ORD1965028ORDINAXCE NO. 28 -
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Muskego, Waukesha "'6 County, Wisconsin, do ordain as follows:
<~ .- Section&) Culverts to be Installed. 0 La3 No driveways shall be constructed or maintained connecting
' with any skmi-improved street or alley unless a suitable -
culvert is first installed across the gutter of the semi-
improved street or alley where necessary for the public welfare
(b) No building permit shall be issued by theflilding %spector
until a culvert wit.h suitable endwslls hss been installed
However, if weather conditions are such thRt proper endwalls
in a manner approveld by the city highway superintendent.
cannot be constructed at the tSme the building permit is
issued, said. endwalls must be completed. before an occupancy
permit can be granted. (c, All specifications of culvert inst.alletions including
endwalls shall be obtained from the highway eu,perintendent
prior to installatlon. Such culverts shall be constructed
of corrugated steel pipe. The culverts shall have a diameter
of not lesr: than 12 inche?. T",c lc:?gi'* of the cu!verts shall
be no less th?? 20 feet, nor EO more than 35 feet. A11
culverts with a di:met.er up t,o and including 24 inches shall
bf of 16 gau,ge steel.
Construction of end pards of field stone, house brick, (dj foundation block, or the like, is prohibited.
wi.w-(2) Culverts - 3:risticg Driveways.
@) Where the public welfare requires a suitable culvert for
an existing driveway, theposrd of sblic works shall. notify,
ir? xritinz, the property @mer maintainice the driveway
across any gutter in any street or alle? that said installation
will have a culvert installed by the/tity st the expense of
shall be completed in 10 days or thexoard ofpublic works
the order of the,tmard ofzublic mrks within these 1@ days
the abutting prope:oty ovner. The property owner may appeal
otherwise such order shall become conclusive. -I-.
this 10 day period, the City -0 shall insta3.1 the
culvert acd assess the property owner accordingly.
(b] If the cost of the installat.ion is not paid to the City
sluch installation is not completed or an appeal filed
Clerk-Treasurer within 60 days, the ward of,publicksorks
shall certify the cost to the City Clerk-Trecsl~rer who shall
enter the same on the tax roll as special assesslnent seainst
the owner of the property, the same to be collected in all
respects as are the other City t.axes> -
e Sectton 3. All ordinances inconsistent with or contravening the
provisions of this ordinance are hereb:T repeale?..
Sect.ion 4. This ordicance shall take effect upon passage and
PASSED AND ADOPTED this =day of #&Ad, 1965