ORD1965011#11 THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP 017 THE CITY OF MUSKEGO AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, do ordain a:; follows: Section 1. The Zoning Ordinance of the City of Muskego and the official zoning map being a pa~t of that ordinance are hereby amended as follows: The following described land: 20 East, described as fo1:tows: Beginning at a point on the North That part of the Northead l/4, Section 10. Town 5 North, Range 1/2 line of Section 10, said point being due north of and 788.55 fe t distant from the cen.ter of said section; thence North 48 281 East parallel to and 633.00 feet distant from the centerline of State Trunk Highway 24, 1036.50 feet to the P.C. of a curve; the arc of said curve, radious of 2406.05 feet, the center of thence continuing para1le:L to said centerline, 340.71 feet along T East, 340.41 feet to the I?.?. of saidocurve; thence continuing which lies to the Northwe;;t, and a chord bearing North 44°24'361' parallel to said centerline, North 40 21'12" East to a point on the East one-eight line of Section 10; thence Northerly along said East one-eight line 'to the East one-eight? corner of said section; thence westerly ralong the north line of said section, to a point on the centerline o& the aforementioned State Trunk Highway 24; thence south I+O 21'12" west along said centerline; to the beginning of a curve; thence continuing along said centerline, 251.07 feet along the arc of said curve, radius of 1773.05 feet, the center of which lies to the Northwest, and a chord bearing south &024'36'1 west,. 250.85 feet to the egd of said curve; thence continuing along said centerline, south 48 281 West, 285.81 feet; thence south 41 32' east, 250.00 feet; thence South 58°291151' west. 36?5.28 feet to the aforementioned north one-quarter line of Section 10; thence due south,along said north one- quarter line, 595.61 feet to the place of beginning, containing 26.0 acres, more or less. 8 is hereby rezoned from RS-2 Dimstrict (Suburban Residence) to B-4 District (Highway Business). Section 2. All ordinances inconsistent with or contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinancs? shall take effect upon passage and publication. . Dated this day of $dd , 1965. I ATTEST: .