Section 1. No person except a sheriff, constable, police officer or their
deputies, shall fire or discharge any firearms, rifle, spring or air gun
of any description within the City of Muskego or have any firearm, rifle,
spring or air gun in his possession or under his control, unless it is
or other suitable container, provided that this section shall not prevent
unloaded and knocked down or unloaded and enclosed within a carrying case
gallery authorized by the Common Council, except as herein provided.
the maintenance and use of a licensed rifle or pistol range or shooting
persons over 14 years of age or under the direct personal supervision of
a parent or guardian.
(1) The firing or discharging of BB guns upon private premises by
(2) A 22 caliber rifle or pistol using rim-fired cartridges shall
not be fired or discharged within a distance of 1,000 feet of any building, , church, municipal or school grounds or Federal, State, County Highway
r City Street.
(3) The transporting, firins or discharging of shot guns is limited to:
Conservation Commission of the St3te of Wisconsin on land that is owned
or rented, or with the land owner's or renter's consent, or on unposted lands.
(a) The hunting seasons and regulations as provided by the
(b) Over open bodies of water provided that no shot shall be
caused to be propelled into an arsa of habitable buildings or building.
(c) Any person owning >r renting land in the City of Muskego who
raises crops from such land and operating same for farm purposes or any
person who is under his direct supervision and control, for the purpose of
destroying birds and animals doins damage to his crops or for the control
of rodents, but in no case no clo5er than 250 feet from any Federal, State,
County Highway or City Street or park, church, municipal or school grounds.
(d) hy person may on 'lis own property or with the consent of the
owner thereof use a shot gun for target practice providing he is more than
0,treet or park, church, municipal or school grounds or any other private
500 feet from any dwelling or any Federal, State, County Highway or City
(4) Gun salutes, using blan:< cartridges, as a special function at a
parade, program or funeral.
and skee't shooting and shooting galleries.
Section 2. Regulations for 1icen:;ed target shooting, archery range, trap
(1) License Required. No p:remises shall be used or permitted to be
a used as a shooting gallery, arche:-y range or place to practice target shooting or for trap or skeet shooting, without being licensed therefor
y the Common Council.
(2) License Fee. The license fee for commercial shooting galleries,
archery ranges and places for target, trap or skeet shooting shall be $10.00
per year, and the license shall expire on the last day of June after the
granting thereof, unless sooner revoked.
(3) License for Corporations, etc. No corporation, firm, associat- a. on or club shall be granted a license hereunder except to an agent thereof
lrst duly appointed by it who is, at the time of filing said application,
and who shall have had executed to him written delegation, full authority
an officer, manager or member thereof, a citizen of the United States,
and control of the premises described in his license and of the conduct
of all business and acts thereon, and who shall, with respect to his
qualifications be satisfactory to the Common Council. Such agent shall
be personally responsible for compliance with all the terms and provisions
of this section. If such appointed agent shall, during any license year,
Page 2
cease to be an officer, manager or member of any corporation, firm,
association or club on whose behalf said license was issued, a new license
shall be required and application therefor shall be forthwith made pursuant
to the terms and provisions of this section.
license hereunder unless he shalj-have been. at the time of fi1in.u of said
(4) Licenses for Individuais. No individual shall be granted a
application, a citizen of the Uni.ted States and have qualifications satis-
factory to and receive the approval of the Common Council.
Section 3. Application for License.
hereunder shall be made in writing and accompanied by the license fee.
Said application shall contain the following information.
(1) Application for a license for any premises required to be licensed
(a) Name of applicant - State whether a firm, association, corporation,
(b) Address of applicant.
(c) If applicant is an indlvidual, state age.
(d) If aoolicant is not an individual. state name and address of
club or individual.
all bificers.
(e) Location and description of premises sought to be licensed.
(f) Statement as to whethe]. said premises are owned or leased
bv aoolicant.
(g) Qualifications of applf-cant.
(h) Name of agent or applicant to whom license shall be issued.
(i) Furnish proof of appointment of agent.
(j) Qualifications of agent.
(2) No application shall be submitted to the Common Council unless
said application shall have been approved by the Licensing Committee and
the Building Inspector.
(3) No target, trap or skeet shooting shall be conducted between
10:30 P.M. and sunrise.
Section 4. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance
together with the cost of prosecution and in default of payment thereof,
shall upon conviction thereof forfeit a fine of not more than $50.00
by imprisionment in the Waukesha County Jail until such forfeiture and
costs are paid, but not exceeding 30 days.
* Pepealed and this ordinance sha1:L take effect from and after its passage
and publication.
Section 5. All ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby
Passed and adopted this 23rd - day of August, 1966. -