ORD20091293-Adopt 2020 Plan-Amended-Published Version AMENDED COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE # 1293 AN ORDINANCE TO ADOPT THE 2020 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE CITY OF MUSKEGO AND TO AMEND CHAPTER 41, SECTIONS 41.01, 41.03, & 41.06 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO The Common Council of the City of Muskego, Waukesha, Wisconsin, do ordain as follows: SECTION 1: The attached 2020 Comprehensive Plan for the City of Muskego, as approved by the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Committee, is hereby adopted. SECTION 2: A Public Hearing was held regarding the 2020 Plan and proposed code amendments on March 10, 2009. SECTION 3: Chapter 41, Sections 41.01, 41.03, & 41.06 of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to read as follows: 41.01 INTENT The purpose of this section is to establish the City of Muskego 2020 Comprehensive Plan as the official comprehensive plan of the City of Muskego, as defined by Wisconsin Statutes. The Comprehensive Plan is intended to promote public health, safety, and welfare of the City of Muskego by effectively guiding long-range growth and development within the City of Muskego and its extraterritorial planning jurisdiction. The Comprehensive Plan provides goals, objectives, policies, and recommendations for future land use, transportation, housing, economic development, utilities, community facilities, agricultural resources, natural resources, cultural resources, intergovernmental relations, and implementation. Implementation of the Comprehensive Plan is accomplished through other sections of Muskego Municipal Code, more detailed plans, public investments, private development decisions, intergovernmental cooperation and citizen involvement. 41.03 ADOPTION OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The City of Muskego Comprehensive Plan, adopted by Resolution #007-2009 of the Plan Commission and by Ordinance #1293 of the Common Council is the official Comprehensive Plan of the City of Muskego. The abovementioned Comprehensive Plan supercedes and replaces all Comprehensive Plans previously adopted by the City of Muskego, except as explicitly provided for in the Comprehensive Plan document or under Section 41.06 below. The text, maps, tables, graphics, goals, objectives, policies, and recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan are intended to serve as a guide as the City of Muskego undertakes subsequent actions to implement the Plan, except as otherwise provided for under Wisconsin Statues. 41.06 DETAILED COMPONENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Section 62.23(2) of Wisconsin Statutes provides that the City of Muskego may from time to time amend, extend or add to the Comprehensive Plan or carry out any part of the subject matter in greater detail. The following are more detailed components of the City of Muskego Comprehensive Plan, which shall therefore have the same force and effect as the adopted Comprehensive Plan: (1) 2007 - 2011 Parks and Conservation Plan, adopted by the Plan Commission on August 7, 2007 and the Common Council on August 14, 2007. (Ord. #1260 – 8-23-2007) (2) Durham Hill Design Guide (3) Downtown Design Guide (4) General Design Manual (5) Racine Avenue Gateway Design Guide (6) Moorland Corridor South Design Guide (7) Tess Corners Design Guide (8) Business Park Design and Development Standards Design Guides adopted by this Section are advisory documents of the Plan Commission and may be changed or varied from time to time by action of the Plan Commission or by other methods as may be set forth in each of said documents. Ord. #1293 Page 2 SECTION 4: That the attached adopted 2020 Comprehensive Plan and Map shall include the amendments to make Conservation Preservation Subdivisions voluntary instead of mandatory. Further, that recommendations concerning Conservation Preservation in the plan shall reflect promoting and enhancing the City’s Conservation Subdivision ordinances in an effort to promote new developments conserving the City’s open spaces and environmental corridors. SECTION 5: The several sections of this ordinance are declared to be severable. If any section or portion thereof shall be declared by a decision of a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, such decision shall apply only to the specific section or portion thereof directly specified in the decision, and not affect the validity of all other provisions, sections, or portion thereof of the ordinance which shall remain in full force and effect. Any other ordinance whose terms are in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed as to those terms that conflict. SECTION 6: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. TH PASSED AND APPROVED THIS _14 __ DAY OF APRIL___ , 2009. CITY OF MUSKEGO ATTEST: __________________________ John R. Johnson, Mayor ____________________________ Clerk-Treasurer Amendment Notes: 1. Amendment 1 added the text in Section 4 of this ordinance, which also adopted new text in the final attached plan that related to this Section 4 amendment. 2. Amendment 2 changed the 2020 Land Use Map within the final attached plan from rural density land uses to commercial land uses for Tax Key No. 2295.996.005. 3. Amendment 3 changed the 2020 Land Use Map within the final attached plan from medium density land uses to commercial land uses for Tax Key Nos. 2195.066, 2195.064, 2195.063, 2195.061, & 2195.058. Additional Note: The 2020 Comprehensive Plan for the City of Muskego referenced in Section 1 of this ordinance is adopted as a code of ordinances pursuant to Wis. Stats. 66.0103 and any other applicable ordinance and is not attached hereto.