ORD1966055ORDINANCE # 55 AS AMENDED - AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING PERSONNEL AND ESTABLISHING AND REGULATING THE EMPLOYES OF THE CITY OF MUSKEG0 SALARIES AND OTHER COMPENSATIOliS OF ELECTED AND APPOINTED OFFICERS AND b The Common Council of the City of Muskego do ordain as follows: SECTION I be and they are hereby established and fixed, commencing January 1, 1967, statutory requirements, as fol:.ows: unless specifically stated otherwise and until changed pursuant to The salaries of the officers and employes of the City of Muskego ELECTED OFFICIALS Mayor Aldermen 1 $400.0(1 per month 7 $lOO.O(l per month Clerk-Comptroller 1 $541.00 per month Treasurer $562.5(1 per month 1 $208.33 per month Assessor 1 $333.3:; per month $229.168 per month $650.00 per month Constable Municipal Justice 1 $lOO.OCl per month 1 $ 1.7:s per hr. $4,800.00 per yr. $1,200.00 per yr. (Jan 1-Apr 30th) (after May 1) (Jan 1-Apr 30th) $6,750.00 per yr. (after May 1) $2,749.92 per yr. (Jan 1-Apr 30th) (after May 1) 1967 $7,800.00 per yr. $1,200.00 per yr. HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT EMPLOYES Highway Sup't . $698.75, per month Equipment Operators $ 3 .O(I per hour With Experience Beginning Salary Without Experience $ 2.7C1 per hour $ 2.8:~ per hour INSPECTION DEPARTMENT Building Inspector 1 S65O.OC per month Ass't. Bldg. Insp. 1 $150.00 per week (part-time) CITY HALL Deputy City Clerk $375.0C per month Clerk Stenographer I) $265.42 per month Clerk Stenographer Custodian (City 11) $333.3: per month Hall) 1 S13O.OC per month e Election Officials Inspectors 21 $ 18.OC per election Weed Commissioner $200.0C per season HUMANE OFFICER 1 $ 3.00 per call $ 3.00 per destruction $ 1.00 per day of confinement -CROSSING GUARDS 3 $ 60.00 per month CIVILIAN DEFENSE DIRECTOR 1 $400.00 per year LIBRARY Head Librarian 1 $303.33 per month Ass't. Librarian 1 $ 3.00 per hour $8,385.00 per yr. $7,800.00 per yr. $4,500.00 per yr. $3,185.04 per yr. $3,999.96 per yr. $1,560.00 per yr. $3,639.96 per yr. Summer Librarian 1 $150.00 per season Pages Clerical-Typist $ .90 per hour I $ 1.70 per hour Clerical-Typist I1 $ 2.00 per hour Page 2 PARK € RECREATION Director - Summer $1,400.00 per season Director - Winter Secretary $ 612.00 per season Playground Director $ 75.00 per week - 1st Playground Director $ 80.00 per week - 2nd Playground Director .$ 85.00 per week - 3rd Playground Director $ 90.00 per week - 4th 'e' Playground Ass 't. - HighscholJl Student Playground Ass't. - HighschoIJl Student $ 1.50 per hour r Playground Ass't. - College :Student Playground Ass't. - College :Student Playground Ass't. - College :Student Playground Ass't. - College :Student Game Officials $ 10.00 per night Men's Even. Rec. Inst. Sat. A.M. Rec. Inst. 10.00 per night Women's Even. Rec. Inst. 15.00 per night 16.00 per session Band Master 15.00 per session Yr. Yr. Yr. Yr. $1.25 per hr. -1st yr. $1.50 per hr. -1st yr. $1.40 per hr. -2nd yr. $1.60 per hr. -2nd yr. $1.70 per hr. -3rd yr. $1.80 per hr. -4th yr. POLICE DEPARTMENT Constable (See Elected Officials) Auxiliary Police $ 1.60 per hr. Water Police Muskego Lake Ss50.0lI per season Lake Denoon 175.013 per season Bass Bay 550.011 per season SECTION I1 The following officers and employes shall be paid a car allowance as hereinafter provided: Mayor Aldermen $300.011 per annum Assessor $300.01) per annum $600 .Oil per annum Bldg. Inspector $600.00 per annum SECTION I11 Pay Period The salary rates outlined above are to be paid monthly with the except- ion of the Highway Dept., employes and Park and Recreation who are paid semi-monthly, the Weed Commissioner who shall be paid annually upon the completion of his duties as outlined by Wisconsin Statutes, the Civil Defense Director who will be paid quarterly and Water Patrolmen who will be paid one-half of their salary July 1 and the other one-half on October 1. SECTION IV - Sick Leave and Vacations All full time employes shall be entitled to accu?rulate one day of sick leave to be used under -,:he following provisions - for each calendar month of continuous service up to a maximum total of 108 hours per year. Sick leave accrued, but not used in any year shall be accumulated from year to year up to a maximum total of 540 hours. Such employes shall be paid sick leave after the third day of illness related back to the first day of illness, provided he presents a doctor's certificate coverin): the entire period of illness. Illness lasting less than three days shall not entitle the employee to sick leave '* Eacg" of the City shall be entitled to annual paid vacation periods as follows: One week after 12 months of continuous employment. Two weeks after 5 years of continuous employment. Three weeks after 10 years of continuous employment. Page 3 Said vacations cannot be taken concurrently during the last two weeks of December and the first twc weeks in January. Previous employment by the Town, of Muskego shall be included in computing continuous service. SECTION V The City of Muskego shall pay one-half of the cost of a hospitalization SECTION VI RETIREMENT - Mandatory retirement for employees and non-elected officers October 1 following date of E5th birthday. is required at age 65, such r,etirement to become effective April 1 or SECTION VI1 PAID HOLIDAYS - All full-time: employees of the City shall receive the following paid holidays: 0 Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day E New Year's Day SECTION VI11 receive two days off with pa)' upon the death of a spouse, child, parent DEATH IN FAMILY - All full-tj.me employees of the City of Muskego shall or mother or father-in-law. SECTION IX HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL - In addition to the benefits set forth above, all full-time highway employees will receive the following benefits: A guaranteed work week of 45 hours per week. The day after Thanksgiving will be considered a paid holiday. When called out on emergency they shall be paid for a minimum of 2 hours. All highway employes shall work nine hours per day, except Saturday and Double time shall be paid for hours worked on Xmas Day and New Year's Day. Sunday, from April 1 to November 30th, and eight hours per day, except Saturday and Sunday, and five hours on Saturday from December 1 to March 30th. SECTION X The salaries established by this ordinance are maximum salaries and apply to the employees occupying the respective positions herein set forth. In the event of a vacancy, the Finance Committee is authorized to start the replacement emp:.oyes at a salary lower than the maximum and thereafter to increase the salary as indicated by the replacement employee's experience, aptitude and performance. In no event shall the salary be increased beyond the maximum. SECTION XI All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed and this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and 0 after its passage and publications. COUNTERSIGNED: Clerk, City of Muskego ( J,erope J. Gottfrle,d, Mayor L'Cit$ of Muskego J