ORD1967084OF!DINANCE #84 ANNEXATION (Town of Vernon to City of Muskego) WHEREAS it appears that a proper petition for direct annexation has been filed, @ nd the requirements of Section 66.021 Wisconsin Stats. have been complied with, and recommendation having been made by the Plan Commission and State Dir- ector of the Planning Function in the Department of Resource Development; SECTION I: The following described area is hereby annexed to the City of Muskego, and to the Fifth (5th) Ward thereto: All that part of the East One-half of Section 13, Town 5 North, Range 19 East, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Section 13, said point being North 89O 50' East of and 932.79 feet dis- Beginning at a point on the North Line of the Northeast one-quarter of tant from the North One-quarter Corner of said section; thence due South, parallel to the North One-quarter Line of Section 13, 373.86 feet; thence South 44O 42' West, 142.00 feet; thence South 64O 04' West, 124.45 feet; thence South 89O 50' West, parallel to the aforementioned North line, 177.02 feet; thence due South,, parallel to the aforementioned North One-quarter line, 236.72 feet;, thence South 75' 43' West, 228.55 feet;thence One-quarter line of Section 111; thence due South, along said North One- South 89O 45' West, 322.53 feet to a point on the aforementioned North quarter line, 1816.6 feet to the center of Section 13; thence Easterly along the East One-quarter line of Section 13, 829.41 ft.; thence Southerly parallel- the East line of the Southeast One-quarter of Section 13, 828.12 feet Easterly of the South One-quarter Corner of Section 13, said 2652.38 feet to a point on the South Line of Section 13, said point being point also being on the North Line of the Electric Company property; of the right-of-way of State Trunk Highway 24; thence North-easterly thence Easterly along the said South Line of Section 13 to the centerline along said centerline to the East Line of Section 13; thence Northerly along said East Line to the East One-quarter Corner of Section 13; thence Northerly along the East Line of the Northeast One-quarter of Section U, 2645.42 feet to the Northeast Corner of Section 13, thence South 89O 50' West along the North Line of the Northeast One-quarter of Section 13, 1726.07 feet to the place of beginning. e L [a SECTION 11: Said area is hereby temporarily classified asAgriculturaboning until the Zoning Ordinance is amended as prescribed in Section 62.23 (7) (d) Wisconsin Stats. SECTION 111: This ordinance shall take effect on passage and publication. DATED this 12th day of December 1967. Aldermen voting l'Aye" 6 Aldermen voting "Nay" 0 \ ATTEST : City Cle 11/67