The Mayor and Comon Council of the City of Muskego,
Waukesha County, Wisconsin, dc, ordain as follows:
Section 1. PUBLIC POLICY It is hereby declared necessary in the
interest of public health, saf'ety and welfare that the keeping of
prevent them from becoming public nuisances.
dogs and other animals within the city be regulated in order to
Section 2. DOGS RUNNING AT UtRGE It shall be unlawful for the
owner or keeper of any dog to permit the same to run at large at
control of the owner or keeper of said dog. This section does not
any place within the City unless accompanied by and under the
prohibit the owner or keeper of a dog from allowing the dog to run
at large upon premises owned or occupied by the owner or keeper of
the dog.
0 five months of aEe shall annu;flly, at the time and in the mknner
Section 3. DOG LICENSE Ever;? owner or keeper of a dog more than
provided by the yaw, pay a doli license tax and obtain a license
therefor as required by the Wisconsin Statutes. The license fee
shall be $2.00 for a male dog and spayed female dog and $4.00 for
a female dog.
Section 4. DOG POUND
(a) Confinement of Dogs. It shall be the duty of the Police
Deoartment or any other officer appointed by the Council to appre-
heAd any dog running at large within the crty (except when the- dog
under the control of its owner or keeper) and confine the same in a
is on the premises of its owner or keeper, or is accompanied by and
suitable dog pound.
(b) Enforcement. The Council shall from time to time appoint
herein provided and such officer shall have the power and authority,
a qualified officer to apprehend and confine dogs in a pound as
have the power and authority to enforce this ordinance including
to apprehend and c grfine dogs as provided in this ordinance and shall
the right to commence actions.for the collection of any forfeiture
of the city. Such officer shall be paid such compensation as the
Council shall determine by resolutiol,.
(. imposed by this ordinance. Such action shall be brought in the name
shall keep all dogs apprehenced as hereinbefore provided for a period
(c) Disposition of Unchimed Dogs. The keeper of the pound
of seven days at the dbg pound (unless sooner claimed by the owner or
keeper) and if any dog is not; claimed by the rightful owner within
hending, keeping and care of the dog, or it may be destroyed in a
such time, the dog may be sold for the amount incurred in the appre-
proper and humane manner.
dog so confined mag reclaim !luch a dog at any time before the same
(d) OWNER or keeper to Pay Costs. The owner or keeper of any - is-disposed of as hereinbefore provided, and~upon payment of all
costs and charges incurred in the apprehension, keeping and care of
the dog. Such fees shall be $5.00 for the apprehension and care of
the dog, if such dog is rechimed within twenty-four (24) hours of
apprehension. If said dog i;3 reclaimed at any time after twenty-
day, such fee shall be $2.00 per day, plus any expenses for
(24) hours of apprehension, and up to and including the seventh
lations or other medica:l treatment of the dog.
Section 5. VICIOUS DOGS It 5,hall be unlawful to keep a vicious
dog within the city. A showing that a dog has bitten, attacked
or injured any person shall constitute a prima facie showing that 8 such dog is vicious.
Section 6. NUMBER OF DOGS LINITED It shall be unlawful to keep
more than two(2) dogs over the age of five (5) months upon any pre-
mises within any residential district within the city as hereinafter a defined, except in a dog pound established under this ordinance 5 The residential district is anv Dart of the Citv on which two\
or more residences are occu ied witLiL a distance of"one thousand
(1000) feet of each other.,&a kennel duly authorized by the City.>
Premises means all contiguous lands owned or occupied by the
same owners or tenants.
Section 7. CARE OF ANIMALS A11 dogs, cats and other domestic
animals kept within the City shall be cared for, maintained and
handled in a manner that shall be sanitary and so as to prevent
noises, barking, fighting and howling at night so as not to disturb
the peace and quiet of the neighborhood.
Section 8. Any person violatiing the provisions of this ordinance 0 of payment thereof, by imprisonment in the Waukesha County Jail for
shall be punished by a fine 01: not more than $50.00, and in default
not more than thirty (30) day:3.
Section 9. All ordinances contravening or inconsistent with the
provisions of this ordinance 13hall be repealed.
Section 10. This ordinance shall take effect upon passage and
PASSED AND ADOPTED by a vote of 7 in favor and - opposed,
this x' day of , :1965.