SECTION I. Permits required. 1. Before the demolition of any building
commences a permit must be obtained from the Building Inspector as pro-
vided in the Building Code of the City of Muskego. 2. Payment of fees
is waived on the following: Public owned buildings, buildings ordered
demolished through condemnation procedures and all farm out buildings of
less than 400 sq. ft.
SECTION 11. General Procedure for Wrecking Buildings. Whenever any
building or structure is wrecked or demolished hereafter in the Citv of
Muskego, the structural elements shall be taken down one story at a-time
beginning at the top. All structural parts of each story shall be lowered
after provided. No material shall be placed or allowed to fall in such
to the ground by means of approved equipment or devices except as herein-
manner as to overload any part of the structure which may be caused to
fall because of such manner as to overload any part of the structure which
may be caused to fall because of such practice.
SECTION 111. Dropping Materials: Chutes Required. Where a space on
the ground or on a floor is railed off and openings in boundary walls
closed, materials may be dropped into such space. In those cases where
may be waived by the Building Inspector. When a protected or enclosed
the building is located in an open area or farm yard, this requirement
space cannot be provided, material and debris shall be removed in fully
enclosed inclined chutes of wood or metal. Open chutes may be used to
The bottom of all chutes shall be equipped with a gate or stop for closing
lower dismantled falsework or lumber from a height not exceeding 30 feet.
and regulating the flow of materials.
SECTION IV. Protection of Public. All flying materials shall be suffi-
ciently dampened before and durzg removal to minimize floating or blowing
into street or adjoining property. All adjacent streets and sidewals
shall be protected by fences and scaffolds.
SECTION V. Sewer and FJater Connections. During demolition municipal
sewer pipes shall be protected to prevent entrance of sand, earth or
other foreign materials. Upon completion of demolition, the ends of all
underground sewer or drain pipes shall be securely stopped with water-
tight and durable material. The water supply system and house sewer shall
be abandoned inside the lot line by a licensed master plumber. All wells
shall be abandoned in accordance with the regulations of the State Board
of Health.
SECTION VI. Restoration of Site. All debris and rubbish and other mater-
of the demolition work, and the site graded to conform with the grade of
ials not used for fill shall beremoved from the premises on completion
the public may be erected for 30 days. If in the judgement of the Building
adjoining premises. A board fence not less than 4 feet high to safeguard
Inspector an undue hardship would be imposed upon the owner, an additional
30 day extension may be granted.
SECTION VII. Penalty. Any per:son who shall violate any of the provis-
than $10.00 nor more than $200.00 together with the costs of prosecution,
ions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit not less
be imprisoned in the Waukesha County Jail until said forfeiture and costs
and in default of payment of the forfeiture and costs of prosecution shall
are paid, but not exceeding 90 ,days. In addition to any other penalty
imposed hereunder,the building .inspector may revoke the building permit of
any person who fails to comply with any of the provisions of this ordinance.
Page -2-
SECTION VIII. Conflicting 0rdi.nances. All ordinances or parts
of ordinances heretofore enacted by the Common Council which are in
conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed.
SECTION IX. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance shall be
have passed the other provisions of this ordinance irrespective of whether
deemed severable and the Common Council expressly declares that it would
or not one or more provisions may be declared invalid.
SECTION X. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in
force from and after its passage and publication.
Dated this day of d4, , 1966
City P@-i”l.r-.J Clerk
m DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: - SECTCON I. Permits req.rlired. 1. Before the demolition of any
building commences a srmit must be obtained from the Buildinn -
Inspector as provided in the Building code^ of the City of Muskvego.
buildings ordered demolished through condemnation procedures and all
2. Payment of fees is waived on the followling; Public owned buildings,
farm out buildings of less than 400 sq. ft.
~ ~~ ~~~~
any building or structure is wecked or demolished hereafter in the
SECTION 11. General Procedure for WreckinR BuildinRs. Whenever
City of Muskego, the structural elements shall be taken down one
story at a time beginning at the top. All structural parts of each
story shall be lowered to .the ground by means of approved equipment
placed or allowed to fall in such manner as to overload any part of
or devices except as hereitmeter provided. No material shall be
the structure which may be caused to fall because of such practice.
on the ground or on + a loor :Is railed off and openings in boundary
walls closed, materials may be dropped into such space. When a pro-
be removed in full'' enclosed inclined chutes of wood or metal. Open
tected or enclosed space cannot be provided, material3ad debris shall
height not exceeding 30 feet The bottom of alllchutes shall be equipped
chutes may be used to lower dismantled falsework or lumber from a
with a gate or stop for c1os:lng and regulating the flow of materials.
SECTION 111. Dro in Materials: Chutes Required. Where a space
sufficiently dampened before and during removal to minimize floating
or blowing into the street o:? adjoining property. All adjacent streets
and sidewalks shall be protected by fences and scaffolds.
SECTION IV. Protection of Public. All flying materials shall be
pipes shall be protected to prevent entrance of sand. earth or other
SECTION V. Sewer and Wtiter Connections.; During demolition, sewer
foreign materials. Upon com]>letion of demolition, the ends of all under-
ground sewer or drain pipes shall be securely stopped with water-tight
and durable material. The water supply system and house sewer shall be .
abandoned inside the lot lin13 by a licensed master plumber. All wells
shall be abandoned in accordtrnce with the regulations of the State
Board of Health.
SECTION VI. Restoration of Site. All debris and rubbish and other
materials not used for fill shall be removed from the twemises on com-
pletion of the demolition wo~k, and the site graded to conform with the
grade of adjoining premises. A board fence not less than 4 feet high
ment of the Building Inspector an undue hardship would-be iiiiposed upon
to safeguard the public may be erected for 30 days. If in the judge-
the owner, an additional 30 day extension may be granted.
provisions of this ord nance shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit not SECTION VII. Penalt . Any person who shall violate any of the
less than $10.00 nor more than $200.00 together with the costs of
prosecution, and in default of payment of the forfeiture and costs of
prosecution shall be imprisoned in the Waukesha County Jail until said
forfeiture and costs are paid, but not exceeding 90 days. In addition
to any other penalty imposed hereunder, the building inspector may
revoke the building permit of any person who fails to comply with any
of the provisions of this ordinance.
Page 2.
SECTION VIII. Conflictin Ordinances. All ordinances or parts
of ordinances heretofore enacted 57"- 7 the Common Council which are in
confliect with this ordinance are hereby repealed.
shall be deemed severa le an the Common Council expressly declares
irremective of whether or not one or more provisions may be declared
SECTION IX. Severabilit The provisions of this ordinance 4 i) that it would have passed the other provisions of this ordinance
SECTION x. Effective Date, This ordinance shall take effect
and be in force from and after its passage and publication.
Dated this day of , 1966.