County, Wisconsin, do orda:ln as follows:
Section 1. The Zoning 0rd.inance of the City of Muskego and
the official zoning map being a part of that ordinance are
hereby amended as follows:
The Mayor and Common Cou~~cil of the City of Muskego, Waukesha
The following described land:
All that part of the ;Southwest Quarter (SWa), Section
2, Town 5 North, Rang3 20 East, commencing at a point
on the East line of mid section distant south 773
feet from the Northeast corner thereof; thence South
along said east line j406.651; thence West 561.78 feet;
thence North 340.56 feet to the cenier line of state
trunk highway "24"; tynence North 65 29' East along
said center line 126.68 feet; thence North 58O341 East
along said center line 223.32 feet to a distance of 300
feet southwest along said center line from the east line
o:f said quarter section; thence south 3Z023I east along
page 58, as Document No. 1.59488 of Waukesha County Re-
the westerly line of lands described in Vol. 268 of deeds
cords, 132.42 feet; thence North 87°15'fEast along the
southerly line of lands aforesaid, 185.25 feet to a
point of commencement and containing 5.29323 acres of
overlay to the basic RS-A District.
shall have applies and OIP (Institutional and Public Service)
The following described land:
All that part of the Northeast Quarter (NE+) of the
Range 20 East, in the Town of Muskego, Waukesha County,
Southwest Quarter (SW$), Section 16, Town 5 North,
State of Wisconsin, beginning at a point 1.9 feet North
of and 166.39 feet West of the Southeast Quarter of the
Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter Section run-
ning along a line 1.9 feet of and parallel to the South
Section 689.09 feet to a point in the center line of
line of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter
671.88 feet to the South line of the Northeast Quarter of
"CHT Y" then North along center 319.65 feet, thence East
ning. Containing 4.98 acres.
the Southwest Quarter; thence South to the place of begin-
shall have applied an OIP (Institutional and Public Service)
overlay to the basic RS-1 District.
Section 2. All ordinances inconsistent with or contravening
the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed.
a This ordinance,, shall take effect upon passage and Sectio
Dated this f
day Of-
'&,-/ , 1965
City Clerk-Treasurer