and human deemed an exercise of the police powers of the City for the rights of the people of this City. requires otherwise: 22.02 Definitions. In this chapter, unless the context Chapter 22 of the Municipal Code of Muskego is hereby (a) "Housing" means any improved property, and any mobile home, which is used or occupied, or is intended, arranged but does not include: or designed to be used or occupied as a home or residence, 1. The rental or leasing of any building or apartment occupied by no more than one family and which is used by containing living quarters occupied or intended to be or was last used by the owner or tenant thereof as a bona fide residence for himself and any members of his family forming his household. occupied by the owner as his residence, in which single 2. The rental or leasing of any rocm in any building rooms are rented out for occupancy by four or less indi- .1 viduals, not members of the owner's family. 3. The rental or leasing of any building, or apartment therein, consisting of four or less dwelling units, all in one structure, in which at least one of such dwelling units is occupied by the ownel? of such building as his residence. (b) "Mobile home" means that which is, or was as originally constructed, designed to be transported by any vehicle upon a public highway and designed, equipped and used primarily for sleeping, eating and living quarters, or is ments, annexes, foundations and appurtenances, except that intended to be so used; and includes any additions, attach- a house trailer is not deemed a mobile home if the assess- able value of such additions, attachments, annexes, found- ations and appurtenance!; equals or exceeds 50% of the assessable value of the house trailer. (c) "Discriminate" and "Discrimination" mean to segregate, separate, exclude or treat any person unequally only because of race, color, religion, national Origin Or ancestry. It is intended that the factors set forth herein shall be the sole basis for prohibiting discrimination. *8, 0 -2- (dl "Improved residential lot" means any residential lot upon which no permanent building or structure containing living quarters has been constructed. (e) "Fair Housing Commission" or "Commission" mean and refer to a Commission of FIVE members, residents of the City of Muskego, who are appointed annually for a one- year term commencing on the first day of May in each year hereafter by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by the Common Council. The initial appointments for a fract- ional term shall be made within thirty (30) days after the adoption of this ordinance. The Fair Housing Commission shall forthwith elect one of its members as chairman and another of its members as secretary. It shall be the duty meetings and hearings of the Commission. It shall be the of the chairman, among other things, to preside at all duty of the secretary to keep accurate record of all activities of the Commission. The members of the Com- mission shall receive no compensation for their services as such. A member of the Commission may be removed by the Mayor, only for inefficiency, neglect of duty, mis- conduct or malfeasance in office; provided, however, the charges and an opportunity to be heard thereon before the Commissioner is first given a written statement of the Common Council. No Commissioner who has filed a complaint on his own initiative shall participate in any subsequent hearing or proceeding except as a witness, nor shall he participate in the deliberations of the Commission in such case. a 22.03 Requirinz References. Nothing in this chapter shall be deemed to prohibit an owner, o? his agent, from requiring that any person who seeks to buy, rent or lease housing supply inform- ation concerning his family, marital, financial and business status, or any other pertinent information, but not concerning race, color or creed. 22.04 Discrimination prohibited. It is unlawful for any person to discriminate: - (a) By refusing to sell, lease, finance or contact to thereof. construct housing or by refusing to discuss the terms (b) By refusing to permit inspection or exacting different or more stringent price, terms or conditions for the sale, lease or rental of housing. (c) Uy refusing to finance or sell an unimproved residential lot or to construct a home or residence upon such lot. (dl By publishing, circulating, issuing or displaying, or causing to be published, circulated, issued or. displayed, any communication, notice, advertisement or sign in con- nection with the sale, financing, lease or rental of housing, which states or indicates any discrimination in connection with housing. a 1. 22.05 Fair Housing Commission to Administer. This chapter shall be administered bv the Fair Housinz Commission. All proceedinns for the enforcement of any provision of this chapter shall be commenced by filing a complaint with the Commission in the manner hereinafter specified. The Commission may promulgate such rules as are necessary to carry out this chapter. The Commission shall at tt.e end of each term make a report in writing to the Common Council, statins in detail the work it has done and its recommendations, if any. ?.To publicity shall be given a with this chapter or the Commission finds that the complaint is complaint in those cases where the Commission obtains compliance without foundation. - 22.06 Commission Powers. e e I I charging violations of this chapter. All complaints (a) The Commission may receive and investigate complaints shall be in writing and shall contain the following: (1) The name and address of the complainant: (2) The name and address of the respondent or respondents: alleged discrimination or discriminatory practice: (3) A statement setting forth the particulars of the (4) The date or dates of the alleged discrimination or discriminatory practice: and (5) They shall be verified by the complaining person. (b) In carrying out this chapter, the Commission and its duly authorized agent:; are empowered to hold hearings, subpoena witnesses, take testimony and make investi- gations as provided in this chapter. that any discrimination has been or is being committed (c) If the Commission finds probable cause to believe in violation of this [chapter, it shall immediately endeavor to eliminate such discrimination by conference, mines that such conference, conciliation and persuasion conciliation and persuasion. If the Commission deter- has not eliminated the alleged discrimination, the Commission shall issue and serve a written notice of hearing, specifying the nature and acts of discrimination which appear to have been committed, and requiring the person named, hereinafter called the "respondent", to The notice shall specify a time of hearing, not less answer the complaint at a hearing before the Commission. than ten (10) days after the service of the complaint, and a place of hearing within the City. In all hearings before the Commission, except those for determining probable cause, the burden of proof shall be on the party alleging discrimination. If, after the hearing, the Commission finds by a fair preponderance of the nation in violation of this section, the Commission evidence that the respondent has engaged in discrimi- shall make written findings and order such action by the respondent as will effectuate the purpose of this chapter and shall serve, by certified or registered mail, a certified copy of its findings and recommendations on the respondent to comply with the recommendations. If the Commission finds that the respondent has not engaged in discrimination as alleged in the complaint, it shall serve, by certified OI? registered mail, a certified copy of its findings on the complainant and respondent, to- gether with an order dismissing the complaint. 22.07 Testing Prohibited. It is unlawful for any person not under this chapter to solicit offers or to buy or lease from having any bona fide intenxion -to avail himself of any rights property owners or lessees or their agents, for the sole Any person found by the Cornmission after the hearing procedure purpose of securing evidence of a discriminatory practice. hereinbefore provided to have violated this chapter shall be subject to the penalties hereinafter prescribed under Chapter 22.10. Such finding shall be subject to the enforcement provided in Chapter 22.08. shall ne by the order of the Commission within 22.08 Enforcement. If the respondent or the complainant the time therein specified,, the Commission shall, in the name of the City, upon written demand of either complainant cr respondent promptly file in the Municipal Justice Court of Muskego the complaint upon which the matter was heard, and a ccpy of the Commission’s order thereon, and praying for a judgment exacting the forfeiture hereinafter provided for ()I issued by said court and the matter brought to trial. Such violation of this ordinance. Thereupon a summons shall be action shall be heard as a trial de novo on all issues de- be to prove discrimination by a fair preponderance of the cided on the hearing. In my such trial, the burden shall ments for the attendance of- witnesses may be taxed in favor evidence. Costs not to exceed $100.00 plus actual disburse- of the prevailing party. 22.09 City Attorney to Appear. The City Attorney shall appear for the City in all proceedings under this chapter. 22.10 Penalty. Any person who willfully violates this chapter or any lawful order issued hereunder shall, for each violation, forfeit not less than $lO.ClO nor more than $200.00. Payment of any forfeiture shall be stayed during the period in which any appeal may be taken and during the pendancy of any appeal from the judgment of said Court. e 22.11 Non-Severability. If any provision of Section 22.02 is declared invalid, such invalidity shall effect and render invalid all other provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 11. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. I e ATTEST: + City Clerk