ORD20091290-Wetland Setbacks COMMON COUNCIL - CITY OF MUSKEGO ORDINANCE #1290 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTERS 17 AND 18 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO (Wetland Setbacks) THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO, WISCONSIN DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Chapter 17, Section 5.02 (7), of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to read as follows: (7) Wetland Protection Offset: No building or structure shall hereafter be erected, structurally altered, or relocated so that it is located closer than the distances listed below to a delineated wetland area. or within the delineated wetland area. The purpose of this protection offset is to preserve the wetland areas themselves and the environmentally sensitive areas immediately around the wetland areas. These Wetland Protection Offsets are separate and different from any DNR wetland requirements. Any DNR restrictions relating to wetlands and wetland offsets apply in addition to these regulations. A. Wetland Protection Offsets Distances: The offset distance is fifteen (15) feet from any delineated wetland. based upon the susceptibility/quality of the wetland. All wetland delineations must receive DNR concurrence., along with the DNR’s determination of the required wetland offset. The distance determined by the DNR becomes the Wetland Protection Offset distance for the purpose of this ordinance. The offsets are as follows: 1.75 feet - For outstanding resource waters and exceptional resource waters, and for wetlands in areas of special natural resource interest as specified in s. NR 103.04. 2.50 feet - For highly susceptible wetlands. Highly susceptible wetlands include the following types: fens, sedge meadows, bogs, low prairies, conifer swamps, shrub swamps, other forested wetlands, fresh wet meadows, shallow marshes, deep marshes and seasonally flooded basins. 3.10 feet - For less susceptible wetlands. Less susceptible wetlands include degraded wetlands dominated by invasive species such as reed canary grass. B. Protection Offset Restrictions: No building or structure shall hereafter be erected, structurally altered, or relocated within the Wetland Protection Offsets. This includes, but is not limited to, any building (including sheds and accessory structures), deck, pool, any hard surface (asphalt, concrete, pavers, gravel, etc.), fence, retaining wall, or any other feature Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Formatted: Bullets and Numbering Ordinance #1290 Page 2 deemed a structure or building by Planning Community Development Director or his/her designee. Landscape features (including, but not limited to fences, retaining walls, planting beds, plantings, etc.) are allowed within the Wetland Protection Offset area as long as they do not cross into and/or impact the wetlands. Also, gGrading, excavation, and filling are not allowed within the Wetland Protection areas as long as they do not cross into and/or impact the wetlands. This offset excludes DNR exceptions relating to public roadways and public right-of-ways. Per the discretion of the Community Development Director or his/her designee, the only exceptions to these requirements shall be work associated with approved DNR wetland disturbance activities (examples: wetland board walks, wetland crossings). SECTION 2: Chapter 18, Section 18.31 (3) (b) 23., of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby amended, and Section 18.31 (3) (b) 24. is hereby created: 23. Show the City of Muskego’s Wetland Protection Offsets, as identified in the Zoning Code. 24. Show any applicable DNR wetland setbacks/offsets as required. SECTION 3: Chapter 18, Section 18.32 (3) (b) 16., of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby amended, and Section 18.32 (3) (b) 17. is hereby created: 16. Show the City of Muskego’s Wetland Protection Offsets, as identified in the Zoning Code. 17. Show any applicable DNR wetland setbacks/offsets as required. SECTION 4: Chapter 18, Section 18.33 (3) (b) 21., of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby amended, and Section 18.33 (3) (b) 22. is hereby created: 21. Show the City of Muskego’s Wetland Protection Offsets, as identified in the Zoning Code. 22. Show any applicable DNR wetland setbacks/offsets as required. SECTION 5: Chapter 18, Section 18.80 2., of the Municipal Code of the City of Muskego is hereby amended to read as follows: 2. All wetlands as defined in NR 103.02(5) of the Wisconsin Administrative Code, including any applicable DNR wetland setbacks/offsets. Also, the City of Muskego’s Wetland Protection Offsets identified in the Zoning Code to serve as a protection buffer. SECTION 6: A Public Hearing was held regarding the proposed amendments on January 27, 2009 in front of the Common Council. SECTION 7: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. Ordinance #1290 Page 3 TH PASSED AND APPROVED THIS _14 __ DAY OF APRIL _ , 2009. CITY OF MUSKEGO _______________________________ John R. Johnson, Mayor First reading: 01/27/2009 Deferred: 02/10/2009, 03/10/2009 ATTEST: rd _________________________ Published this 23day of April, 2009 Clerk-Treasurer