ORD1965022ORDINANCE No. 22 AN ORDINANCE 'I10 AMEND TEE CITY OF PIUSEEGO OFFICIAL ZONINa MAP OF TIIE The Mayor and Conrmon Council of the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, do ordain as follows: Section 1. The Zoning Ordinance for the City of Muskego having been adopted on Octorer 15, 1963, and the official zoning map having been adopted by that ordinance is hereby amended a8 followa: The following described land, to-wit: All that part of the East eight and one half acres more or less of the Northwest 1/4 ol' the Northwest one 1/4 of section 31 Waukesha Caunty, Wiacorlsln, described as follous, To-Wit: Township No. 5 North, Elange No. 20 East, in khe Town of Muskego, Commencing at the Northwest corner of the said 8-1/2 acme, more or lees distant Ertet 895.85 feet from the stone marking the Northwest corner of the1 said section. Thence East on north line of said 14 secticln 277.0 feet to the North 1/8th corner of the said 1 / 4 section: Thence South 1-05,-30 West 1297.0 feet to beginning, containing 8.2085 acres of land. is changed from Agricultural. to A-1. Seotion 2. All ordinances inconsistent with or contravening the provisions .of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordin6~nce.::shall take effect upon pasaage and publication. PASSED AM, APOPTED this: & day of Attest: