ORD1967060ORDINANCE # 60 AN 0RDINANC:E REPEALING AND RECREATING AN ORDINANCE ElNTITLED, PLUMBING CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUYCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA a COUNTY, WISCONSIN, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1.0 INTRODUCTION Section 1.1 PURPOSE - T:his ordinance is enacted for the purpose of creating plumbing, sewer installation and drain laying regulations for the protection of health, safety and welfare of the community a Section 1.2 INTENTION - It is the general intent of this Ordinance to provide for issuance of phnbing, sewer installation and drain lay- ing permits and the inspection of work and to require the correct construction, installation, alteration and repair of all equipment and materials connected with water, drainage and disposal systems. Section 1.3 INTERPRETATION - - In their interpretation and applic- ation, the provisions of this Ordinance shall be held to be minimum requirements and shall be liberally construed in favor of the City. Section 1.4 GREATER RES'TRICTIONS - It is not intended by this Ordinance to Repeal , abrogate, annul , impair, or interfere with any existing covenants, agreements, rules, regulations or permits pre- viously adopted or issued pursuant to laws. However, where ever this Ordinance imposes greater restrictions, the provisions of this Ord- inance shall govern. Section 1.5 SEVERABILITY - If any section or part thereof of this ordinance is adjudged unconstitutional or invalid by a court OF competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected thereby. Section 1.6 REPEAL - All other ordinances or parts of ordinances of the City inconsistent with this Ordinance, to the extent of the inconsistency only are hereby repealed. Section 1.7 TITLE - This ordinance shall be known as, referred to or cited as the "PLUMBING CODE, CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN." 'a Section 1.8 EFFECTIVE DATE - This Ordinance shall be effective after adoption by the Common Council of the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin and posting as provided by law. - Section 2.0 DEFINITIONS - PLUMBING FOR THE PURPOSE OF THIS ORDINANCE IS HEREBY DEFINED AS FOLLOWS: A. As is stated in Section 145.01 of the Wisconsin Statutes and 62.02 of the State Plumbing Code. e B. The construction, connection to or alteration of any drain, soil or waste pipe to carry domestic sewage, storm water or industrial waste from a point three feet outside of the foundation walls of any building to the sewer lateral at the curb or other disposal terminal including the private sewage disposal or treatment plant. This definition does not include minor repairs to faucets and the removal of stoppages in soil or waste pipes. 'b Section 3.0 PERMIT FEEIi Section 3.1 MINIMUM FEC - The minimum fee for a permit.shal1 be Three Dollars ($3.00). Where additional permits by the same licensee on the same job are necessary, the minimum does not apply. Section 3.2 SCHEDULE - THE SCHEDULE OF PERMIT FEES IS AS A. Septic Tank... .$ 5.00 B. Leach Bed and Leach Bed Extensions.......Each 5.00 C. Well ............................................... 5.00 D. Water Pump ......................................... 5.00 E. Water Safety Device:;.............................. 1.00 e FOLLOWS : .................................... F. Street Openings.... ................................ 50.00 (A deposit of $50.00 is required. All monies not required for resurfacing street openings shall be returned upon certif- ication from the Building Inspector that the street has been repaired satisfactorily.) G. Public Sewer, connection from the public sexer to the structure.........................Each 10.00 H. Fixtures......... ........................ Each 2.00 I. Floor Drain Installation.................Each 1.00 J. Hot Water Heater ......................... Each 3.00 Section 3.3 DOUBLE FEE:i - Double fees shall be charged if work is started before permit is applied for and issued. Section 3.4 1NSPECTION:i - Each inspection after the first that is necessary to enforce ordered corrections shall cost the permit holder Three Dollars ($3.00) each. Section 3.5 - MUNICIPAL PROJECTS - Fees are hereby waived. Section 4.0 - GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 4.1 COMPLIANCE - No water, drainage or disposal system shall be installed, altered, repaired, relocated, reconstructed, extended, converted or enlarged without a permit and in conformity with the provisions of this IOrdinance, the Wisconsin State Plumbing Code and the Wisconsin State Board of Health. I a STATE CODE - The provis.ions and regulations of the Wisconsin State Plumbing Code adopted 'by the State Board of Health of Wisconsin are hereby made a part of this Ordinance by reference, and shall extend over and govern the installation of all plumbing installed, altered or repaired in the City of Muskego, County of Waukesha, Wisconsin. I I 1 I I Section 4.2 DUTIES - It shall be the duty of the Plumbing I Inspector to enforce the provisions of this Ordinance and: 'e ~ RECORD all permits issued, inspections made, work approved and other official duties. INSPECT all existing and new water, drainage and disposal systems periodically and all new work shall be given a final inspection before it is closed. - TEST all new water, drainage and disposal systems upon completion of the work in accordance with standard testing methods. REPORT all connections to the public sewer system to the City Clerk. BUILDING INSPECTOR is hereby designated the Plumbing Inspector until a Plumbing Inspector is appointed by the City Council. Section 4.3 POWERS - The Plumbing Inspector shall have the following powers: ACCESS to any public 01: private structure or premises during the hours between 8:OO o'clock A.M. to 8:OO o'clock P.M. for the @ purpose of performing his duties. PROHIBIT the use of any water, drainage or disposal system until he has inspected, tested and approved the installation, alteration or repair. ORDER any person, firm or corporation, owning, using, operating or installing a water, drainage or disposal system to repair it or place it in a safe or healthy condition if he finds it to be in a defective, unsafe or unhealthy condition. Section 4.4 MATERIALS All pipe, fixtures or appurtenances removed from an old structure, if in good condition, may be reused if they meet the requirements of this Ordinance and the owner of the structure in which they are to be installed gives his written consent to the Plumbing Inspector. However, any defective pipe, fixtures or appurtenances which do not meet the requirements of this Ordinance or which have been condemned by the Plumbing Inspector shall be removed from the system and not used again. Section 4.5 CITY SERVICES - - No water, drainage or disposal service shall be provided tc~ any use, structure or lands lying out- side the corporate limits of the City. No person, firm or corpora- tion shall connect to any public system while unassessed or delinquent in the payment of any tax or installment thereof. Section 4.6 PRIVATE SllSTEMS - No private water supply or disposal system such as wells, privies, septic tanks, cesspools, absorption beds or ponds shall be constructed, repaired or rebuilt without written authorization by the plumbing inspector. Section 4.7 VIOLATIONS - It shall be unlawful to install, use, alter, repair, obstruct or j:njure any water disposal, or drainage system in violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance. In case of any violation, the City Council, the City Attorney, the Building Inspector or any property owner who would be specifically damaged by such violation, may institute appropriate action or pro- @ ceedings to enjoin a violation of this Ordinance, Section 4.8 PENALTIES - Any person, firm or corporation who fails to comply with the provisions of this Ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit not less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) , nor more than Five Hundred Ilollars ($500.00) and the costs of prose- cution for each violation, and in default of payment of such for- feiture and costs, shall be imprisoned in the County Jail until payment thereof, but not exceeding thirty (30) days. Each day a violation exists or continues shall constitute a separate offense. e Section 4.9 APPEALS - Any person aggrieved by an order, decision, determination or revocation of the Plumbing Inspector or aggrieved by any provision of this Ordinance may appeal to the Common Council with ten (10) days. Section 5.0 LICENSES, BONDS AND PERMITS Section 5.1 REQUIRED .- No person, firm or corporation shall alter, install or rebuild for others (minor routine repairs as pro- vided in Sec. 6.2 excepted) any water, drainage or disposal system for any purpose whatsoever :in the City of Muskego, without first having obtained a State Masters License and filed a bond with the Plumbing Inspector prior to issuance of a permit. e Section 5.2 BONDS - The bond required by this Ordinance shall be as follows: Filed with the Plumbing Inspector prior to issuance of any Amount of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) and certificate permit. of insurance. Conditioned that the applicant will faithfully perform all work with due care and skill in accordance with all the provisions of this Ordinance. State that the person, firm or corporation will indemnify the City of Muskego and save it harmless against all damages, cost, judgements, charges, and claims of every nature and kind arising out a of the performance of such work. - - Effective for a period of at least one (1) year and the obliga- tion of such bond .shall remain in full force and effect after the date of expiration for any work for which a permit was granted prior to expiration. Insurance - As a condition of approval of this Bond by the City of Muskego the principal shall furnish satisfactory evidence in the form of certificates, that the principal carries public liability insurance in a sol.vent insurance company licensed to do business in the State of Wisconsin, in the sum of at least One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1.00,000.00) for injury to one person, and Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) for one accident. Section 5.3 - EXCEPTIONS - The following persons, firms or corporations are not require; to file a bond with the Plumbing Inspector: Home Owner may persona1,ly install materials or fixtures in a single family dwelling owned and occupied or to be occupied by him as a permanent residence. However, he must comply with all the other provisions of this ordinance as to permits, fees, installa- tion, materials, inspections, tests, approvals, etc. Municipal Utilities imtalling, repairing, altering, or operating water, drainage os disposal systems. Manufacturers of material or fixtures for their testing equip- 0 ment. Death or Disability of a licensee. The employer shall within six (6) months thereafter employ a qualified licensee. Section 6.0 PERMITS Section 6.1 APPLICATION - Application for permits shall be made in writing to the Plumbikg Inspector by any person holding a master license, firm or corpclration desiring to install, alter or repair any water, drainage 01: disposal system on a form prepared and furnished by the Plumbing Inspector. In no case shall any work emergency. be performed unless a permit has been first obtained, except in an e Description - The application shall contain: 1. A clear description of the work planned, the alterations or repairs to be made, and the equipment and materials to be used, including any plans and specifications for such installation. Any later deviations from such description, plans or specifications must be submitted to and approved by the Plumbing Inspector. 2. The renults of any required percolation tests, which must be made in the manner and by the persons prescribed in this Ordinance. 3. An accurate plot plan or plat of survey of the lot upon which the plumbing is to be installed, drawn to a reasonable scale, properly dimensioned, and showing: a (A) The size, plan and location of any proposed or existing structures on the llot, including any building or buildings, and of any existing or proposed system of sewage treatment or disposal. (B) The location in feet of the water well on the lot and of wells and septic systems on adjoining lots. (C) The location in feet of any private system of sewage treatment or disposal which is within 20 feet of the lot. (D) The slope or slope:; of the land surface of the lot in feet per 100 feet or per cent of slope. (E) The location of all percolation test holes and the re- sults of the test at each hole, including the rate in minutes for the water to fall one inch, plus any necessary data from borings. (F) If a building is to be erected, or structually altered on the lot, then any additional data required by the City of Muskego Zoning Ordinance. Permits shall be granted or denied in writing by the Plumbing Inspector within fifteen (15:) days. The permit shall expire within one (1) year. Conflict - Any permit i:ssued in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance shall be null and void. Section 6.2 EXCEPTIONS - No permit shall be required for the following: Minor Repairs or alterations authorized in writing by the Plumbing Inspector, or minor repairs to faucets, valves, pipes, appliances and removing of stoppages. -6- Manufacturers of materials or fixtures for their testing equipment . Emergency Work - In an emergency, the person, firm, or corpora- , tion doing or causing such work to be done shall report the same to the Plumbing Inspector immediately after beginning work and such work shall be done in accordance with all the provisions of this Ordinance. e Section 6.3 INSPECTIONS - Upon the completion of the installa- tion, alteration or repair c7 any water, drainage, or disposal system before it is to be hidden from view, it shall be the duty of the permit holder doing the same to notify the Plumbing Inspector and he shall inspect and test the installation within a reasonable time after such notice is received. If, upon inspection and test, it is found that such installation is fully in compliance with this Ordinance and does not constitute a hazard to life, health or property, he shall approve the same and authorize concealment of such systems for service. If the installation is incomplete or not strictly in accordance with this Ordinance, he shall issue orders to the person, firm, or corporation installing the same to remove all hazards and make the necessary changes or additions within 10 days. Concealment of work before inspection or failure to comply with the order of the Plumbing Inspector shall constitute an offense punishable in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance. Section 6.4 - FEES - The #cost of permit fees is provided for in Section 3.0. Section 6.5 THE HOLDER of the permit or his employees shall install all plumbing listed in the application. Section 6.6 THE PLUMBING INSPECTOR IS AUTHORIZED TO WITHHOLD APPROVAL OF AN APPLICATION FOR A PLUMBING PERMIT TO ANY PERSON WHO HAS NOT COMPLIED WITH A IAWFUL ORDER OF THE PLUMBING INSPECTOR. THE PERSON REFUSED SUCH A PEPNIT MAY APPEAL WITHIN TEN DAYS TO THE APPOINTIVE BODY OR OFFICER. Section 7.0 PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS Section 7.1 GENERAL - The following regulations shall govern sewage disposal treatment and municipal sewer connection and water the construction, installation, alteration and repair of private supply systems in the City of Muskego. Section 7.2 PERCOLATION TESTS - No permit to install any private system of sewage treatment or disposal shall be granted by the plumbing inspector unless the results of percolation tests indicate that the proposed system will be adequate for the purpose for which it is designed. Subsoil percolation test,s shall be made in the same area upon which and at the same elevation at which the soil absorption system (seepage bed or other) is to be installed, and shall be made in sufficient number to give a comprehensive test result, and the absorption of the soil shall ;~lso be tested at depths of three feet below final grade. -7- I The percolation tests shall be made by..a Registered Land Surveyor, Registered Engineer, Architect '66 County Sanitarian, whose qualifications have been approved by the Plumbing Inspector. If the percolation test results indicate soil conditions such that a time period of more than 60 minutes is required for water to fall other soil absorption instal.lations is to be installed, the Plumbing Inspector shall not approve a permit for a private sewage disposal system and no dwelling or st:ructure designed for human occupancy shall be erected on the premises and no building permit shall be issued therefor unless connection with a public sanitary sewerage system can be provided, or unless a suitable tank is connected to the effluent disposal system which will permit access for the purpose of pumping out the effluent and disposing of the same in the manner prescribed by applicable statutes, ordinances, regulations or other laws. @ one inch at the location and grade at which the seepage bed or Percolation tests shall. be conducted in the manner prescribed by Chapter H65 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code, except as herein stated otherwise, such chapter being herein incorporated by reference, and the bottom area shall be based upon the results of these tests . 7.3 SEPTIC TANKS - The minimum distance that a septic tank shall 0 be from any building is, five (5) feet. Septic tanks shall be no less than ten (10) feet from any dwelling The building sewer from inside of the building to the septic ' tank shall be of cast iron pipe with leaded joints that are well calked, or Type L copper tubing. All household waste shall be piped or pumped to the septic tank, this includes all flow drainage. Footing or foundation drains shall be collected in. an independent system and discharged or pqed on the ground surface in a storm sewer or in a system that cannot be discharged into a sanitary sewer and that is NOT connected to the one serving the septic tank. The minimum capacity of a State Approved Septic Tank shall be 1000 gallons of water below its outlet. The minimum distance be- tween the tank inlet and tank outlet shall be five (5) feet. In addition to the sept.ic tank manhole, a 4-inch diameter cleanout shall be installed on a cast iron riser, with leaded joint, directly over the center of the tank inlet baffle and extended to the grade. This cleanout shall be of the same materials and design as the building sewer cleanout. When desired, in writing, by the owner of a private home, this cleanout may be just under the sod if it is plainly marked or otherwise made easy to locate. 7.4 SEEPAGE SYSTEM INSTALLATION (a) The minimum amount of bottom area shall be 600 sq. ft. (b) The excavated area shall be covered with crushed stone not less than 314 inch in diameter and to a depth of one foot. This stone shall be graded with a uniform grade-of no:t more than two inches in 100 feet. The seepage tiling shall. be laid over the -8- stone and covered with a minimum of 6" of similar stone. The ex- cavated area shall be cover'ed with 15-lb. tarred felt or equal. All systems shall be properly v'ented with 4" cast iron pipe to 12 inches above grade with a State approved cover. An inspection must be made before backfilling. I@ (c) The seepage tile :shall be of size and type approved by the Plumbing Inspector. I (d) The minimum trench width shall be 24" at the bottom. Tiling in beds over 36" sha:Ll be placed under direction of the plumbing inspector but in no case shall exceed 6 ft. on center. (e) No single line of seepage tile shall be more than 100 ft. long without a distribution box and shall not be less than 24 inches in diameter or if of a different shape 340 sq. inches. The box shall have no bottom. The box shall be located at or near the grade and plainly marked or otherwise made easy to locate. (f) At no time shall the see age area be closer than 25 feet from a dwelling, 50 feet from well, 10 feet from any building, 5 feet from a lot line or 5 feet from any proposed road as designated by the highway width map. g 0 (9) Seepage areas may not be installed until the lot has been graded to within six inches of final grade. 8 .O PUMP INSTALLATION All wells and water pumps shall be installed in compliance with the Wisconsin Well Construction and Pump Installation Code of April 10, 1953, and any future amendments to this Code. This Code is hereby made a part of this Ordinance by reference. All well adaptors must be approved by the Plumbing Inspector who shall have the right to require the same to be tested in his presence. Well adaptors mus,t be waterproofed. Section 9 .O STREET 0PE:NINGS A. In opening any stree.t or other public way, all materials for paving or ballasting shall be removed with the least possible injury or loss and together with the excavated material from the trenches?%all be placed where the least practicable inconvenience to the public will be caused,, and admit of free passage of water along the gutters. B. All openings made in the public streets or alleys in accordance with permission given pursuant hereto shall be enclosed with sufficient barriers, and red lamps shall be maintained upon the same at night and all other necessary precautions shall be taken to guard the public against accid- ents from the beginning to the completion of the work. Sewers and drains may be laid only on condition that the excavator or plumber is bonded as hereinbefore mentioned for all damages that may result from his neglect of necessary pre- caution against all accidents to persons or property of others . -9- C. In opening a trench on any street or lot, the sidewalk materials, sand, gravel and earth, or whatever material is removed or penetrated, must be replaced in precisely the same condition and relation to the remainder as it was before. All rubbish must be removed at once, leaving the street, or sidewalk in perfect repair and must be so maintained for a period of one year thereafter. All gas, water and electric lines or conduits must be protected from injury or settling in a manner approved by the Plumbing Inspec tor. 0 a D. When any excavation is made in a permanently paved road or street or in any road or street which is to be permanently paved, all clay or 'hard pan must be removed and the exca- vation entirely bac'k-filled with sand or gravel. thoroughly wet and compacted. Any tunnel dug in such road or street shall be back-filled with concrete in a manner approved by the City Engineer. Section 9.2 MATERIALS - All sewer laterals shall ._ be constructed with extra heavy cast iron or gla d clav .tile with st te Yo cast Iron sewer p pe s 2 Yzffved joints. be laid in ground containing cinders or a soil corrosive to the pipe. Wisconsin State Plumbing Cod,. and shall not be less than four (4) inches in diameter. No one ishall lay or connect with any public sewer system a pipe or tile that is cracked, damaged, inferior or defective in any way or part. The size of the pipe shall b82 determined by referring to the All building drains sha:Ll be constructed of not lighter than service weight cast iron soi:L pipe or approved clay tile. SectionCO. All ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed and this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Muskego this /? day of Fehrt,La.r7 , 199. Mayor ATTEST: