ORD1968093? ORDINANCE 193 (A!; AMENDED) AN ORDIW\NCE TO AMEND ME TRAFFIC CODe OF ME MUNIC:tPAL CODE OF ZHE CITY OF WAlJKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIB The Mayor and Ccmmon Colrncil of the City of Uuskego, WaUke8he County, Wisconsin, do ordain as follm: SECTION I. Chapter 7.0:L of the Traffic Code of the Municipal Code of the City of Huskego, Waukesb County, Wisconsin, ie hereby amended by adopting and adding threto Chapter 350, Wisconsin Statutes, relating to Snmmolbiles, by reference. SECTION XI, All ordinalnces or parts of ordinance8 hconafstent with .or contravening the pravioions of this ordinance are hereby repea led. SECTION 111. his ordknance shall be in force and take effect upon pasrage and publication. Dsted this 27th day of ?ebruary * 1968. Jerome J. Cottfried, Mayor '! AReST: City Clerk ORDINANCE #93 AN OKIINANCE TO AMEND THE TRAFFIC CODE OF THE MUI\IICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Muskego, Waukesha a County, Wisconsin, do ordai;l as follows: SECTION I. Chapter 7.191 of the Traffic Code of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego, Weukesha County, Wisconsin, is hereby amended to include the following: 350.01 350.02 350.03 350.04 350.05 350.06 350.07 350.08 350.09 350.10 Definitions - Snowmobiles Crossing Highways Operation of Snowmobiles Snowmobile Races and Derbies Persons Under 12 Operating a Snowmobile Firearms and Bow on Snowmobiles Driving Came Prohibited Owner Permitting Operation Head Lamps and Tail Lamps Miscellaneous Provisions for Snowmobile Operation SECTION 11. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 111. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect upon passage and publication. Dated this .*. day of t / c,/,- , 1968. e ATTEST: City Clerk - je 2/68 i