ORD1967065ORDINANCE 865 (As Amended) AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A MUSKEG0 BUILDING CODE AS PART OF A GENERAL CODE OF ORDINANCES 0 The Mayor and Common Council do ordain as follows: SECTION I: Pursuant to Sec. 66.035 Wisconsin Statutes, the Muskego Building Co d f: as published in book or pamphlet form, and a copy of which has been on file in the office of the City Clerk for more than two weeks prior hereto, is hereby adopted. SECTION 11: A copy thereof shall be permanently on file and subject to public inspection in the office of the City @ Clerk. SECTION 111: All ordhances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the said Musk:ego Building Code are hereby re- pealed. SECTION IV: This ordi.nance and the Muskego Building Code referred to herein shall be. in force and effect after the publication of this ordinan.ce. SECTION V: The Municipal Building Code shall be known as the Muskego Building Code. ATTEST: ORDINANCE 865 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A MUSKEG0 BUILDING CODE AS PART 01’ A GENERAL CODE OF ORDINANCES The Mayor and Common Council do ordain 2s follows: SECTION I: Pursuant to Sec. 66.035 Wisconsin Statutes, the Muskego Building Code as published in book or pamphlet form, and a copy of which has been on file in the office of the City Clerk for more than two weeks prior hereto, is hereby adopted. SECTION 11: A copy thereof shall be permanently on file and subject to public inspection in the office of the City Clerk. SECTION 111: All ordi-nances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the said Muskego Building Code are hereby repealed. SECTION IV: This ordi.nance and the Muskego Building Code referred to herein shall be. in force and effect after the publication of this ordinar.ce. PASSED-AND..ADOPTED THIS 25th day of July 9 1967 ATTEST: