LOOKOVER CONDOMINIUM - CONDOMINIUM PLAT1 4 LOOKOVER CONDOMINIUM`' CITY OF MUSKEGO, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN LOCATION OF PROPERTY: W190 S7782 Overlook Bay Road Muskego, WI DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Unit No. 11, in Overlook Bay Apartments, a Condominium. beinn a part of'Parcel 1 of Certified Survev Map No. 6362, located in a part of the Southwest 1/4 and the South- east 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 8, and the Northwest 1/4 and the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 17, Town 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskego, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, more particularly described as follows: Com- mencing at the most Northwesterly corner of said Parcel 1; thence South 67° 57' 36" East, 185.00 feet to a point; thence South 07' 53' 24" East, 177.81 feet to a point; thence North 486 17' 56" East, 100.95 feet'to a point, said point being the North- westerly corner of said Unit 11, and the beginning of the land herein to be des- cribed; thence North 840 02' 35" East, 27.8 feet to a point: thence South 050 57' 25" East, 7.0 feet to a point; thence North 84' 02' 35" East. 7.8 feet to a point - thence North n5° 57' 25" West, 7.0 feet to a point; thence Plorth 84" 02' 35" East, 24.3 feet to a point; thence South 050 57' 25" East, 1.0 feet to a point; thence North 840 02' 35" East, 12.1 feet to a point; thence South 051 57' 25" East, 13.9 feet to a point: thence North 840 02' 35" East. 4.2 feet to a DOint; thence South 050 57' 25" East. 28.6 feet to a point: thence South 841 02' 35" blest. 4.1 feet to a point: thence South 05° 57' 25" East. 27.45 feet to a point-. thence North 841 02' 35" East. 4.1 feet to a point- thence South 050 57' 25" East, 28.6 feet to a point - thence South 840 02' 35" blest. 4.2 feet to a point- thence South 05* 57' 25" East, 13.8 feet -to a point; thence South 84' 02' 35" West, 12.15 feet to a point; thence South 05" 57' 25" East, 1.0 feet to a point; thence South 840 02' 35" West, 24.3 feet to a paint; thence North 05' 57' 25" Test, 6.95 feet to a point; thence South 840 02' 35" Test, 7.7 feet to a point; thence South 051 57' 25" East, 6.95 feet to a point; thence South 84° 02' 35" blest, 27.85 feet to a point; thence North 050 57' 25" Test, 22.6 feet to a point; thence North 840 02' 35" East, 0.9 feet to a point; thence North 05° 57' 25" best, 21.65 feet to a point; thence North 840 02' 35" East, 34.5 feet to a point; thence North 051 57' 25" blest, 25.65 feet to a point; thence South 840 02' 35" blest, 34.45 feet to a point; thence North o5° 57' 25" blest, 21.6 feet to a point; thence South 84" 02' 35" blest, 0.95 feet to a point; thence North 05° 57' 25" blest, 22.7 feet to the point of beginning. The intent of the above description is to describe the exterior of said Unit 11. I, James Sulkowski, do hereby certify that I have surveyed the above described property and that this survey is an accurate representation of the exterior boundary lines and the location of the buildings and improvements upon the said property. This condominium plat is a correct representation of, and the identification and location of each unit and the common elements can be determined from the plat. The undersigned surveyor makes no certification as to the accuracy of dianrammatic floor plans of the condominium building and units contained in the plat or the approximate d' f th fl r areas thereof V*11� MOST NORTHWESTERLY COR. PARCEL 1 OF C.S.M. No. 6362 S s�os? CONDOMINIUM �S.Op 36'F EXTERIOR BOUNDARIES DISTANCE BEARING A 27.8 N.84002'35"E. B 7.0 S.05057'25"E. C 7.8 N.84"02'35"E. D 7.0 N.05"57'25"W. E 24.3 N.84002'35"E. F 1.0 S.05057'25"E. G 12.1 N.84002'35"E. H 13.9 S.05057'25"E. I 4.2 N.84002'35"E. J 28.6 S.05057'25"E. K 4.1 S.84002'35"W. L 27.45 S.05°57'25"E. M 4.1 N.84002'35"E. N 28.6 S.05057'25"E. 0 4.2 S.84"02'35"W. P 13.8 S.05"57'25"E. Q 12.15 S.84002'35"W. R 1.0 S.05057'25"E. S 24.3 S.84"02'35"W. T 6.95 N.05057'25"W. U 7.7 S.84002'35"W. V 6.95 S.05057'25"E. W 27.85 S.84002'35"W. X 22.6 N.05°57'25"bl. Y 0.9 N.84002'35"E. Z 21.65 N.05°57'25"W. AA 34.5 PI.84002'35"E. BB 25.65 i1.05057' 25 CC 34.45 S.84°02'35"bl. DD 21.6 N.05057'25"W. EE 0.95 S.84°02'35W• FF 22.7 N.05°57'23"I�I/ �mensions o e oo � � - Dated at Greenfield, W1, this 7th day of April, 1995. r JAME-S SULK6VWSE. �- 1666 Q MNFla^ am F f �!21 mean MOO " a I AM T7 H LINE OF PARCEL 4 OF S M. No• 6362 OVERLOOK BAY APARTMENTS A CONDOMINIUM � M W %r � \ . +D N Z P.O.B. ~ I D E F G H c�.i o vi i A B C I `EE FF J �` p0� U 0 DD r K Z w CC 7 r L a 880o x W N m� o Q M 3 AA o O r, N Z O \ \ Y I Y u P Q �� OI x W T S R OI JI W >I 01 S C A L E I" w 30� SHEET 1 OF 2 N LOOKOVER CONDOMINIUM CITY OFMUSKEGO, WAtJKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN UNIT 8 CLq ET s BEDR00 GARAGE BEDROOM SBA T �IJrj�J UNIT A o 1 c. Is. UNIT A DINING LIVING I ROOM ROOM I UNIT Ci KITCHEN PATIO G. IL K. p UNIT D D.R. L.R. t G UNIT C �- b==-is 8, n B. R. . C. 11 C. n B. R. 10.5X13 145 X12.5 UNIT F UNIT E 13.5` i! U 14.5 X 16.5 i 9.5 1 UNIT E Ll 1 C Lg6ET BEDROOM U 11 U BEDROOM n13ATH BATH s V U UNIT 8 DINING LIVING ROOM KITCHEN ROOM a R. K. L.R. UNIT D B. B. B.R. B.R. C. C. 11 x 13 14 X 12.5 UNIT NIITT F 13.5 U x 14.5 X 16.5 9.5 10.5 1 k x 14 X19.5 I 5X14 19.5X14 14 (I � 1 UNIT G UNIT G - UNIT—T JH 1 UNIT H �"` —F12.5X12 I 14X12 F14 12 F-O 14 X iz FI RST FLOOR SCALE I"= 15' SECOND FLOOR DEC o UNIT A 81 G 1189 SQ. FT. W I-- U N I T C 81 E 1087 SQ. FT. UNIT B & H 1227 SQ. FT. J I UNIT D &F 1141 SQ.FT. SHEET 2 OF 2