BELLE CHASSE ADDITION NO. 1 - SUBDIVISION PLATBELLE CHASSE ADDITION, N0.1 m 1. SEE SHEET 2 FOR EASEMENT DETAIL. 2. SEE SHEET 3 FOR WETLAND DETAIL. 3. Wetlands on this plat delineated by Wetland and Waterway Consulting, LLC. May 17, 2013, unless noted otherwise. 4. There shall be No Direct Vehicular Access from any Lots to Mystic Drive. 5. The Front Setbacks of all Residential Lots are 40'. Rear is 20'. One Side is 15' and the other Side is 20' for a total of 35'. The determination of which side is 15' or 20' may be made at the time of Building Permit Application and shall be clearly depicted on a survey submitted to the City for permitting purposes. Corner Lots shall have one Front of 40', one Side of 30' (Street Side) and one Side of 15'. Setbacks for all lots may be further restricted by Wetland Setbacks, Drainage Easements and Storm Sewer Easements. 6. VISION CORNER EASEMENT RESTRICTION: All comer lots shall be subject to a 30'X 30' Vision Comer Easement. T he height of any plantings, berms, fencing, signs or any other structure shall be limited to 24 inches or less inside the Vision Corner Easement Areas. No Utility Pedestals shall be placed inside Vision Corner Easements. 7. Although all lots in the Subdivision have been reviewed and approved for development with single-family residential use in accordance with Section 236 Wisconsin Statutes, some lots contain soil conditions which, due to the possible presence of groundwater near the surface, may require soil engineering and foundation design with regard to basement construction. It is recommended that either a licensed professional engineer or other soils expert design a basement and foundation which will be suitable to withstand the various problems associated with saturated soil conditions on basement walls or floors or that special measures be taken. Soil conditions should be subject to each owners special investigation prior to construction and no specific representation is made herein. 8. Sanitary Sewer Easements are granted to the City of Muskego. 9. Storm Sewer Easements are granted to the City of Muskego. 10. Drainage Easements are granted to the City of Muskego. The drainage easements shall be maintained by the respective parcel owners. The parcel owners shall maintain said easements in an unobstructed condition so as to maintain their intended purpose. Construction of any building, grading or filling -in said easements is prohibited. The parcel owners grant the City of Muskego the right (but not the responsibility) to enter upon said easements in order to inspect, repair or restore said easements to their intended purpose. Expenses incurred by the City for inspection, repair or restoration of said easements may be placed against the tax roll of said parcel owner and collected as a special charge by the City. 11. The 5' Planting Easement is reserved for the planting of Trees and Shrubs and the building of all structures excepting Public Utility Structures hereon is prohibited. 12. Those areas of land which are identified as Wetland, Primary Environmental Corridor, and Preservation Easement are subject to the following restrictions: 1. GRADING AND FILLING SHALL BE PROHIBITED. 2. THE REMOVAL OF TOPSOIL OR OTHER EARTHEN MATERIALS SHALL BE PROHIBITED. 3. THE REMOVAL OR DESTRUCTION OF ANY VEGETATIVE COVER, i.e. TREES, SHRUBS, GRASSES, ETC., SHALL BE PROHIBITED WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE REMOVAL OF EXOTIC, INVASIVE, DEAD, DISEASED, OR HAZARDOUS VEGETATION AT THE DISCRETION OF LANDOWNER AND UPON THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO. 4. GRAZING BY DOMESTICATED ANIMALS, i.e. HORSES, COWS, ETC., SHALL BE PROHIBITED. 5. THE INTRODUCTION OF PLANT MATERIAL NOT INDIGENOUS TO THE EXISTING ENVIRONMENT OF THE NATURAL AREA SHALL BE PROHIBITED. 6. PONDS MAY BE PERMITTED SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO AND, IF APPLICABLE, THE WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND THE ARMY CORP OF ENGINEERS. 7. CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS IS PROHIBITED. WETLAND PROTECTION OFFSET RESTRICTIONS: THERE IS A CITY REQUIRED 15-FOOT WETLAND PROTECTION OFFSET AROUND ALL WETLANDS AREAS. THE AREAS OF LAND WHICH ARE IDENTIFIED AS WETLAND PROTECTION OFFSET AREAS SHALL FOLLOW ALL RESTRICTIONS LISTED IN CHAPTER 17 OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING To WETLAND PROTECTION OFFSETS. IF DNR REGULATIONS ARE APPLICABLE, THEN SAID REGULATION SHALL BE IN ADDITION TO ALL CITY REGULATIONS. C DNS '\0 /w ILLIAM R. HENRICHS S-2419 Waukesha W1 SU September 6, 2013 Revised: October 15, 2013 ENGINEE RING9 INC. ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURVEYORS 518 West Cherry Street, Milwaukee, WI 53212 PHONE (414) 604-0674 FAX (414) 604-0677 www.daareorp.com Being Outlot 3 of BELLE CHASSE, a recorded subdivision, located in the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 11, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. ll I 7 � X/ CtJI I _& *7r- Lot 68 C) �%�� I � i Parcel 2 C.S.M. No. 7501 zo oi Parcel 1 C.S.M. No. 7501 cc C.S.M. No. 129 0i I (0 Parcel 3 C.S.M. No. 536 Wetlands as delineated by Wetland and Waterway Consulting, LLC Parcel 4 Ce C.S.M. No. 536 z UJ 1>1 UL GRAY FOX 1 TRAIL _0i CI -7 > Parcel 5 C.S.M. No. 536 LC 0 .Unplafted Lands G C14 jjnpl;�fted Lands I ` { L L Parcel 1, REGISTER OF DEEDS WAUKESHA COUNTY, WI RECORDED ON November 04, 2013 03:18 PM James R Behrend Register of Deeds 4 PGS TOTAL FEE: $50.00 TRANS FEE: $0.00 Book 54 Page 69-72 NE Comer SW 1/4 Sec. 11, T5N, R20E Wetlands as delineated by Bay Lawn Subdivision No. 3 Block 8 (Found Conc. mon. w/brass cap) Wetland and Waterway Consulting, LLC. May 17, 2013 Lot 65 Lot 64 Lot 63 Lot 62 Lot 61 TED AS S 84*10'26"E 126.6Z) Lot 67 54003'24" E 126.69' L 16.73! WA woo 01 Q Preservation 3 LO LO Easement 00, Outlot 2 z rC70. Lot 50 . 1 (9 A I 31,147 611- Sq. Ft. 07* Lot 49 27,200 _J Sq. Ft. --- - -- *7 73-34, 1> Belle Chase 19 LU @ 4) 6, Lot 48 24,110 U) Lot 25 7 Sq. Ft. \r� �s� �� - `� ' 0 ce) N 89"52'00" E Lot 24 .\ .21 U) 44.88' C14 .ot 60 185.73' Lot 26 58 Sq. Ft. N 89052'00" E 230.61' to C) Lot 47 _&_8j°�200' E 6 1 21,020 CIV 206.82' z 11.65' Sq. Ft. 12.9 Lot 23 Lot 61 C\1 cly 0 Lot 27 ),923 Sq. Ft. -N �� f , 206-41' Lot 46 C"O CO IN, - ZD 192.420,186 Z I co q. 222-42' SFt. Cd co 0/ Lot 22 L - CV Lot 28 Lot 62 8 T_ 0 ,629 Sq. Ft. _Cv 196.251 0 0 C> 0 30' �Y3;4_6'41 3 Lot 45 z 4�, S. Ft. 1z 198-36' .4' 18,015 , 5912 0 U1. I Lot 21 W OD lb- Lot 20 Q Lot 63 Ti �C 19,628 C) (0 1 5c09i in E Lot 29 6 Sq. Ft. �75AZ Lot 43 'cc, 18,016 CD� Lu 0 C8';721�51�4- E 175.01' Sq. Ft. 0_1 84' 101 .17' PA ;z ce) I U') CVAP�5§9 13 "'Ay, Lot 44 ` ' 18,125 c) 1 Lot 64 Sq. Ft. 13.59' 1 Ii'v) c.71 18,778 co 1 0 (6 S 3202T15" E Cf) Sq. Ft. C> 16 00, 60.00' Lot 31 Lot 32 T13 Ln "('Q 1% (PLATTED AS 36M) Lot 33 ra lb Belle Chase o 114. Lot 30 52, 119.24 Primary 2 Environmental 3 —7"157 - 0. Corridor per Plat--. I A.1 $ of Belle Chasse WKAAYI W K�__� , 11 Lot 81 ..-HA SE--1pp 18,815 ---- 53.50' 10.51' 86.87' Sq. Ft. '0 Lot 80 0, I/Nk Nk '18,061 Outlot 4 Sq. Ft. ` w CP Lot 79 Lot 77 1, 3: Lot 78 ' _r 18,034 18,061 18,057 ZD vo Sq. Ft. V I ip Q SO. Ft. 0 S. Ft. cc 40 V— 1 CD 1r- 0 1 M z o0oo + 0 0*0 S71 C11100 '55" \,N-, - — - - �, '..�,� �. "-.a - N8203947-��_S87003!40"W 89.4 N89015'39"VV j.98! 00#0 1-­' + + Lot 73 78.18, i0o.19 lz� Wetlands as delineated by 105.71' .Voo, 0*-41 r 181887 S q. Ft. - Wetland and Waterway .. .............. ................. o- - - Wetlands per 0/oc Co Consulting, LLC. - -21 .4 %;-� I C 41 CIO 000, Plat of Belle Chasse (PLATTED 1 AS 86.08') WETLANDS 22.65' Lot 74 uJ Belle Chase 41 Parcel 2 C.S.M. No. 7503 18,001 SqFt . . P Outlot_4 00 N 01 006'22" W 25.00' (PLATTED AS N 01'WO7- W) I 23.81' S 88007'43" W 1312.6Z 11 W N 01-07'51 54 31' (PLATTED AS S 88'07'53"W `1312_6Z) .... . ....... V'_ . . ...... R.O.W. .. -- I_.-.- I . ..� --- ----- ..W'-' , — — — — — 2' W 2685.23' - Measured S 88007'43" W zttso.-I U SE Comer, SW 1/4 N 44.028'01"W 46.46' . ...................... Sect. 11, T5N, R20E - RECORDED AS S 88*07'5- Sec. 11, T5N, R20E —7 south Line of the SW `1/4 Of .. (Found Conc. mon. w1brass cap) IV SW Comer, SW 1/4 (PG�i76D AS S 44- 10i"E 46.511 N 334,436.89; E 2,509,218.89 Sec. 11, T5N, R20E 30, 30' (Wisconsin State Plane Co - (Found Conc. mon. w/brass cap) Ordinate System, South Zone) N 334,349.32; E 2,506,535.28 (Wisconsin State Plane Co Ordinate System, South Zone) Parcel I Parcel 1 Parcel 4 C.S.M. No. 1353--- , ------ C.S.M. No. 1353 C.S.M. No. 8377 oP� C>I;F SITE BELLE CHASSE PARKWAY ti VICINITY SKETCH Southwest 1/4 Sec. 11, T5N, R20E Scale: I" = 1000' OWNER / DEVELOPER: Belle Chasse Partners, LLC 11600 W. Lincoln Avenue West Allis, WI 53227 414-321-5300 Bearings refer to Grid North of the Wisconsin State Plane Coordinate System Grid, South Zone per N.A.D. 27. The South line of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 11, Township 5 North, Range 20 East has an assumed bearing of S 88007'43" W. The South line of said Southwest 1/4 is recorded as bearing S 88007'52"W per the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission. N IATA 0 kk X 10 0 S �4 GRAPHIC SCALE of 100, 200' 50, 150, 300' 1 INCH = 100 FEET NOTES: Denotes 2-3/8" O.D. x 18" Iron Pipe set, 3.65 lbs. per lin. ft. 0 —1-1 /4" O.D. x 24" Iron Pipe found, 1.68 lbs. per lin. ft. at Lot and Outlot corners. 1-1/4" O.D. x 24" Iron Pipe set, 1.68 lbs. per lin. ft. all other Lot and Outlot comers. All distances computed and measured to the nearest 0.01' All angles computed to the nearest 00000'00.5" and measured to the nearest 00000,011, sq. ft. — Denotes lot areas to the nearest square foot There are no objections, to this plat with respect to Secs. 236.15, 236.16, 236.20 and 236.21(1) and (2), Wis Stats. as provided by s. 236.12, Wis. Stats. Certified 2013 Department of Admi stration,, SE Comer, SE 114 See. 11, T5N, R20E (Found Conc. mon. w1brass cap) N 334,538.05; E 2,511,898.12 (Wisconsin State Plane Co - South Line of the SE 1/4 of Sect. 11, T5N, R20E Ordinate System, South Zone) PLATTED AS N 8705V16" E 2681.1 V Measured N 87'50'16" E 2680-W Map prepared by: William R. Henrichs, RLS SHEET 1 OF 4 Project No. 130056 70 rxolf� 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. M h is is 12 SEE SHEET I FOR LOT DETAIL. SEE SHEET 3 FOR WETLAND DETAIL. Wetlands on this plat delineated by Wetland and Waterway Consulting, LLC. May 17, 2013, unless noted otherwise. There shall be No Direct Vehicular Access from any Lots to Mystic Drive. The Front Setbacks of all Residential Lots are 40'. Rear is 20'. One Side is 15' and the other Side is 20' for a total of 35. The determination of which side is 15' or 20' may be made at the time of Building Permit Application and shall be clearly depicted on a survey submitted to the City for permitting purposes. Corner Lots shall have one Front of 40, one Side of 30' (Street Side) and one Side of 15'. Setbacks for all lots may be further restricted by Wetland Setbacks, Drainage Easements and Storm Sewer Easements. VISION CORNER EASEMENT RESTRICTION: All corner lots shall be subject to a 30'X 30' Vision Comer Easement. T he height of any plantings, berms, fencing, signs or any other structure shall be limited to 24 inches or less inside the Vision Corner Easement Areas. No Utility Pedestals shall be placed inside Vision Comer Easements. Although all lots in the Subdivision have been reviewed and approved for development with single-family residential use in accordance with Section 236 Wisconsin Statutes, some lots contain soil conditions which, due to the possible presence of groundwater near the surface, may require soil engineering and foundation design with regard to basement construction. It is recommended that either a licensed professional engineer or other soils expert design a basement and foundation which will be suitable to withstand the various problems associated with saturated soil conditions on basement walls or floors or that special measures be taken. Soil conditions should be subject to each owners special investigation prior to construction and no specific representation is made herein. Sanitary Sewer Easements are granted to the City of Muskego. Storm Sewer Easements are granted to the City of Muskego. Drainage Easements are granted to the City of Muskego. The drainage easements shall be maintained by the respective parcel owners. The parcel owners shall maintain said easements in an unobstructed condition so as to maintain their intended purpose. Construction of any building, grading or filling -in said easements is prohibited. The parcel owners grant the City of Muskego the right (but not the responsibility) to enter upon said easements in order to inspect, repair or restore said easements to their intended purpose. Expenses incurred by the City for inspection, repair or restol,ation of said easements may be placed against the tax roll of said parcel owner and collected as a special charge by the City. The 5' Planting Easement is reserved for the planting of Trees and Shrubs and the building of all structures excepting Public Utility Structures hereon is prohibited. Those areas of land which are identified as Wetland, Primary Environmental Corridor, and Preservation Easement are subject to the following restrictions: 1. GRADING AND FILLING SHALL BE PROHIBITED. 2. THE REMOVAL OF TOPSOIL OR OTHER EARTHEN MATERIALS SHALL BE PROHIBITED. 3. THE REMOVAL OR DESTRUCTION OF ANY VEGETATIVE COVER, i.e. TREES, SHRUBS, GRASSES, ETC., SHALL BE PROHIBITED WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE REMOVAL OF EXOTIC, INVASIVE, DEAD, DISEASED, OR HAZARDOUS VEGETATION AT THE DISCRETION OF LANDOWNER AND UPON THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO. 4. GRAZING BY DOMESTICATED ANIMALS, i.e. HORSES, COWS, ETC., SHALL BE PROHIBITED. 5. THE INTRODUCTION OF PLANT MATERIAL NOT INDIGENOUS TO THE EXISTING ENVIRONMENT OF THE NATURAL AREA SHALL BE PROHIBITED. 6. PONDS MAY BE PERMITTED SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO AND, IF APPLICABLE, THE WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND THE ARMY CORP OF ENGINEERS. 7. CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS IS PROHIBITED. WETLAND PROTECTION OFFSET RESTRICTIONS: THERE IS A CITY REQUIRED 15-FOOT WETLAND PROTECTION OFFSET AROUND ALL WETLANDS AREAS. THE AREAS OF LAND WHICH ARE IDENTIFIED AS WETLAND PROTECTION OFFSET AREAS SHALL FOLLOW ALL RESTRICTIONS LISTED IN CHAPTER 17 OF THE CITY OF MUSKEGO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO WETLAND PROTECTION OFFSETS. IF DNR REGULATIONS ARE APPLICABLE, THEN SAID REGULATION SHALL BE IN ADDITION TO ALL CITY REGULATIONS. C 0 N/ N WIL [AM R. HENRICHS S-2419 Waukesha, W1 Su September 6, 2013 Revised: October 15, 2013 ENGINEERING, INC. ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURVEYORS 518 West Cherry Street, Milwaukee, WI 53212 PHONE (414) 604-0674 FAX (414) 604-0677 www.daarcorp.com BELLE CHASSE ADDITION NO-1 Being Outlot 3 of BELLE CHASSE, a recorded subdivision, located in the Southeast 1/4 of the' Southwest 1/4 of Section 11, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. /� � � � ` �. / � I NE Comer, SW 1/4 ` .. / / 1 Sec. 11, T5N, R20E X Wetlands as delineated by 1 Bay Lawn Subdivision No. 3 Block 8 1 (Found Cone. mon. w/brass cap) 7 �%t /��Wetland and Waterway Lot 63 0 Consulting, LLC. May 17, 2013 I Lot 65 Lot 64 Z! Lot 67 Lot 62 Lot 61 9//0'/ (PLATTED AS 8 84'10'26- E 126.62') all I ( s 184*03'24" E 126.69' kTTEDASN88* )14 r-) 30' 30' �001'30" E 528.73! J 183.54! CA Ca 7 nance and Easement l h CD 50' Preservation WETLANDS Easement W W passe and - �144, Outlot 2 Easement 15' Wetland 1221610 ProtectiveW Area W 70. I " '*"-, , a .ot 53 Lot 52 20.00' Lot 50 20'Storm <1% Utility Sewer 0 Lot 51 ement Easement tn, (Typ. 2.00' Lot 49 18.00, RUN 50Belle Chase N-1 �-_ASANT_ .0%0 W Lot 48 Lot 25 17 0 7ZZ— N 89-52'00' E Lot 24 Lot ot 594 Lot 60 M 44 -n -88' Lot 26 20.00' N 4402729" W 90.32' \ G i"' 10.00, 10.W Storm Sewer Lot 58 Easement Lot 47 / '— -� ro 12'16" W 35.30'— 20' Drainage U.1 N8 Lot 23 0 Easement 10' Storm Sewer & Drainage Lot 27 S�51 IV Maintenance Easement b co VC_ Lot 61 00 S, C) C6 r j f Per Plat of Belle Chasse ep Co LO 4 C* 10911 W Lot 46 S 88052 1 05.46' o C4 S77*12'16"W CIV / Lot 22 T_ 49.46' + l co Lot 28 /" / P Lot 62 10.00, 3C14 01 30' C14 Lot 45 0a (P Lot 67 0 Lot 21 z Lot 63 Lot 20 20' Storm Sewer E& Drain 20 Drainage Lot 29 0 Drainage C13 Easement Easement q IAN 0 Lot 43 old 1P PA bi rl CLI A co 0 1 C14 - SSE--- R Y�_ �_"A_ Lot 44 U! 21�! 10.00, b I 30'x 30 - 10.00, /-Vision Comer 20.00' Lot 64 Easement (0 0 CD Lot 66 S 3202315" E Lot 65 60.00' Lot 32 z 39 120' Storm Sewer 30'x 30' 1b - Lot 31 Vision Comer & Drainage I0 1& 1 (PLATTED AS 36.4&) 0 Lot 33 Easement CN Easement SV uJ '06. Lot 30 Bel le Chase 30'x 30' Vision Comer T 5 b Easement q 'Tree Easement (Typ-) - — - _1n_ W Lot 81 BELLE CHASSE &i 14— z "F- 12' Utility OCP M F- r - Easement Lot 80 Wetland 20' Drainage 20' Stomp 15' Easement (Typ.) Protective Area Sewer Outlot 4 Easement CD �1 I I � Lot 79 CO Lot 75 Lot 76 Lot 77 i � E 1Lot 78 30' 10r6 40000- 10.00, 0 6� I 10.00, 00* 10.00, 0000 0 10.00, 1 20-001 -k + 4) Z 20.00' Existing Storm Water Management a -or 0 Easement per Plat of Belle Chasse -07'55 W W 1 0 83ca .J N 823947- W S 87-03'40- W N 89015-39" W .98f ____ , 78-181 100.18, 105.71' solo 6500 - I + Wetlands as delineated by 000 Wetland and Waterway- - - loop , * Consulting, LLC. woT Wetlands per 3. 15 Weiland Plat of Belle Chasse 0000 tr 10' Existing Milwaukee Electric Railway & Light (PLATTED AS 86.08) Protective Area , WEIWD§' •Company Maintenance Easement Doc. 126245 41 ly '70 1.1e Lot 74 OR (0� I C> CV Belle Chase Iro Outlot 4 00, CZ "- /-- ,� - '— —y'-- �' _' -w z — .v 47 Electric Railway & Light company Easement Doc. 126245 S 88007A _E)�Istlng Milwaukee Ele 21' (PLATTED AS S 88*07'53* W 1312.62') S 88007'53"W 169.77- Y. R.O.W. WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY. Measured S 88*07'43!W 2685191 SW 1/4 caon7min w 2685 23! - M SE Comer, N 44028!01" VV 40-40 Sect. 11, T5N, R20E-- - RECORDED ASS —7— South Line of the SW 1/4 of Sec. 11, T5N, R20E — (PLATTED AS S 44Q28'01* E 46.51') (Found Gone. mon. w/brass cap) VrJ SW Comer, SW 1/4 N 334,436.89; E 2,509,218.89 Sec. 11, T5N, R20E 30' 30' (Wisconsin State Plane Co - (Found Conc. mon. w1brass cap) Ordinate System, South Zone) N 334,349.32; E 2,506,535.28 (Wisconsin State Plane Co - Ordinate System, South Zone) Parcel 1 Parcel 4 C.S.M. No. 1353 Parcel 1 C.S.M. No. 8377 C.S.M. No. 1353 30' Parcel 2 ` I ' C.S.M. No. 7501 Parcel 1 C.S.M. No. 7501 C.S.M. No. 129 ao N C14 V_ Parcel 3 C.S.M. No. 536 Wetlands as delineated by Wetland and Waterway Consulting, LLC C5 Parcel 4 C.S7M.­N6. 536 UJ to > GRAY FOX M, I bi �-- !I cal TRAIL Parcel 5 C.S.M. No. 536 —15' Wetland Protective Area LO jjnpl;�tted Lands z 1 !jnpla!tted Lands C LL L— — _ _ -- — -- n Parcel 1 C.S.M. N.o. 7503 Parcel 2 C.S.M. No. 7503 10'Sanitary Sewer Easement S 01 007'51 " E 54.31' (PLATTED AS s oi-orW E 5424) 10.00, Lot 75 Lot 68 Bay Lawn Subdivision No. 3 Block 6 10'Wisconsin Bell I I ti oPa SITE is VICINITY SKETCH Southwest 1/4 Sec. 11, T5N, R20E Scale: 1" = 1000' Belle Chasse Partners, LLC 11600 W. Lincoln Avenue West Allis, WI 53227 414-321-5300 BELLE CHASSE Bearings refer to Grid North of the Wisconsin State Plane Coordinate System Grid, South Zone per N.A.D. 27. The South line of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 11, Township 5 North, Range 20 East has an assumed bearing of S 88*07'43" W. The South line of said Southwest 114 is recorded as bearing S 88007'52" W per the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission. N MA ti MIN vg P M L;4 GRAPHIC SCALE of 100, 200' 50' 150' 300' 1 INCH = 100 FEET NOTES: Denotes 2-3/8" O.D. x 18" Iron Pipe set, 3.65 lbs. per lin. ft. o —1-1/4" O.D. x 24" Iron Pipe found, 1.68 lbs. per lin. ft. at Lot and Outlot corners. 1-1/4" O.D. x 24" Iron Pipe set, 1.68 lbs. per lin. ft. all other Lot and Outlot comers. All distances computed and measured to the nearest 0.01 1 All angles computed to the nearest 00000'00.5" and measured to the nearest 00000,011, sq. ft. — Denotes lot areas to the nearest square foot There are no objections to this plat with respect to Secs. 236.15, 236.16,236.20 and 236.21(l) and (2), Wis Stats. as provided by s. 236.12, Wis. Stats. Certified. 20 A Department of A inis' N 01'006'22" W 25.00' SE Comer, SE 1/4 —(PLATTED AS N 01 WOr W) See. 11, T5N, R20E (Found Cone. mon. w/brass; cap) N 334,538.05; E 2,511,898.12 (Wisconsin State Plane Co - South Line of the SE 1/4 of Sect. 11, T5N, R20E PLATTED AS N87*59116'E 2681-11- Ordinate System, South Zone) Measured N 87050'16" E 2680-96' Map prepared by: William R. Henrichs, RLS SHEET 2 OF 4 Project No. 130056 WETLAND LINE TABLE LINE LENGTH BEARING L1 246.28' N 88001'30" E L2 71.69' S 64049'05" E L3 32.22' S 11023' 18" E L4 30.64' S 44016'22" E L5 28.30' S 70017'14" E L6 21.38' S 75017'47" E L7 13.19' S 51 °56'02" E L8 7.28' S 50052'12" E L9 28.77' S 50052'12" E L10 26.65' N 89030'43" E L11 38.78' N 82048'07" E L12 31.25' S 81 °24'43" E L13 16.20' S 42035'01" E L14 34.41' N 3044'26" E L15 13.03' N 30021'05" E L16 17.29' N 6701111" E L17 42.03' N 3004'28" E L18 35.26' N 28012'06" E L19 27.98' S 8304639" E L20 26.77' N 76015'36" E L21 18.68' N 76022'26" E L22 31.47' S 47023'55" E L23 118.81' S 1 °07'51" E L24 53.10' N 1 °07'51 " W L25 30.86' N 83002' 10" E L26 20.87' N 12023'32" E L27 48.89' N 70025'01" E L28 79.21' N 15018'09" E L29 9.38' N 15018'09" E L30 38.44' N 7048'52" E L31 46.92' S 85047' 16" E L32 36.36' N 85021'39" E L33 49.12' N 69047'02" E L34 20.69' N 52023'25" E L35 24.50' N 56018'03" E L36 17.81' N 17012'14" E L37 24.73' N 3011'38" E L38 20.53' N 2009'47" W L39 18.60' S 17036'04" W L40 14.73' S 62041'38" W L41 33.91 ` S 64004'36" W L42 I 24.61' N 87011'53" W L43 46.0.3' S 86011'05" W L44 25.84' N 7905234" W L45 33.97' N 29049' 13" W L46 29.30' S 70007'27" W L47 63.53' S 52023'37" W L48 21.82' S 63050'25" W L49 27.15' N 74045'46" W L50 204.98' N 1 °07'51 " W L51 103.50' S 47008'34" E ENGINEERING, INC. ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURVEYORS 518 West Cherry Street, Milwaukee, WI 53212 PHONE (414) 604-0674 FAX (414) 604-0677 www.daarcorp.com Being Outlot 3 of. BELLE CHASSE, a recorded subdivision, located in the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 11, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. WILLIAM R. HENRICHS S-2419 Waukesha, 111111111111000, September 6, 2013 Revised: October 15, 2013 NE Comer, SW 1/4 Sec. 11, T5N, 820E - ! •` '��� Wetlands as delineated by Bay Lawn Subdivision No. 3 Block 8 } (Found Conc. mon. w/brass cap) jj j Wetland and Waterway Lot 68 ( { Lot 75 ��/ Consulting, LLC. May 17, 2013 f Lot 63 } 1 Lot 65 Lot 64 j - -" Lot 62 Lot 61 } Bay Lawn Subdivision No. 3 Block 6 O �/� Lot 67 } - -- t (PLAITED AS S 84°10'26" E 126.62') } l - d/, S84°03'24"E 126.69' } --_._ _._--L (PLATTED AS N 88°00'14" E) � - - } N 88°01'30" E 528.73' 30 30 -- -- -- - -' - � _c L1 --' • y v v.v .v .v vv. .v vi t?' 10 Parcel 2 C.S.M.0WETLANDS .o. 751 } - - _ - _ - Zs L6 �`- �, �, y 16 Outlot 2 Lot 55 Lot 54 Lot 53 8j' . �` 11 ' .� f 70° Lot 52 L10 •t- L 12 i �c�,� 6'• y Lot 50 .4 9,Io` Parcel 1 Lot 51 Lot 49 C.S_M_No. 7501 ` I PHEASANT _ RUN r \ Belle Chase J M - , Lot 48 } / \ Lot 25 1 } C.S.M. No. 129 F°rn / N 89°52'00" E \ �� Lot 24 � l 44.88' Lot 26 \ � ( � Lot 60 , - - (6r Lot 59 Lot 47 / m Lot 56 Lot 57 Lot 58 } Parcel 3 ` } C.S.M. No. 536 o Lot 27 %5 j / Lot 23 # } ' Lot 61 I Wetlands as delineated by Wetland and Waterwaybt j Consulting, LLC. �L44 �43 L42� Lot 46 y 9 / 1! I ��� v. .a- v. .� .� •� �.CID 0/ Lot 22 �. 'WETLANDS `r' �' `r' 44 \' ,CV Lot 28 Parcel 4 v .rr •� .>- .� �33 ti Lot 62 C.S.M_No. 536 WL31 t_32 30' 30' / I = •� 1 y Lot 45 { j Lot 68 -'""-CD z`'T •�� `1,L} Lot 21 j GRAY FOX M J j �, s, Lot 67 ., x, Lot 20 m -- I (.,} N .� •v ./ ,� Lot 63 oa Lot 29 0} _ _' M TRAIL J Lot 43CUD) to Parcel 5 • L25 Lot 69 Lot 44 ''' _ - C �=S - - VI/gy_"_'' N I� V\' Wo. / S 32023'12" E } / o 3a so Lot 66 Lot 65 Lot 64 10 6 �'t 60.00 Lot 31 } Lot 32 J z -- } Q LO o Lot 70 30, / (PLAITED AS 36AV) ` } ' Lot 33 w ° �o Belle Chase ! Unolatted Lands -�'o. Lot 30 _ ._ _ f Z o � } ! a. BELLE CHASSE Lot 81 s� Cr 0 Lot 71 pVol °o ,.�.0. .� .v .� .� /LO a I m Lot 80 s / X. i r } } Unolatted Lands a Lot 79 °1�23�' `� �' Outlot 4 8 } ! Lot 75 Lot 76 Lot 77 Lot 78 S 66 ,�p3 / co a } - - .- - _ _. - _ Lot 72 I 5 6�°0 2 �1� v y •r •v .� •v .v v •v j / i 6„ yV co } IVV' } 012 S 87°03'40W N 891539W S 83 � �, Parcel Z c O 100.18105.71' C.S.M. No. 7503 CID Lot 73 0 8' -� ' .r .� .v .v .� •v .� v. .� v. w .>- �. / a6 • Wetlands as delineated by C- ! Wetland and Waterway `r' �' .v v. •r- � Parcel 2 Consulting, LLC. • ....- • �-v: •r• .r• .r• .i• •v •r• .a v .r, •i• •r, �, .r• y, Wetlands per - _ - Lu --y ,.j Plat of Belle Chasse C.S.M.o. 7503 t (PLATTED AS 86.oe') , �, v •v •r- w '+' WE7LAND�7' - m co Belle Chase .v .►. .v v. .v .v .v v. v. .v v- •v .v v. v. .v v. •v .v .v .v I Lot 74 0 in Outlot 4 / •r- •a .� .�• •v .►- .i• •v .v .i• v •s- •r• •v •v •� •r• •r• ! u� � •v v v v •v � � •v v .v W v •v v � v •v � .v .v �, � ` 41 S 88007'43" W 1312.62' .v •v S 01 007'51" E 54.31' E 54 OT40" 24') , (PLATTED AS S 8$°07'53" W 1312.62') {PLATTED AS S 01° S 88°0T53" W 169.7T -- - R.ofw. - WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY. M - N 44028'01" W 46.461 _ _ -- - �._ ,_._.. SE Comer, SW 1/4 ° s'o1° E46.51'} South Line of the SW 1/4 of Sect. 11, T5N, R20E -RECORDED AS 88°07`52" W 2685.23' - Measured S 88°0743" �N 26$5�- �� Sec. 11, T5N, R20E (PLATTED AS S 44 2 ---- (Found Conc. mon. w/brass cap) SW Comer, SW 1/4 +....-.- N 334,436.89; E 2,509,218.89 Sec. 11, T5N, R20E 30' 30, (Wisconsin State Plane Co - (Found Conc. man. w/brass cap) - l '- Ordinate System, South Zone) N 334,349.32; E 2,506,535.28 (Wisconsin State Plane Co - Ordinate System, South zone) Parcel 1 Parcel 4 ` C.S.M. No. 1353 Parcel 1 i - rc - C.S.M`NO. 8377 f - - - - I C.S_M_No. 1353 VICINITY SKETCH Southwest 1/4 Sec. 11, T5N, R20E Scale: 1" = 1000' • i' Belle Chasse Partners, LLC 11600 W. Lincoln Avenue West Allis, WI 53227 414-321-5300 Bearings refer to Grid North of the Wisconsin State Plane Coordinate System Grid, South Zone per N.A.D. 27. The South line of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 11, Township 5 North, Range 20 East has an assumed bearing of S 88°07'43" W. The South line of said Southwest 1/4 is recorded as bearing S 88°07'52" W per the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission. t M S a a 1-4 1�, 0i� .M _7 E i ii 100 FEET r - Denotes 2-3/8" O.D. x 18" Iron Pipe set, 3.65 lbs. per lin. ft. o-1-1/4" O.D. x 24 Iron Pipe found, 1.68 lbs. per Iin. ft. at Lot and Outlot corners. 1-1/4" O.D. x 24" Iron Pipe set, 1.68 lbs, per lin. ft. all other Lot and Outlot corners. All distances computed and measured to the nearest 0.01' All angles computed to the nearest 00°00'00.5" and measured to the nearest 00000,011, sq. ft. - Denotes lot areas to the nearest square foot There are no objections to this plat with respect to Secs. 236.15, 236.16, 236.20 and 236.21(1) and (2), Wis Stats. as provided by s. 236.12, Wis. Stats. Certified 20 N_ r� Department of Ad�nirustration N 01 006'22" W 25.00' SE Comer, SE 1/4 _(PLATTED AS N 01°06'OT' W) Sec. 11, T5N, R20E (Found Conc. mon. w/brass cap) _- N 334,538.05 E 2,511,898.12 (Wisconsin State Plane Col - South Line of the SE 1/4 of Sect. 11, T5N, R20E Ordinate System, South Zone) PLATTED AS N 87*50'16" E 2681.11' Measured N 87050'16" E 2680.96' Map prepared by: William R. Henrichs, RLS SHEET 3 OF 4 Project No. 130056 BELLE CHASSE ADDITION N0.1 Being Outlot 3 of BELLE CHASSE, a recorded subdivision, located in the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 11, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. CURVE RADIUS LENGTH CHORD CENTRAL ANGLE DEFLECTION ANGLE CHORD BEARING TANGENT BEARING TANGENT BEARING 1N 630.00' 92.75' 92.67' 8026'06" 4013'03.0" S 61049'51.0" W S 66002'54.0" W S 57036'48.0" W is 570.00' 36.471 36.47' 303957" 1049'58.5" S 59*26'46.5" W S 61016'45.0" W S 57036'48.0" W 2N 570.05' 148.03' 147.61' 14052'43" 7026'21.511 S 65003'09.5" W S 57036'48.0" W S 72029'31.0" W LOT 43 570.05' 13.59' 13.591 1021'57" 0040'58.5" N 58017'46.5" E S 57036'48.0" W S 58058'45.0" W LOT 44 570,05' 134.44' 134.13' 13030'46" 604523.0" S 65044'08.0" W S 58058'45.0" W S 72029'31.0" W 2N 570.05' 119.24' 119.02' 11 059'06" 5059'33.0" S 84031'03.0" W S 78031'30.0" W N 89029'24.0" W 2CL 600.05' 344.52' 339.81' 32053'48" 1602654.0" N 74003'42.0" E S 57036'48.0" W N 8902924.0" W 2CL 600.05' 187.41' 186.65' 1705343" 805651.5" S 6603339.5" W S 57036'48.0" W S 75030'31.0" W 2CL 600.05' 157.11' 156.66' 15'D00'05" 7030'02.5" S 83000'33.5" W S 75'030'31.0" W N 89029'24.0"' W 2S 630.05' 361.75' 356.80' 32053'48" 16026'54.0" N 74003'42.0" E S 89D29'24.0" E N 57036'48.0" E LOT 77 630.05' 40.51' 40.50' 3041'02" 1050'31.0" N 88040'05.0" E S 89029'24.0" E N 8604934.0" E LOT 78 630.05' 86.87' 86.80' 7053'59" 3056'59.5" N 82052'34.5" E N 8604934.0" E N 78055'35.0" E LOT 79 630.05' 86.87' 86.80' 705359" 3056'59.5" N 7405835.5" E N 7805535.0" E N 71 001'36.0" E LOT 80 630.05' 86.87' 86.80' 7053'59" 305659.5'1 N 67004'36.5" E N 71 00 1'36.0" E N 63007'37.0" E LOT 81 630,05' 60-63' 60.61' 5030'49" 204524.5" N 60022'12.5" E N 63007'37.0" E N 5703648.0" E 3E 970.00' 409.56' 406.52' 24011'30" 12005'45.0" N 202344.0" W N 14029'29.0" W N 9042'01.0" E LOT 44 970.00' 163.42' 163.23' 9039'11 " 4049'35.5" N 903953.5" W N 14029'29.0" W N 4050'18.0" W LOT 45 970.00' 123-031 122.94' 7016'01" 3038'00.5" N 1012'17.5" W N 4050'18.0" W N 2025'43.0" E LOT 46 970.00' 111.46' 111.39' 6035'00" 3017'30.0" N 5043'13.0" E N 202543.0" E N 9000'43.0" E LOT 47 970.00' 11.65' 11.65' 0041'18" 0020'39.0" N 9021'22.0" E N 9000'43.0" E N 9042'01.0" E 3CL 1000-00' 422.22' 419.09' 24011'30" 12005'45.0" N 2023'44.0" W N 1402929.0" W N 9042'01.0" E 3W 1030.00' 434.89' 431.67' 24011'30" 12005'45.0" N 2023'44.0" W N 14029'29.0" W N 9042'01.0" E LOT 61 1030.00' 88.12' 88.09' 4054'06" 2027'03.0" S 7014'58.0" W S 9042'01.0" W S 4047'55.0" W LOT 62 1030.00' -*I 1123 A 1# 112.25' 6014'51 3"07'25.5" S 1040'29.5" W S 4047'55.0" W S1 026'56.0" E LOT 63 1030.00' 100. 18' 100.14' 5034'22" 2047'11.0" S 4014'07.0" E S 1026'56.0" E S 7001'18.0" E LOT 64 1030.00' 134.28' 134.19' 7028'11 3044'05.5" S 10'D4523.5" E S 7001'18.0" E S 14029'29.0" E 4E 155.00' 272.77 238.91' 100049'52" 50024'56.0" N 40042'55.0" W N 9042'01.0" E S 88052'09.0" W LOT 47 155.00' 69.94' 69.351 25051'12" 1205536-0" N 3013'35.0" W N 9042'01.0" E N 16009'11.0" W LOT 48 155.00' 55.93' 55.63' 20040'29" 10020'14.5" N 26029'25.5" W N 16009'11.0" W N 36049'40.0" W LOT 49 155.00' 73.56' 72.87' 2701128" 13035'44.0" N 50025'24.0" W N 36049'40.0" W N 64001'08.0" W LOT 50 155.00' 73.34' 72.66' 27006'43" 1303321.5" N 77034'29.5" W N 64001'08.0" W S 88052'09.0" W 4CL 125.00' 219.98' 192.67' 10004952" 50024'56.0" N 40042'55.0" W N 9042'01.0" E S 88052'09.0" W 4W 95.00' 167.18' 146.43' 100049'52" 50024'56.0" N 40042'55.0" W N 9042'01.0" E S 88052'09.0" W LOT 60 95.00' 154.23' 137.84' 93001'01" 46030'30.5" S 44037'20.5" E N 88052'09.0" E S 1053'10.0" W LOT 61 95.00' 12,95' 12.951 7048'51 " 3054'25.5" S 5047'35.5" W S 1053'10.0" W S 9042'01.0" W 5 60.00' 289,40' 80.02' 27602 1'13" 138010'36.5" N 87004'19.5" W N 51 006'17.0" E S 45014'56.0" E LOT 66 60.00' 57.85' 55.64' 55014'37" 27037'18.5" N 23028'58.5" E N 51 00617.0" E N 04008'20.0" W LOT 67 60.00' 60.25' 57.75' 57031'46" 2804553.0" N 32054'13.0" W N 04008'20.0" W N 61040'06.0" W LOT 68 60.00' 79.04' 73.45' 7502828" 37044'14.0" S 80035'40.0" W N 61040'06.0" W S 42051'26.011 W LOT 69---- 60.00' 92.26' 83.44' 88006'22" 44003'11.0" S, 1 0 11'45.0" E S 42051'26.0" W S 45014'56.0" E 6 30.00' 24-58' 23.901 46056'44" 23028'22.0" S 27037'55.0" W S 51006'17.0" W S 4009'33.0" W N 5002'18.0" E S 04015'43.0" W S 4009'33.0" W S 5002'18.0" W N 1038'48.0" E S 5002'18.0" W 7E 1530.01' 23.47' 23.47' 0052'45" 0`2622.5" S 403555.5" W 7CL 1500,01, 88,80' 88.79' 3023'31 " 1041'45.0" N 3020'33.0" E 7W 1470.01' 19.92' 19.92' 004635" 0023'17.5" S, 4039'00.5" W LOT 69 1470.01' 7.57' 7.57' 0017'43" 000851.5" N 402434.5" E S 0401543.0" W S 04033'26.0" W LOT 70 1470.01' 12-35' 12.35' 0028152" 0014'26.0" N 4047'52.0" E S 0403326.0" W S 5002'18.0" W 8 30.00 25.92' 25.12' 49030'39" 2404519.5" N 20029'36.5" W S 45014'56.0" E S 04015'43.0" W 9 E 9CL 870.00- 900.00, 60.891 71.13' 60.87' 71.11' 40013511 4031'42" 2000'17.5" 2015'51.011 S 3002'00.5" W S 2046'27.0" W S 5002'18.0" W S 5002'18.0" W S 1 00 1'43.0" W S 0030'36.0" W 9VV I 930.00' 73.50' 73.48' 4031'42" 2015'51.0" S 2046'27.0" W S 5002'18.0" W S 0030'36.0" W 10 30.00' 25.23' 24.49' 4801123" 1 2400541.5" S 24036'17.5" W S 0030'36.0" W S 48041'59.0" W 11 60.00' 289.42' 80.00' 276*22'46" 138011'23.0" S 89029'24.0" E S 48041'59.0" W N 47040'47.0" W 11 60.00' 145.74' 112.46' 139010'05" 69035'02.5" S 20053'03.5" E S 48041'59.0" W N 89031'54.0" E i 11 60.00' 86.071 78.88' 82011'37" 41005'48.511 N 48026'05.5" E N 89031'54.0" E N 7020'17.0" E 11 60.00' 57.61' 55.43' 55001'04" 27030'32.0" N 2001015.0" W N 7020'17.0" E N 47040'47.0" W LOT 72 60.00' 49.39' 48.01' 47010'02" 23035'01.0" S 25006'58.0" W S 48041'59.0" W S 1031'57.0" W LOT 73 60.00' 48.17 46.88' 45059'50" 2205955.0" S 21027'58.0" E S 1031'57.0" W S 44027'53.0" E LOT 74 60.00' 48.18' 46.89' 46000'13" 23000'06.5" S 67027'59.5" E S 44027'53.0" E N 47040'47.0" W N 89031'54.0" E N 0030136.011 E 12 30.00' 25.23' 24.49' 480112311 24005'41.5" N 23035'05.5" W There are no objections to this plat with respect to Sees. 236.15, 236.16, 236.20 and 236.21(1) and (2), Wis Stats. as provided by s. 236.12, Wis. Stats. Certified 'r 'Gr4f A v Department of Administ" ti. n -1 n ENGINEERING, INC. ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURVEYORS 518 West Cherry Street, Milwaukee, WI 53212 PHONE (414) 604-0674 FAX (414) 604-0677 www.daarcorp.com UTILITY EASEMENT PROVISIONS An easement for electric and communications service is hereby granted by Belle Chasse Partners, LLC, Grantor, to WISCONSIN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY, a Wisconsin Corporation doing business as WE Energies , Grantee WISCONSIN BELL, INC., d/b/a AT&T WISCONSIN, a Wisconsin Corporation , Grantee and TIME WARNER ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY, L.P., Grantee, their respective successors and assigns, to construct, install, operate, repair, maintain and replace from time to time, facilities used in connection with overhead and underground transmission and distribution of electricity and electric energy, gas, telephone and cable TV facilities for such purposes as the same is now or may hereafter be used, all in, over, under, across, along and - upon the property shown within those areas on the plat designated as "Utility Easement Areas" and the property designated on the plat for streets and alleys, whether public or private, together with the right to install service connections upon, across within and beneath the surface of each lot to serve improvements, thereon, or on adjacent lots; also the right to trim or cut down trees, brush and roots as may be reasonable required incident to the rights herein given, and the right to enter upon the subdivided property of all such purposes. The Grantees agree to restore or cause to have restored, the property, as nearly as is reasonable possible, to the condition existing prior to such entry by the Grantees or their agents. This restoration, however, does not apply to the initial installation of said underground and/or above ground electric facilities or communication facilities or to any trees, brush or roots which may be removed at any time pursuant to the rights herein granted. Buildings shall not be placed over Grantees' facilities or in, upon or over the property within the lines marked "Utility Easement Areas" without the prior written consent of Grantees. After installation of any such facilities, the grade of the subdivided property shall not be altered by more than four inches without the written consent of grantees. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE STATE OF WISCONSIN) MILWAUKEE COUNTY) SS 1, William R. Henrichs, Registered Land Surveyor, do hereby certify: That I have surveyed, mapped and divided BELLE CHASSE ADDITION NO. 1, Being Outlot 3 of BELLE CHASSE, a recorded subdivision, located in the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 Section 11, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. That I have made such survey, land division and map by the direction of Belle Chasse Partners, LLC., owner of said land. That such plat is a correct representation of all the exterior, boundaries of the land surveyed and the land division thereof made. That I have fully complied with the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin State Statutes and the City of Muskego, in surveying, mapping and dividing the same. \`\\`0 11�< C 0 N 1/1/Z September 6, 2013 Date Revised: October 15, 2013 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE WILLIAM R. HENRICHS S-2419 Waukesha, W1 V, Belle Chasse Partners, LLC., a Limited Liability Company duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Wisconsin, as owner, does hereby certify that said limited liability company caused the land described on this plat to be surveyed, divided, mapped and dedicated as represented on this plat. Date Michael J. Kae're'k, Member Belle Chasse Partners, LLC., does further certify that this plat is required by Section 236.10 or Section 236.12 to be submitted to the following for approval or objection: 1. City of Muskego 2. Waukesha County 3. Department of Administration STATE OF WISCONSIN) -- Af 4-jvv5/�A COUNTY) SS Personally came before me this q �� day of tsJovfr,"110-1Z 2013, Michael J. Kaerek, Member, of the above named limited liability company, to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument, and to me known to be such member of said limited liability company, and acknowledged that he executed the foregoing instrument as such member as the deed of said limited liability company, by its authority. Wo-tary Public Name: State of Wisconsin My Commission Expires: 3/2 7 / Zo 1 to CONSENT OF CORPORATE MORTGAGEE 01D4 XAOTAqJ>. �A *?OUB 1-10 *-Z. ZZ, 0 ..... a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Wisconsin, mortgagee of the above described land, does hereby consent to the surveying, dividing, mapping and dedication of the land described on this plat and does hereby consent to the above certification of owners. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said has caused these presents to be signed by A 64 its and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this an day of � 2013. I � CS4- 2ZA 3 Date STATE OF WISCONSIN) tJA04u-5(-1A COUNTY) SS Personally came before me this L4 4 k day of Mb\J47Pn3U14- 2013, Aft%L. i- \4aA r- T- , to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and to me known to be such of said corporation and acknowledged the same. Notary N o Public O'D (j46 Name:--a't..) 0eL;4n/VJ1 State of Wisconsin 140TA#Qy, :.<' My Commission Expires: .31Z 7/Z0 11 ® OPWIS013 ,/f,111111111100\ William R. Henrichs Registered Land Surveyor, S-2419 CERTIFICATE OF CITY TREASURER STATE OF WISCONSIN) WAUKESHA COUNTY) SS 1, SHARON MUELLER, being duly elected, appointed, qualified and acting Treasurer of the City of Muskego do hereby certify that in accordance wi the records in my office, there are no unpaid taxes or special assessments as of this V - day of 1 2013 on any of the land included in the Plat of BELLE CHASSE ADDITION NO. 1 Date CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY TREASURER STATE OF WISCONSIN) WAUKESHA COUNTY) SS Sharon Mueller City Treasurer 1, PAMELA REEVES, being duly elected, qualified and acting Treasurer of Waukesha County, do hereby certify that the records in my office show no redeemed tax sales and no unpaid taxes or special assessments as of NOV96f$ ee-- �, ZO )3 2013 affecting the lands included in the Plat of BELLE. CHASSDDITI NO. / VC; 1/6 HI; 6 R-- � Date 4 Pamela Reeves County Treasurer CITY OF MUSKEGO PLAN COMMISSION APPROVAL Approved by the Plan Commission of the City Muskepo, Wisconsin, on this i54- day of 0.6 voe,(' - 9 2013. By Resolution No. dated oco�eyl I 2-gj-2> LA rh Date athyy 6ia;oiofti, Chairman C A Date Kellie Renk, Secretary mc V) 1W I (e- V1 CITY OF MUSKEGO COMMON COUNCIL APPROVAL Approved by the Common Council of the City of Muskego, Wisconsin, on this 3 day of 2013. By Resolution No. C1 - 20 t3 dated S 12-013 By the recording ing of this plat at the Waukesha County Register of Deeds Office, the City of Muskego hereby releases the 120'x 120'Temporary Turn Around Easement within Outlot 3 of Belle Chasse, a recorded Subdivision, recorded March 17, 2008 in Volume 53, Page 327 as Document Number 3554545. Date a by AChiave q i, Mayor rl J 114VI�01 3 Date Sharon Mueller, City Clerk/Treasurer Map prepared by: William R. Henrichs, RLS SHEET 4 OF 4 Project No. 130056 The grant of easement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, successors and assigns of all parties hereto.