ORD1967068ORDINANCE 868 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING OR31NANCE #55 ENTITLED, AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING PERSONNEL AND ESTABLISHING AND REGULATING THE SAURIES AND OTHER COMPENSATIONS OF ELECTED AND APPOINTED OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 4 The Mayor and Comon Council of the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, do ordain as follows: That part of Section L of Ordinance 855, which is entitled. "Police Department", is hereby amended to read as follows: POLICE DEPARTMENT Chief of Police $10,000.00 per annum with annual merit increases not to exceed $500.00 until q, yearly salary of $12,000.00 is reached. Police Sergeants (3)-Grade &(Starting Salary) $8,600.00 per annum Grade 3(After 1 yr in rank) 9,000.00 11 Grade 2(After 2 yrs I' I' ) 9,400.00 " II Grade l(After 3 yrs I' ") 9,800.00 I' I1 Patrolmen (7) Grade 5(Starting Salary) 7,200.00 I1 Grade 4(After 1 yr service) 7,550.00 " It Grade 3(After 2 yrs I' ) 7,900.00 'I I1 Grade 2(After 3 yrs ) 8,250.00 It I1 Grade l(After 4 yrs 'I ) 8,600.00 'I I1 4 Constable (See Elected Offici-als) Auxiliary Police $ 1.60 per hour Water Police Muskego Lake Lake Denoon Bass Bay 550.00 per season 175.00 per season 550.00 per season Police officers other than the constable, auxiliary police and water police shall work a 40 hour week. Sections IV, V, VI1 and VI11 of this ordinance shall apply to police officers other than the constable, auxiliary police and water police; Section 111 shall not so apply. Police officers other than the constable, auxiliary police and water police shall be paid semi-monthly on the 1st and 15th day of each month . All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed and this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage and publication. Passed and adopted this f day of fl UCqax 1967. - ATTEST: OIL7 .