ORD1966027ORDINANCE No. 27 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SALARIES OF EMPLOYEES AND OFFICERS OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN The Common Council of the City of Muskego do ordain as follows: SECTION I The salaries of the officers and employees of the City of Muskego be and they are hereby established and fixed, commencing January 1, 1966, unless specifically stated otherwise and until changed pu.rsu.ant to statutory requirements, as follows: Hiphway Department Superintendent Equipment Operators Beginning Salary Elected Officials Mayor Aldermen Police Ju,stice Inspection Dept. Building Inspector Assistant 1 Assessment of Taxes Assessor City Clerk's Office & City Hall Maintenance Clerk-Treasurer Deputy Clerk Clerk Stenographer Custodian Election Officials Inspectors Weed Commissioner Humane Officer Crossing Guards Civil Defense Director Library Head Librarian Asst. Librarian Pages Clerical No. of Employees 1 7 7 1 1 (2 weeks Per Year) I I . 1 2 1 21 1 1 3 1 2 1 Wages $ 673.75 Per Mo. 2.48 Per Hr. 2.78 Per Hr. 4OO.OO Per Mo. 100.00 Per Mo. 100.00 Per Mo. 625.00 Per Mo. 125.00 Per Wk. 333.33 Per Mo. 541 L L .- Per Mo. 350.00 Per Mo. 318.33 Per Mo. 125.00 Per Mo. $15.00 Per Election $200.00 Per Season $3.00 Per call 3.00 Per destruction 1.00 Per day (confiqement) 55.00 Per Mo. 4OO.OO Per Yr. (Payable Qu.arterlgf 15.00 Per Evening or 3.00 Per Hr. for afternoon other work. 10.00 per Eve. or afternoon when in charge of Library 2.00 Per Hr. other work .85# Per Hr. 1.60 Per Hr. c Park & Recreation Director Part tj.me Park Custodian Part time Secretary Playground Directors Part tj.me Part tj.me Playground Directors Part time Playground Directors Part tj.me Playground Asslt. (H.S. Student) Playground Directors Part tl.me Playground Asstt.(H.S. Student) Playground Asst t. (College Stu- dent or Equivalent) Police Department Constable Au.xiliary Police Water Patrol Muskego Lake Lake DeNoon Bass Bay SECTION I1 1 1 $1300.00 Per Yr. 1 2500.00 Per Yr. 300.00 Per Yr. 1 65.00 Per Wk. (1st Yr.) 1 70.00 Per wk. (2nd Yr.) 1 75.00 Per Wk. (3rd Yr.) 1 80.00 Per Wk. (4th Yr.) 4 3 1 1.00 Per Hr. (1st Yr.) 1.10 Per Hr. (2nd Yr.) 1.20 Per Hr. (1st Yr.) 1.30 Per Hr. (2nd Yr.) 1.40 Per Hr. (3rd Yr.) 1.50 Per Hr. (4th Yr.) (Maximum) 1 3 2 1 1 1.75 Per Hr. 1.60 Per Hr. 500.00 Per Season 100.00 Per Season 500.00 Per Season The salary rates outlined above are to be $aid monthly with the exception of the Highway Department employees / who are paid semi-monthly and the Weed Commissioner who shall be paid annually upon the completion of his duties as outlined by Wisconsin Statutes and Civil Defense Dir- ector who will be paid quarterly. ' I- I -; '~., . ) - L. SECTION I11 and apply to the employees occupying the respective positions herein The salaries established by this ordinance are maximum salaries set forth. In the event of a vacancy, the Finance Committee is authoriz- and thereafter to increase the salary as indicated by the replacement ed to start the replacement employees at a salary lower than the maximum employeels experience, aptitude and performance. In no event shall the salary be increased beyond the maximum. SECTION IV hereby repealed and this ordintmce shall take effect and be in force All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are from and after its passage and publications. Passed and adopted thisALday of fl&& , 1965. Countersigned: LcLc* Clerk-Treasurer, City of Mu,skego