ORD1967075Fi ,
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Muskego, Waukesha
County, Wisconsin, do ordain as follows:
SECTION I: Section 6.03 (1) of the Zoning Ordinance of the City
of Muskego is hereby amended by adding thereto paragraph C., as follows;
C. Gasoline Service Stations. In the case of requests for a
conditional grant for a gasoline service station in B-1 or
B-2 or B-3 District and in the case of a request for approval
of the Plan Commission of building, site and operational plans of
a gasoline service station in a B-4 District, such grant or
approval are subject to the express condition that no such
station shall be located, built, constructed, maintained, or
(1) Within 500 feet of any public building or within the same
distance of any public theatre or park.
(2) Within 500 feet of any other automobile service station
unless the Plan Commission determines, upon examining the
plan and specific:stions of the size and layout of the
proposed station submitted by the prospective operator and
upon examining a report of the..City Engineer as to the
effect of such a station upon present traffic conditions,
that the proposed station will not result in a traffic,
fire, health, or safety hazard, that such a station will
not be offensive or a nuisance to the surrounding neigh-
borhoo. by reason of its uhvsical. social or economic
(3) So that the boundry line of any driveway connecting such
station with any street is nearer than 150 feet from an
intersection unless the Plan Commission determines, upon
examining the plan and specifications of the size and lay-
out of the proposed station submitted by the prospective
operator and upon examining a report of the City Engineer
as to the effect of such a station upon present traffic
conditions, that the location and access driveways of the
proposed station will not result in a traffic or safety
hazard nor unduly interfere with the orderly and expeditious
flow and control of traffic at such intersection, in which
case the Plan Commission may reduce said 150-foot requirement
but may not reduce such requirement below 100 feet and in
any case within the visual setback line.
SECTION 11. All ordinanc:es inconsistent with or contravening
with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed.
m SECTION 111: This ordinance shall take effect upon passage and
0 PASSED AND ADOPTED this - /O day of 3 1967.
City Clerk
0 The Mayor and Common Council of
Wisconsin, do ordain as follows:
e SECTION I: Section 6.03 (
the City of Muskego, Waukesha County,
1) of the Zoning Ordinance of the City
of Muskego is hereby amended by adding thereto paragraph C., as follows:
C. Gasoline Service Stations. In the case of requests for a
conditional grant for a gasoline service station in B-1 or B-2
or B-3 District and in the case of a request for approval of the
Plan Commission of building, site and operational plans of a
gasoline service station in a B-4 District, such grant or approval
are subject to the express condition that no such station shall
be located, built, constructed, maintained, or operated:
(1) Within 500 feet of any public building or within the same
distance of any public theatre or park .
(2) On any lot where 2f3 of the buildings within a radius of 400
feet of any point on the lot line are used exclusively for
residence purposes without the written consent of a majority
of the ownerships of all the buildings (irrespective of the
purpose for which used) within such radius of any point on
the lot line.
(3) Within 500 feet of any other automobile service station unless
the Plan Commission determines, upon examining the plan and
specifications of the size and layout of the proposed station
submitted by the prospective operator and upon examining a
report of the City Engineer as to the effect of such a station
upon present traffic conditions, that the proposed station
will not result in a traffic, fire, health, or safety hazard,
that such a station will not be offensive or a nuisance to
the surrounding neighborhood by reason of its physical, social
or economic effects, and the presentation of a market study
showing economic feasibility.
(4) So that the boundry line of any driveway connecting such
station with any street is nearer than 200 feet from the
center line unless the Plan Commission determines, upon ex-
amining the plan and specifications of the size and layout of
the proposed station submitted by the prospective operator
and upon examining a report of the City Engineer as to the
effect of such a station upon present traffic conditions,
that the location and access driveways of the proposed station
will not result in a traffic or safety hazard nor unduly
interfere with the orderly and expeditious flow and control
of traffic at such intersection, in which case the Plan Comm-
ission may reduce said 200-foot requirement but may not re-
duce such requirement below 100 feet and in any case within
the visual setback line.
SECTION 11. All 0rdinanc:es inconsistent with or contravening
with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed.
SECTION 111: This ordinance shall take effect upon passage
and publication.
PASSED AND AWPTED this - day of Y 1967.
City Clerk