ChartOrd19 Defeated – 1/27/2004 CITY OF MUSKEGO CHARTER ORDINANCE #19 A CHARTER ORDINANCE PROVIDING THAT THE OFFICE OF CITY CLERK-TREASURER BE SEPARATED TO BECOME THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK AND THE OFFICE OF THE CITY TREASURER AND THAT EACH POSITION BE FILLED BY APPOINTMENT THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The City of Muskego, pursuant to §66.0101, Wisconsin Statutes, elects to amend Charter Ordinance #14, Section 1B of said Charter Ordinance that combined the office of City Clerk and the office of City Treasurer as an elected position and to amend Charter Ordinance #17 which made the City Clerk-Treasurer position an appointed position so as to allow for two separate appointed positions of City Clerk and City Treasurer as set forth herein. SECTION 2: The office of the City Clerk of the City of Muskego is hereby recreated as a separate office from that of the City Treasurer and shall be performed by the person appointed as City Clerk by the Mayor subject to confirmation by the Common Council as provided in §62.09(3)(b)2, Wisconsin Statutes, and Chapter 1.04 of the Muskego Municipal Code. SECTION 3: The office of the City Treasurer of the City of Muskego is hereby recreated as a separate office from that of the City Clerk and shall be performed by the person appointed as City Treasurer by the Mayor subject to confirmation by the Common Council as provided in §62.09(3)(b)2, Wisconsin Statutes, and Chapter 1.04 of the Muskego Municipal Code. SECTION 4: The appointed City Clerk shall hold office for an indefinite term subject to removal as provided in §17.12, Wisconsin Statutes. SECTION 5: The appointed City Treasurer shall hold office for an indefinite term subject to removal as provided in §17.12, Wisconsin Statutes. SECTION 6: The changes set forth above will become effective commencing on the position of City Clerk-Treasurer becoming vacant. SECTION 7: Any charter provision or any previously enacted ordinance or charter ordinance inconsistent or in conflict herewith is hereby expressly repealed. SECTION 8: This charter ordinance shall take effect sixty (60) days after its passage and publication subject to the provisions of §66.0101, Wisconsin Statutes. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY A VOTE OF IN FAVOR AND OPPOSED THIS DAY OF , 2003. CITY OF MUSKEGO Mark A.Slocomb, Mayor First Reading: 11/25/03 Deferred: 12/09/03, 1/13/04 ATTEST: Defeated: 01/27/04 Jean K. Marenda, Clerk-Treasurer PUBLISHED THIS DAY OF , 200 .