COLONY VILLAGE CONDOMINIUM PHASE 1 NKA FREEDOM SQUARE CONDOMINIUM HOMES - CONDOMINIUM PLATREGISTER'S QFFICE1 S%�483 Waukesha Co. Wis. +...�� L� B OR RECORD THE ,GC.&LDA �b 1EE! M INAM03 ._..._� ER. A. D., ►9AAT.,J.., D'CLOCKR.M. & RECUDED IN REEC19 OF RECORDS IMhGE `,���v. DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUK �r (p / / of REGISTER COLONY �VII+L GE. A CONDOMINIUM PRWCI', 'ZN MUS OMO WISCONSIN This Declaration made this day of , 1972 by WALTER J. KASSUBA, NICHOLAS S. RAI:CH, arJ. SM N. LAMENT, co-partners doing business as K.R.L., hereinafter collectively called the "DEVELOPER", for themselves and itself, and successors, grantees, and assigns, do hereby make the following Declaration; I. i PURPOSE The purpose of this Declaration is to submit the land hereinafter described to the Wisconsin Unit Ownership Act as re- quired under Sections 703.01 to 703.28, inclusive, of the Wiscon- sin Statutes (hereinafter referred to as the "CONDOMINIUM ACT"). The name by which this Condominium is to be identified is "COLONY VILLAGN CONDOMINIUM". II. r DRSCRIPTION OF LANDS The lands which the Developer does hereby and herewith submit and subject to the Condominium Form of ownership ender the Condominium Act of Wisconsin and which lands are hereinafter re- ferred to as the "Land" is described on Exhibit A Phase I annexed hereto. The improvements erected and to be erected thereon are described later in this Declaration. CONDOMINI13m D?.VXLOPMLNT PLAN The Development Plan for Colony Village Condominium is described and established as follows: jE�L 019 rsf�,OU4 A. PL&T OF SLWM A plat of survey o€'the land subject to this Declaration which shows the location of each of the buildings thereon is attached hereto as Rxb bit B Phase I, and which exhibit likewise shoats the location of each unit and the limited common areas appurtenanx thereto. B . aAB'5 Easements as shown on the plat of survey and as may be required for utility services, in- stallation of sewer, water and utilities, and for other purposes in order to serve the Condo- minium units are reserved throughout the condo- minium property. C. M BU31DZM§ Building improvements upon the land consist of 2 buildings identified as mrernwood Bldg. and Elmwood Bldg.", located as designated on the plat of survey. Such buildings have been constructed in substantial accordance with the Plans and Specifications therefor prepared by William E. Paschke, Jr., Architect. The Plans and Specifications are identified by the Architect's appropriate signature and are numbered as his Plan No. 7103. copies of such Plans and Specifications and a set of the Floor ,Plans of each building to be built are attached hereto as Exhibit C phase I and made part and parcel 'hereof -2- is ah o as i se gaited ind .n- and :ondo- ;ond o- at of and the h the d by Plans Architect's his ns of Veto as :l hereof r , Ica US ftSdO 15 as required by Section 703.13 of the Condominium Act of the State of Wisconsin. The buildings are two (2) stories in height and each have basements and are principally of a wood and briak.veneer, and frame construction. There are a total of twenty (20) two-story townhouse units located in said buildings. Exhibit B Phase I attached hereto sets forth with respect to each building the townhouse units located therein, its unit number, its location, the ground area within the boundaries of the unit, and the limited common areas and facilities to which said unit has access. D . OTFIR IMPROVERSIM Other improvements include an automobile parking area, landscaped and recreational areas, walks, roadways and access areas, and open spaces, and a lagoon, which lagoon will serve and be a com- mon area to future additions to this Condominium as hereinafter provided. All -,f said '•Other improvements" which are part of the common areas and facilities are shown on the survey annexed hereto. E. TIM TOMMUSE UNITS Each townhouse unit in Phase I, in the Pernwood Bldg. and in the Elmwood Bldg. contains a basement, a first floor, and a second floor, and contains -3- ifft OiS OW1006 5 rooms, consisting of two (2) bedrooms, a living roam, a dining roam, a kitchen, and lh bathrooms and each contains approximately 122E square foot living area exclusive of basement. Each townhouse unit in all phases shall include that part of the building of which the unit is a .part which lies within the boundaries of the unit and which boundaries are as tullows: I- HORIZONTAL BOUNDARIES The upper and lower boundaries of each townhouse unit shall be: (a) Upper Boundary: The plane of the under surfaces of the chords of the roof trusses, ceiling joist:: of roof, or rafters. (b) Lower Bou►ASM The plane of the under surfaces of the floor slab of the basement. 2. VERTICAL OUNDARIES (a) Exterior BuildingWallss The interior plane of the exterior of the outside walla of the building or unit, and where there is attached to the building a balcony, terrace, porch, or other portions of the build- ing serving only the townhouse unit being bounded, such boundaries shall be deemed to include any sur?h appurt- enances, except patios which shall be deemed to be limited common area. (b) Interior Building Walls: The plane of the center line of walls bounding a unit. In interpreting the boundaries of the units created under this condominium, the provisions of Section -4- REEL M +RAA007 703.13 of the Wisconsin Statutes shall apply. F• COKKON AREAS AMID LIMITED COMMON AREAS: I. The common areas and facilities shall in- clude the land and all other parts of the Condominium not within the boundaries of the units and shall include those which are applicable and which are designated in Section 703.02 (fi) of the Wisconsin Statutes. 2. The limited common areas and facilities are% (a) Such patios as are designated on the plat of survey attached hereto which are immediately adjacent and abutting to a unit and reserved for its exclusive use. G. CO 40N ZXMM TS LOCATED INSIDE UNITS: Each unit owner shall have an easement in common with owners of all other units in a particular building to use all pipes, wires, ducts, flues, cables, conduits, public utility lines, and other common elements located in other units through which individual units are served. Rach emit shall be 'subject to 'an easement in L`{ avrr= of tt& owners .of all otliie units in each i} , sF4m PFis. -UB' �11G�i pipB�, wil'6$, C�17Ct$•il�l�, ' 2. AA­ COIgLAOH limets'FiiiC►. .i.�:'q t� r h L� .. 8 h bt r mu9i y and � a *Ii- '< En -Wl p RUL 019 WAV:L0Q8 shall be entitled to an undivided 1/20 interest in and to the land, and the common areas and facilities, the limited common areas and facili- ties, and the common surpluses, if any, and shall likewish share in the common expenses and operation and maintenance of the condominium, in the same proportion. B. The Developer intends to expand this Condominium as provided in Article V12 of this Declaration. IIlion the annexation of Phase 11 (as hereinafter defined), each unit's undivided interest in the land, common areas, and limited common areas, cco&6n 'surpluses, :' anil common expenses mall be 1/40, and upon the annexation of Phase 111 each unit's undivided interest in said items shall be 1/60. c, rziEluded is Phase .T of the CenQonAAMian as a Common ea Le Ow, =tagaot ` : h `eeroev a: * watev tafsen i#on "003�'Rl l lse f� $ Abe aua E lan a as :a'. asrnoii 3 �^+Y Y y • ' t F�a� � l�F} b rd�+ W 1 r'Y. O Wil� .' yUpon xovi�dad in `',ve' ✓c 1,. r :. . _ � .'+GiF:�"f •' s b;$� �, _ _ �' . ter_ _ .s--�' 'Yt �� . } 1 . .��a' . ,.�. < � a 6T1 4 ,94 r� r t.4 4T Of `Phm�Y �� .and 1`il.i aed� t��ar.�lopre�r 12 therein dential may be r roams ma, All owns. !o interest :eas and and facili- iy, , and shall a and operation in the same condominium eclaration- hereinafter rest in the .on areas, .s shall be .se III each .ems shall. .tss as a common t water retention 1 Phase I - :rve as a common $ominium upon as provided in Lg said lagoon i by the owners the following as II and III, the cost reloper 2/3- IM 01S IN494009 2. Upon Lhe annexation of Phase 11, the unit owners shall pay 2/3 of the cost of such maintenance, and the Developer 1/3. 3- Upon the annexation of Phase 11I, the unit owners shall pay the entire cost of such maintenance. i D. Water System j :he water for domestic use for the Condominium units will be supplied to the condominium units from a water system developed by the Developer and depicted on Exhibit D. Such water system will likewise supply the water for the shopping center to the South. The cost of maintaining said water system shall be shared by the Developer and the owners of the units in COLONY VILLAGN in the following proportions: I. Prior to the annexation of additional units to the Condominiums (i•e• pciox to the annexation of phase II and Phase i==), the unit owners shall pay 1/4 of the cost of such maintenance, and the Developer shall pay 3/4. 2. Upon the annexation of Phase TI, the unit owners shall pay 1/2 of such maintenance, and the Developer shall pay 1/2. 3• Upon the annexation of Phase 1=, the unit owners shall pay 3/4 of the cost, and the Dave` -)per shall pay 1/4 of such cost. V- STATENM OF PUFOSaS The buildings and each of the living units contained therein are intended to be used for and are restricted to resi- dential uses only and for no other purposes whatsoever. Units may be rented for terms of not less than one (1). month. 8o roomis may be rented and no transient tenants stay be accommodated. All owners of all units within the Condominium shall comply with -7- if[, US +.adoj'U all the rules and regalations which may be establishp-1 by the Association of the Condominium from time to time, or as may be provided by the by-laws of the Associati.ou. VI - AM84TdI+D M TO PLANS AND COMPLNTION OF 1"ROVEMMIS The Developer resexves the right to change the interior design of all units and alter boundaries ,between units, so long as the Developer owns the Units so altered, provided, however, that no change shall increase the number of townhouse units, nor alter the boundaries of the limited common facilities, nor cha►ngc the common areas and facilities without a written Supplement to this Declaration. As such alterations are made, a Supplement to this Declaration reflecting such alterations may be signed and acknow- ledged by the Developer and by the holder of any mortgage on any of the units so affected. VII• AWMMTION A. PROPOSED FUTUPY, DIVMONNINT The Developer is the owner `oTE certain lands. adjoin- ing and abutting'the'1-ands described in Rxhibit A Phase I of this Declamation, which. additianaj ia+Mi am desaribeid..xn jrNjbite' A:$base IX: aia-A. ph&as a�scAad ': he��o x ' �evslrapeir,p�e�intY . i.rl� � .': to, dev�Iop AMC ort#css► 0 1oiiiRl b�u�tJi` cal ni taowantioU , an7� S, a�pta#j a 3 C1aAIM, -arid REEL DiJ Wd011 Development which is indicated on Exhibit E attached hereto, entitled "General Plan of Develop- ment". The total development, including the lands subjected to this Declaration and described on Exhibit A Phase I,,together with the landsdescribed on Exhibit A Phase'il and A Phase III will contain a maximum of sixty-.(60) townhouse or living units. The individual units in such phases may vary in design and size. The Developer intends to develop such General Plan in three Phases, of which this Declaration is the First Phase. The 2nd Phase will consist of buildings containing 20 additional townhouse units on the premises described on Exhibit A Phase II. The 3rd Phase will consist of buildings containing 20 additional townhouse units to be constructed on the premises described on Exhibit A Phase III. In no event shall the maximum number of townhouse units in the entire project when developed exceed sixty (60) townhouse or living units. B. PIGHT TO ANNEX ADDITIONRL LANDS ADD IMPROVE SAME The Developer reserves the right to, and may at any time within five years after the date of the record- ing of this Declaration annex to thr. Condominium the real estate described on Exhibits A Phase II and A Phase III, either separately or together, and to construct on each of said parcels, either before or after annexation, twenty additional townhouse units -9- 1EE, 019 mafjO12 of generally like design and quality, and add common areas and limited common areas, provided, however, that the total number of townhouse units to be constructed on the land described on Dxhibit A Phase II shall not exceed 20, and the total number of townhouse units to be constructed' on the land described on Exhibit A Phase III shall not exceed 20, so that when the Condominium shall be fully developed, the same shall not exceed sixty (60) townhouse units. All such land and units shall be subject to 4he restrictions contained in Article V. The annexation of the lands described on Exhibit A Mae IX referred to in this Declaration as "Phase II", and the annexation of the lands described on Exhibit A Phase III is referred to as "Phase III" in this Declaration. C. PROVISIONS M2UXMM iN M SUPPZrMNT As annexations are made to this Condominium, a Supplement to this Declaration reflecting the additional land and the Living units annexed to this Condominium shall be executed by the Devel- oper. Such Supplement shall, amongst other things, show the plat of the lands annexed, the location of the buildings, and shall describe in the detail required under Chapter 703 of the Wisconsin Statutes, all units, and appropriate plans and specifications describ- ing such units shall be a part of such Supple- ment. Every Supplement or Amendment to this -10- KEEL 019 io&1013 Declaration shall be recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Waukesha county. Any Supplement to this reclaration made by reason of annexation of additional lands thereto and additional units therein shall indicate the 6revised and/or added com- mon areas and limited common areas, and shall, amongst other things, contain appropriate pro- visions by which the percentage of undivided interest of each unit owner in the common area and facilities and in the limited common areas and facilities in the condominium, and the percentage of each unit's share of the common surpluses and common expenses of the Condomin- ium, shall be adjusted so that each unit's share of such items shall be as provided in Paragraph Tv hereof. D . DEVnOPER' S AUTHORITY TO RXECUTE SUPPr�NT The Developer alone and the mortgagee of the added lands, if any, may execute any Suj:ple- ment to this Declaration relating to any Amen.zments to plans as provided in this Article, and the Developer shall have the authority to act for and on behalf of all unit owners in the Condominium for the purpose of executing said Supplement, and such right so to act shall be deemed to be an agency coupled with an interest and not subject to revocation, and such, agency shall be confirmed by the acceptance of a deed of each unit conveyed. _11_ REEL 019 msd0A VIII. SERVICE OF PROCESS Service of process, pursuant to the requirements -of Section 703.11(8) of the Wisconsin Statutes shall be made upon .4MP.412A/0C.e- a rN , at Muskego,: Wisconsin at S^77 3 + ?L1,3 Z Lrz �r!�Auc, until all of the units in COLONY VILLAGE have been sold�or conveyed by the Developer. Thereafter the Association, of Unit owners shall designate such a person. zx. TM ASSOCIATION'. ADMINISTRATION, VOTING, AND INSURANCE A. The administration of the Condominium property shall be governed by an Association in accordance with By -Laws pursuant to the provisions of Sections 703.18 and 703.19 of the Wisconsin Statutes. The Board of Directors shall consist of five (5) unit owners, subject, however, to the provisions of Section D of this Article. B. The name of the Association shall be THE COLONY VILLAGE CONMUNIUM ASSOCIATION. C. The members of the Association shall consist of the record owners of the units in the Condominium. Such members shall have one (1) vote for each unit owned by them. D. Pending the sale and conveyance of all of the units in COLONY VILLAGE CONDOMINIUM, including all phases of expansion, the management and administration of the Condominium property shall be vested in the Developer. The Developer shall have the right -12- IRS Ul�i a5FfU1i� r during such time to appoint the members of the Board of Directors of the Association. The Developer shall have, among other powers, the right to adopt By -Laws; to amend the same; to provide for the maintenance, repair and replacement of common area; to collect from unit owners their share of the common expenses; to provide and adopt a budget; to adopt administrative rules for the governing of details of the common areas and facilities; to provide insurance against loss or damage to the common facilities and to provide public 'liability insurance and to insure against other hazards as are usual" and customary in the opera- tion of condominiumst and shall have such other powersas may be reasonably requisite for the =operation of the Condominium puopefty. Ala. 3r su rice policies upon the CoMeminim j,— s p.3; o'ha'il be I pajodhap6d by the Association j y p .y7 �31e` fit ,6f't* A4663ativ4 Wxt'tlM Unit .� r ro i j } ti J V.'aC.'•'i :A ti yq F' fit' r9.. }§���D�fil+Yh a Y �e afiured ins iQiit '^ K .j KEEL 019 11AS(J0 Lb equal to the maximal insurable replacement value, as determined from time to time by the Board of Directors of the Association, together with extended coverage. The Association shall likewise insure against other risks which from time to time they deem desirable. ..All costs of insurance written by the Association ' shall be deemed to be a common expense. All insurance proceeds received by the Association shall be held by the Association as trustee for the Unit owners and their mortgagees, if any, for f the express purpose of repairing and reconstruction as hereinafter provided. X. ASSRSSMENT AGAINST UNIT OWMRS The common expenses requisite for the operation of COLOXf VILLAGE CONDOMINIUK ASSOCIATION shall be charged to the unit owners in accordance with the percentage of their undivided inter- est in the cowman areas and facilities as determined by Article IV or Article VII in tha event of expansion of the Condominium, and such suns shall be a lion against the unit pursuant to the pro- visions of Sections 703.23 and 703.24 of the Wisconsin Statutes. XI. !R'P , � 71TIOl18. AND MPROVEMENTS Re: risibility for the maintenance of the condominium property, and restrictions upon the alteration and improvement thereof, 'shall be as followas A. TOII NEMSE UNITSr I. BY TER ASSOCIATION: The Associatiun shall maintain, repair, and -14- i(IL QiJ iwdOV replace at the Association's expense: (a) All portions of a unit, except interior surfaces, contributing to the support of the building, which portions shall include but not be limited to the out- side walls and surfaces and the roof of the building and all fixtures on the exterior thereof, boundary walls of units, load -bearing columns and load -bearing walls. (b) All conduits, ducts, plumbing, wiring and other ,facilities for the furnish- ing of utility services which are contained in the portions of a unit maintained by the Association and which service part or parts of the condominium other than the unit within which contained. 2. BY 'TEE UNIT OWER: The responsibility of the unit owner shall be as follows: (a) To maintain, repair and replace at his expense all portions of his unit except the portions to be maintained, repaired and replaced by the Association. Such shall be done without disturbing the rights of other unit owners. (b) Not to paint or otherwise decorate or change the appearance of any portion of the exterior of the building. t (c)' . To' promptly rePQ*t to Association any defect or r*ed for .ropairs tbs- reaponsibility for the remedying of which is that of the Association. E {d) The unit owner ihall U***j** W Ol li- . > u for- the, 104kintesanM Zepais an*uepJ:acetaoint ` { • r oft, wanbination etpp WOegr%arai • > r r g s }e FAR, x ( �YY �' �'� x° �"i' f � �( r� `unfit. � F� ,,7•; 3 t .a4. . a tie c f' gpgiressox seiriii`c"$nq tsy' REEL 019INAIdols 3. ALTERATION AND IMPROVEMENT - Except as herein reserved to Developer, neither a unit owne- -tor the Association shall make any alterations in the portions of a unit or building which are to be raintained by the .Association, or remove any portion thereof, or make any additions thereto, or do anything ;which would jeopardize the safety or soundness of the buildiLl, or impair any easement- 1 B. CCHMON Ei.U'S: 1. BY THE ASSOCIATION: The tmaintenance, repair, replacement and operation of the common elements and limited common elements shall be the responsibility and at the expense of the Association. 2 . ALIUSA'1M MS s X=&pt as hermits reserved to Developer, no alteration or addition to common elements shall be made without tl*Y affirmative vote or prior approval in writing by the rec -ird owners of at least 50% of the units. in any case no such alteration or addition shall prejudice the right of any unit owner unless his written consent has been obtained. C. RASEMEI TSi The Association shall have easements for ingress and egress to all units at. reason*ble hougs for maintenance of the'... oltu�*inigm #iaperty o tnsiritate� bysrti�tton �► 14 1.4 tt1f, - - ass: o`frgecy.. b'f �1 A q`yx �r ,mow- �$.' �„,e J � � � '� `k rti .ai �ti •c- � � ���,, �`( •.�� � � ,,,�� �kT - 77? x� -, •,, ✓: .y- py.? I ��� �ab'r #-ti _ ..�;. y e lls V ' }f� � k 's" •' '` ��� ��yyy� � X; IEEL 019INAd019 change any units proportionate share of the common elements, common expenses, or the voting rights, unless all owners of the Condominium shall approve thereof, either in person or by the vote of the Developer as provided in Article VII, entitled "Annexation No Amendment shall change the rights of the Devel- oper as contained in this Declaration. XII1. RSCONSTRLIOTToN OR MPAIR Reconstruction or repair in the event of fire, casualty or disaster shall be in accordance with the followings A. in the event of fire, casualty or any other dis- aster, the insurance proceeds, if sufficient to reconstruct or repair the buildings and other improvements shall be applied to such reconstruction or repair. Reconstruction or repair as used herein shall mean restoring the buildings and other im- provements to substantially the same condition in which they existed prior to the fire, casualty or other disaster. Such reconstruction or repair shall be accomplished by the Hoard of Directors of the Association. S. If the insurance proceeds are insufficient to re- construct or repair the buildings and other improve- ments but are equal to at least ninety percent (901Q of the cost of said reconstruction and repair, than they shall be reconstructed or repaired by the Board of Directors of the Association using the insurance proceeds. and the owners shall be assess- ed for the deficiency- -17 - REEL 019 WAGE1020 C. If the insurance proceeds are less than ninety (909Q percent of the cost to reconstruct or repair the buildings and other improvementa, then the determination as to whether or not to reconstruct or repair the same shall be made by a vote taken of the members of the Association within ninety (90) days from the date of the fire, casualty or disaster. An affirmative vote of at least seventy- five (75%) percent of the total number eligible to vote shall be required in order to reconstruct or repair the buildings, and such decision shall also provide that the members shall be assessed for the deficiency. If the required number of members do not vote in favor of reconstruction or repair within said ninety (90) day period, then the provisions of Section 703.26 of the Wisconsin Statutes shall apply. D. Notwithstanding all of the foregoing, in the event seventy-five (75%) percent or more of the build- ings and other improvements above foundation are destroyed, then the determination as to whether or not to reconstruct or repair the same shall be made by a vote taken of the members of the Association within ninety (90) days mom the date of the fire, casualty or disaster. An affirmative vote of at least seventy --five (75%) percent of the total number eligible to vote shall is required in order to reconstruct -Is- REEL oi9 NACEIL02i or repair the same. If the required numbee of members do not vote in favor of reconstruction or repair within'tha said ninety (90) day period, then the provisions of Section 703.26 of the Wisconsin Statutes shall apply. XIV. TZMffNATION All of the unit owners acting jointly may terminate this Condominium by an instrument drawn to such effect, duly and properly executed and recorded, provided, however, that such termination shall not be effective unless tivi same complies with the provisions of Section 703.16 of the Wisconsin Statutes, and upon such termination. the property shall be deemed to be owned in common by the unit owners as in said Section of t),n Wisconsin Statutes provided. Following termination the property may be partitioned and scld upon application of a unit holder. XV. RIGHTS OF DEVELOPER PENDING COMPLETION AND SALE OF UNITS Pending the completion and sale of all the units in the condominium, i,ncludtng any expansion units: A. The management and operation of the condominium property shall be vested in the Developer. B. The Developer shall have the right to appoint the members of the Board of Directors of the Association and to amend its By -Laws. C. The Developer shall have the right to use common areas and any unsold units as may facilitate the completion of the condominium property and the sale of all units contemplated thereon, all wi.th- -19- I(EL W fN1AO22 out interference of any unit owner, and including, but not limited to, in connection therewith, maintain a sales office, show the property and display signs. IN WITNUS5 VMIMOF, we have executed this Declaration of Condominium on the clay and year first above written. witnessed by; 1 �Aa+.rr �Jq ,ysell Fy •; c7.CEo/ 6JR c Nis-�r; Co. -partners doing business as K.R.L. STATR OF rWRMA ) f,?t., } s8 COUM Y OF lar.a C. Personally cease before ma this _L=day of .1 1972 the above -named WLTBR J. K>!1SSUBA to me known to be one of the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same . CL.z NT. N.E. I .] akN50� Notary Public, C State orida my commissions��,r rXe:. State of Ra►mb d Lee —20— -17- Im UI!) 166flo2j STATE OF WISCONSZN ) ) SS MIT NAUREN COUNTY ) Personally came before me this Llay of _ SNP7.rrAyd /I 1972, the above -named SAM N. (,ANENT to me known to be one of the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged .t I the same . .,. .` Notary Public, 1Kilwaukee unty, Nis. My commission.- if tVCAgo r F SA'M OF MMWA } so CCUNT4 OF Personally came before me this e'�ay of 1972, the above -named NICHOI.AS S. RAICA to me known to be one of :s the persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged '�'� yyaayf4.rtiyyy�)� 'Same. % u,0['�rrw,tp�iN� F v�o�wrsai/ Notary Public, y r State 7ofF1 my cod+missio 4. ` My [emndssim Expires Mar. 14, H73 sea&* h Awk.. Is. a C.. *, tr .� siq;wd, owners of a mortgage affecting the n l iiLit ►, Phase t, do .hesaby and herewith '1*arition of CQWo"i'33~aria agree to be ✓'"- �- aa,�r 1 ' •:�'�k i:r, ` _i.."fir.' a .' ?e.r . f�« Ui9 %S4024 STATE OF WISCONSIN.) ) SS MjjA1HAU1= COUNW ) Personally came before me this � � day of Zi 1972ia4l 4 .l,1V1r�� 1 and 1 T'"ram 7 �C7A: eAe� 1 and 4. g- Tt� of NATION&. SAVINGS AND LOU ASSOCIATION. to me known to be such persons and officers who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same as such officers as the deed of said Association, by its authority- Rotary public, Milwaukee County, Wis- My Comdesion: ,-14 �,r4tY wlilr {mac F 00, 07HY HIL 00 IlArA025 we, the undersigned, owners of a mortgage affecting portion of premises described on Exhibit A, Phase I, and all of the premises described on Exhibit A, Phase 11 and Exhibit A, Phase III, do hereby and herewith join in the foregoing Declaration of Condominium and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions thereof. Dated and signed this 3rd day of October FIRST WISCONSIN MORTGAGE T. a Massachusetts Business True Wi eased by: by '. ogelman J An J. foqKig,_An, Secretary Countersigned k4- by t "6'AILA Dean Dan J.-s B VL66 sid*;t STATE OF WISCONSIN) T ) SS MILWAUKEE COUNTY Personally came before me this 3rd day of October 1972, John J.- Poehlmann . and Daniel J. Bartz -4. Secretary and Vice- resident of First WLeccmin Mortgage in,v , eit6ri... � to me known to be such''peribis and of ft who executed th* fbkogmAfig 1hatrutient" and, acknowledged, - they executed" t1i'a same an, such 6f ficiers an the deed of said., ctoo -its authdtity.. _7 iof C ­6� g V:" _h'4 \r v4 0 =1 LEGAL ILSCRIMOY: COLONY VILL = PSfI$L+ ] That psrt of the North vast l/k of Section 10, Township 5 Werth, Roo 20 East, is the City, .o! 1MMk6p,;:% Wisconsin, bounded sod described es follows : Comomaing at the southeast corner of sst4 1/4 Sects 0;4; t*W mlxrP slosg the West litre of said 1/k Section 1263.ki fast to its intersection with the vestotlr ex eion of tW ii Briargate Ilse; theses W.87• 57' 38"Z. albag the westerly extension of tie south lies of said Briarg■tE: LN ,a;, point is the east line of Lannon. Road, said poiwt being the point of begissiag of the Lod to b� ;,._ W.&r 57' 38"E. along the south line of said Briargate Lae 368.00 feet to a moist; tbome S•g" 02' 2W 9. �ta1a 0i 13a pt eagles to the mouth Ilse of raid $riargatt Lane 100.0o feet to a point; thence S.9f 57' 38N- WAS, lice of said Briargate Lae 43.00 lost to a poiatj tiaace s.2. 02' 22"&. oa a line at right Briargate Zone 82.00 feet to•a Dcsat; thence 8.88 OO#P. oa a Use I20.00 feet to a point; the, 8;'7'9' Sp•1E- � 4 feet to a point; thence 11. 00119. a a line 140.00 feet to a point; theses East as a Beer 60.OE1 tq a poi�i • , 00 W. oa mi- 5 23 00'E. on a line 60.00 feet to a point; thence 8.21 00 5di�-`.oa a line 69.99 feet to a point; th�ace 8 ' fret to a point; thence 8.6e 00'W. on a liae-LI5.00 leant to a point; these* 8.85. 009W. on a Ups 00 feat to" s•20. 55, 03"W. on a line 126.60 feet to a point; thence s.6e 27'W on a Ilse 60.Ou fast to a p"stf ilummPs X.M ►� line .00 feet to a point; tbaace i.77. 35'�• on a line 293.37 fast to a point; tbsnee S.W 50' 33"V- oW R140 53 tothe wet liar of slid 1/4 Section 100.00 feet to a point is the east live of said Lwaaa !load; tbafte Y east lies of said Lannon Road 50.00 fact to a �oint; thence W.88" 90' 33"B. an a Use at right asw to 1/4 Section 100.00 feet to a point; thence X.1 og, 27"W. on a line parallel to the wart lies et sml# 1/k.. a point; themes 5.88. 50' 334W• on,a line at right angles to the vast line of said 1/k Sestina lt)O.CQ fib 4v east Use of said Lemon Road; thence RX 09' 27"W. along the east ItLwa of meld Lannon Road WAS rout ts,tY begiaaing, eontalaing 3.526 acres of land, more or lase. S'fJITE OF WIeC0118I11) i hereby certify that on the 9th. any of August. 1972s I Saw-srecw+at+o� iur`�Y tip 38 MI.WO= OOUM described property and that the map is a cornet raersometatisa tberoct and �h"v boundary lines and location of buildings sad other l"WOVe■ssts oa eAd PWOPSM wad tin -°a asaauremeatf thereof. M�a~irp� Pitt So. 72-750 ;1• Badger &WVWLei 4-, XMG• � 7m W. $71a. BtrMt 4=A4406 W. !S . Brown Doer, Wles 53 Weastas+d Land Bui'w% A4c afreMgvr i n_nic '`►------------ 4 --� • H }50,01, T. - - -- `--- '=- -t` --- j�-- - - - - EXHIBIT B Sri w.c 2 i 3 �� 11 �o PHASE I 1 ti0 +r idt&! l' l r *, n � � r 2 0) , �r r2 • -�- IN 43.0Q' • t r ' I IZS 41~ an% . S.BT•57'$8"W l � ac• I • •T°t :. • �N�� .. �� I nu d s o• Rru r l r 4� �'� 0 �l i` � i � . i• u. 1 A M �' �s+ -7 t g ` t .•_ ., • ' S. 88• 00- E. E A S T 120.00. S, ,, 7 5. 00, 60, 00' r O +3.0 %. n# W o r a �'7 ° 4se s,o 00. '� in {yip ' z IQQ.DO' `'I ~ +y F to 4 [+ M Z z 0 A- ti lF Q lk OL�'tizil-�?�'r- - L. �'` G ! z 5.00• :p a 100.00 s.as°oo W. C'QOSf.✓ATCw GBNBrES � `S. � f6 of S05.88°50'33"W. NO 4GCRS57bLR600.v 3 8Ae 00. - •5 �m 6 ;Z b OO m) �L F) oa ` 2 o S• N, 7j• 3S y y NO re ;P +YAER `4r Q o SU rr. TY OKRA 4 s h ,4 FA�41, CAtPeitrs y7 �2°Z klsf Em- Wd�Afe,700 COC01 MMON AFFA DE.YprFf PA'CPOZZA I/FeWA" 'RMiI� �t4r +✓o. rZ 7S ~`----- oENOrox ° PLAT OF SURVEY C(DLQ NY V I LLAGE ? 4 L/NrT NTYN�C4L4AA.-rw*,rgI (%BNOTCj nMSE/Q P t—f A S E I +rs 3 •, s+ C < s, -cz w*voo at al Nor �` F/A 2l P4rID.r ® FtOA� C I T Y D F M E!5 K EG D &W"r 'T-&AFAllr000 ®coe, ooFwor aevE A P4rro NESv LLB G.40u.V0 ARlr4F04 04Cw Povtr /3 613.7054?F7 72-750 PREPARED EY • - BADGER SURVEYING CO INC. EXHIBIT A PHASE 2 LEGAL MrSOMPMOX: COLONY VILLAGE PRASE 2 That part of the (forth best lA of Section 10, ?osnshiP 5 North, urge 20 East, in the City of Kuskego, Waukesha County. Wisconsin, bounded and described as folloss: Coassacing at the southeast cortur or acid lA Section, thence ff.l' 09' a_7"W. along the West line of said 1A Section 1263.41 test to its intervaetion with the waterly extension of the south line of Briarrgats Lane; thence E.87' 57' 38"E. along the south line of said Bsisrgate Lane and its veaterly extension 418.0:. feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence containing li.87* 57' 38"E. along the south line of said Briargate Lane 258.59 feet to a Point of curie; thence easterly along the southerly line of said Briargate Lane on a curved line (chose center lies to the south, having a radius of 1026.00 foot, vitb a chord of 20 .54 feet, hearing S-39 14' 04.509.) a distance Of 207 90 feet to a point in the Westerly line of JkrLland Wvo-; thence 8.19 00'W. along the vesterly line of said Parkland Drive 118.07 feet to a point of curve; thaws southerly along the vesterly Use of said Parkland Drive on a curved line (vbose center lies to the southeast, fairing a radius of 269.00 feet, vith a chord of 172•1h feat, bearing 8.00 20' 20"W.) a distance of 175.22 feet to a point; thence 1.21" 00' 530W- on a line 69.99 feet to a Point; thence 11.45' 00'W. on a .tine 60.00 feet to a point; them* West on a line 60.00 feet to a point; thence s.75' 00'W. on a line 140.00 feet to a point; thence 1f.70' 00'W. on a line 85.00 feet to a Paint; thence N.88' 00'W. on a fans 120.00 feet to a point; thence X.e 02' 22"W. on a line at right en81e0 to tits south line of said Briasgate Lassa 82.00 feet to a Point; thaws 4.8j" 57' 38"E. on a line parallel to the south line of said btiaxate Lens 43.00 feet to a point; thence s.2' 02' 220W. on a line at right angles to the south line of said 8ri&VWts Iris 100.00 test to the Point of beginning, containing 2.063 acres of land, more or less. STATS CW VZOA09M3 KE WAMS 000M !1 so DeaordPtion by 8adpr 9umyIng Cc., Ing Plat No. 72-75.0-2 it. EXHI BIT A PHASE 3 COLONY vniA 6 PFAU 3 That part of the North Vest 1A of Section 10, Township 5 North, Range 20 East, in the City of Muskegof Waukesha County, Nisconsin, bounded and described as follows: Comencing at the southwest corner of said IA Section; thence N.1' 091 ZTN. along the Vast Use of raid 1/4 Section 974.00 feet to a point; thence hh.88' 50' 33"P. on a line at right angles to the Vast line of said 1/4 Section 15o.00 foot to a point; thence S.Tr 35'9- on a line 2'3.37 feet to a point; thence 8.27' 331S. on a line 53.00 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing S.27' 33'z- on ■ line 2.57.00 feet to a point; thence N.6e 27's. on a line 160.00 fast to a point; thence 8.2T 331&• a: a line 28.22 feet to a Pont; thence 9.6e 2711* on a line 23M feat to a point in the curved westerly line of Parkland Drive; thence northwesterly along the westerly. line of said Pkiklaad Drii+e an a coned line (whose center lies to the northeast, having a radius of 269.00 feat, with a chord 4f 1.20.25 fast, bearing h[.3V 14' 16.50W.) a distance of 121.28 feet to a point; thence S.69. 00'Vi. on a line 56.23 feet to a point; thmos 5.6e 00'V1. an a line 115.00 feet to a Point; thence S-W 00 % on a line 125.00 feet to a point; thence 3.200 55' 03'W. on a line 126.60 Hart to a Point; thence 8.6e 279V. on a line 60.00 feet to the point of beginning, containing 1.710 acres of Lnd, ewx+e or less. STM or ftI800N8A} XnMAUM COLMY ) Description by Badger &Seeying Co., Inc., this 9th day Plat No. 72-750-3 Clarence R. 1972. 0NS" e PI( S 1 BURG ; M I LWAUKEE. r Wis. :Q44 U R -tea N_87.5 50,01' R G A T-LANE_ � 626,59' iV•87°57'38'E. _207,90• CN0.20T-54' ' 5.88° 14'04.5-E. ~ ��D o063 qc z100.00, N S.88'S0'33"W. CN _\ to Z a oQ, ~� S ��r•� o. ° J 88650'33'E. v►° 3.3Z6 AC. t 1� �ai`� z m '0 100.00, z 'v % 100.00- / 1 m S.88'50'33" W. �93 .Z z 1.710gC•4 3 Z 3 2 n��.�• N c'v _622 Plat No. 72-750-4 Z O Z Z Q1 J' WK r, R. OF 114 SEC - Nt. it ' 3.6 f GENERAL PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT COLONY VILLAGE CITY OF MUSKCGO EXHI BIT E 1"= 100' PREPARED HY SA,,'+ER StjRVFYIN; -L.;N':- 4Rr75A LE M. �,S- 7FZ-4-1 47A --- -- r AO1,Fq ARNA PL. . ~.-we Ana W-, e,A *..5F7AOWAV All" Sir !ts Ad ALf AMA, 6#00 &W A'14f fres. ; O-Alle V. 7M, 6, lAr.5 4- or. 0 W. ,Pv- AVK W)e e., 7f4L-O'1 At. JOKOPrArl, Lw- -4,QX-Fmr, ANNA CCLZV,CA RIAT -'Ve7 00 T-7,,6 C- 7P7 -5 MO. A#W 4'. wrllow f�se"4v,- 6wr P/qm,<Ivc, AREA -A VZO A TeA -"4*PXRTV "IV& A' --AXX4AAW NR -AA'KJIVOr 70" -4.67,Avy Awe r o A w Af . I . w! �A" `Af.","'V4lJW OMA el IZ he WI-Inj.". H o B. E J, w I�'F 4- -A NE -SA W. " AVARL�i.Y/3T. I "0. fe, '&Y. A' 7fr " Wje V. OF Z. pip-r- fj —7" A.W. 'C' 7?-r 74% .Fir '&J'F jriAxr e- -mv. swwcR "w -I�v lvr YIF,9.77 . % A- nz - 4 J, " '•Zl e6 AO aw it We 77pf4 77 (V tsf�N PAA AV --A oll iT wve Pw11w4m&Arr �" UTILITY LA cwdrwr -4 Tj AIAO J*OjP t-T IVA i/S EEV .0,6lEr.ED A6 v 11107F.- Re'XI-5ED �'LL 5;4,A117-46'Y -t:-,EA/,rR 0 WA, EA> A44 V AS DhYECrEZ) 4 PA SC4 e E AAL4 5SOC 7-01VE. ,t ��66'11VSOAI c K'N C07. #0 NOW )97.40 . ff-/,Vjv PLI.T. 75 795.70 414'LAT RESPOAIV.&t.6 AICK -ANY LWS'1OAI- Aor. 91 SIN/ -A my 6" -4A .qiA4 Apfr. &4r JM41' aim if we. "-*. es AWA,' JrIWSe AV ;Vff-JP '-4 F 1772 V Ad Pffo AN cro -Ar CAIT 6 A.V a-- WW A Or /-Y. -Sig`w &C. 77/- 4 dr APAW �4&A."- 13�r, r A r �AL -�IW A V I-S. SAW MU OV.Pjr �TA wa" TA 4W 0 70, . . . . . . . . . . . . .a 1Mi COLONY VILLAGE CONDOMINIUM I INDEX OF SHEETS 4H tOf NO, v a y G1� f P T! O N 2 y I T S r L- ,A , `t 4 MP►yPMth-f AMP PBUKPAT f 9N PI.PtiN 5 i�Omf' rKAMINA PL,^NGi r- Loo r< Ft, ^N* 7 - Ir1.OVAT10NAP � �N ALI. h�GTi gh�i-i 4 &u l I. V l h4 15 VGT ION f0 �7P0G1r�iGP�TI�N�-r e-1 OL96TKIGAL P1,^tiGi FIV•[ HLA'fINA - RG P LPN c- f . a Y 1 6 1 0 N i EXH I B I VilWAAM L, Ph�iGNI ,JR.,J1RGHffLGT �OI�r7H KatdY �►`/ GCI fef iw 'fNow fiA* ARC AWATO 4M* AwTHatie wmw fmT1oi ply iw &A* or 'f HE f 1H1.1 ug m m*v P4 iT H � �tbt- I 1 r C L-7) l! Kd'roi WinvivoA, P,-, .ImA ewpavy IRO LIMl-rov rommam ^w4, A"i7 e K rKr1w'eii r - I r><IyIINA !D" .YorrrpRfi —_. INK fs m' 't+t+•Z 1 k N 1 . r,y S 3� 1 F' . R' ..� �.. } .. LtceL aRscRlrtcoN •..r jS Ir`I�IvrpUP1L PAr�Klhla ��! .' V� '".,,, 'Ina[ art of the North Wrmt 114 of Sectloe 10, Toweehtp 5 North, wmvr�p &,omm9m P+r�i�ipd� Ohm Range 20 Easc, Is tM Glty of 7htakego, Waukesha County, Wiseonal•., bounded and described as fcltws: Concln at the southwest corner a �Q hrlYli"�� ^ mrof said 1A Sertton; thence I[.1° 09' 27"W, along the wat Its, of raid J/S Section L263.41 feet to Its intersection with the masterly extension ' of the mouth line al Retargets Lane; thence R.1170 57' 30"E. along the westerly axteoslae of the youth line at meld Rrtargate Lanr S0,01 fast .` to a point Ln the east line of Lannon ]ford, said puinL bolas the polat u at begtantng of the land to be described; thence coattoutng h. a:0 S7' 39" E. along the mouth line of said grlarRete Lear 365.00 tz. to a pntot; thence S.20 02' 22"L. on ■ line at right angles to the south line of said Rrtargate Lear 100.00 feet to a point; thence S.670 JP 39"W. on a line parallel to the south line at maid Rrtargate Lane 43.00 feet to a point; thence S.21 01,' 22"E, on a Jima at right ana!er to the south IIn. of said Rrtargate Lane. di.00 teat L. a point; ah.nce S.Sv' 00't, y . on a lieu 170.00 : feet to a paint; thence S-W -JO'on a Line 05.00 f'7^PiHi7l.0 # 2 _ _ ire[ a D°1°r; theote R.75° 0U'i. "n + ti:•t• JwO,st, Ire[ to a p.%nt; _ then . Last eo ■ llnr 60.00 tart u, a Point; them e.S-S' WE. on a - }�11"i AiJ ,'p line•60.00 tees to ■ point; tben'r S..J" 00' !,r,k. on a Ilan 6i.9y, it. IN✓e��,yf��0 ,y4q'-sl�°�7 E. a point; then.r S.690 00-at. on . ltne ;0...'w':eYt [u'i paint; thence AWE -7+�, O __ R.67o 00'L, an • line 11;.00 Ia., ..� • rinftt:, then•r ��,al P� a line I. S.OU ter: to .Point; flue..• 5 r-:u i5' OS'L .; or,a 1- - - - - _ Y, 6wr t1 rrrr to , p. tax . [:�,d r S.62" ,Ww. •a ilr.•• to.110 feet tw a paint; mom'. -� -e � r s i.. l fw.1ii [hence JI,2i" i1'v, ve ■ :far SJ.�U Iret t.. a Palo.: thence N,:7° 35'W, 1 a t -4i 7 an a line 291.11 feet to a p..Jot; thence S.bb-' ;u' 6300W. on a line at W-e _ -,,znp C7rYe--f-t right ■ngtea to the west line ul said Ile yectloa. IOU au :tut to Y t w I TQ Paint 1. the salt It.. or ..id Lancuu luau. rhwa4wi �.•la 09" 27"W., . �J &loos the 0-L line of said L. nsan Enid 50.(0 (gat to a point; tgenr& e -"---"--� .-- -- Oil N.B6° 50' 3l"E. oa a liar at rlg:.t angles sa the Wtrt and ..t card U z _ - I - - C —_- �r•�rit1 1/4 Sectton I00,0P teat to a point" th.n.e S.L° O9' =:"W. au `ins parrl;rl 10 the Wert line of a. to 1:4 Sert1•.n 5i).":>ret to a Pilot; - M te,rnct S. gdu �0' un • ifne „t t161•t anK•es t� the We" 11nr °f Z ,0' IAZd I.. %union 1i0,.rU feet L,, .• p, as in the gut ilrr cf -id H O I .•S f p} {.�2 _ Lamps i. sd; rhyme %.1' 09' _7 „L. x the raat lln. u: ra.1d London' rl.rsd - (O I�, a,� i90.1b felt to :r.< paint of beglnning, ront.11+Lns a.>:4 ■r res dr lead, • M 1 ' RJSL Trt� t I I f` l� t i Aare J[ less. -M 7 i ur�ai _.T't' p wT• Ur►ITn j d 0 ^MnKlr�l� M ell I T-04 o u t UN,T Lei 11 UNI( < _ LIP r�ul�arrr —a L� a I ) '' ti err n TNlFi orAtrflr� $� UN1T ! UNIT - ] \�FIJI e7bl" n \I N d '�'� �•� •elm? , ; �'N"!-{...._.. � �, _�iy��, - € � T � G.b , I N 1 DO 4. - �Bl'IB I�fiv♦�t MINT W vNrT ,•1t ,iAi11 _ �- 1 N gou,�a 0ITVMlr10u5 P/+VINGr 1OIrFiT ftEq IsA Ali 0 V !a! . Gi�RpONT VVIM _C;FrlG?raM i 1 ' dWNL. PA_ j l o %d* aJtfJ' �rraG• 6FIt f +'� -- Lr W/Row. KAXFAorp 1 �-Ir .� fiertatoNe �'" AM s ,j►� -a NOI&F• MOH UNIT 1�v114 �f[r/la rPT 1 4 V+ f p La1Y/ HD N sore. 4�10 as31 .r Zi# ,�wc7 [I H4 bzr 5�' "w 4 . will r i O N rV 45 - ��.. • ; ,., ]�% .�v; ':'�.y ' i.. -:Ir.q '; i' .tea : _ J . �' - R� :may.. ai.. S1-.•'i$ .N'... : `F Y.4 .�x 3•, r t C.s i � 4x � .,y3 t.3 �. ;sl - � :`.. "� . '' .��R, r- -r'. 1:_.'__C`' �,� R �# ff. G.S"� „x•.F. x 1f�..� ki I I � i 1 ' 4 R i i- --L p _ J� T G Zr'O" y 41-0" A4f,R drr fiNRUW* 0,404 . ,„ ilk^ I�XT$RVR j'L`fY+IODV TO ^prKo�nrp Tka r 1I2a T�K'[UE;w I'u Mow . `. 'f0 M�'fGH Got�4MrNlorn Vi A. i - 0♦U-rlr&R **w por+rr,50 4' t 4' MW rO*Y4 a Ij r'�'�P�sNrsv TD MFrtGli GOFtpt9t Q s 12" e� G�NOR�1� I'�fC�s ri�pp � V' ^4,WHAV4 PI.VIP9 PAKrltt-VA i. FI.AeMIM -- ---.__ l'X G" Lex !'Ae Btol+ttPS !/Z"'�.XT�Rri t-tl 16!`tV PAt�I. FrfAlti� 'r0 MA'iGi�t G4'htdDh e)(17.1 Noop - 4" K V ?4AOP r0erf VOWL6 4W'r*N^ FMH GW K Tno XieVONs rVM �syrt�rh+a y'fOHPr Ri9�Vr�'jE%I�17 rrJlLr. r3k y v" '«� 1i1.7 Hlif�(Jei� Z I, 011 4!-40f� -. 40 41 f/ 'T AaiPh L,-r <sNlri�t iZgd�F)TO M1►'fGN iq?lYt7OMINIiJM, �ttlTy — i/V OKTiKwK �Lf1^saaV CYTATB' k rt,F wgp1? if-wy�, 9 TO f''iA'fGH GdnnDMww�l vnlTr+ '. I ! 41 K 40 viwp 1,0*-r,* D !o I -o" O.G. (4-fp, irsp Tp mpcvGtt pptiparllrilum utts s> P�if�NAL'f �C.d16�7 PARK!Hra yli��A!� �r.I. F�L1�iFtiNG - iY� G" FA% IrAC,01,A PWAf°.P'i 41^]Nlw TO MATGI+ ewhoommiuM uhiisi W HL� l�Tl�PtoR PfTGN QP rM - -�.. K -f4p 0AWOW rom -PP0171MA THC y'i0 t * K*vl$TMP r 1`ii Pt I*Tftl.L W VkILLtAM �. P1►�lGMiK'�"„ JIC,,AFeHI'fMGT, IVIt WIEKrls'f !MFK'f!!NY 'THAT ThiO4,0 FWkPfrs AICB A6,60AA10 GBftl* /r TN®GG rdPX floPNra iF IN# MA114 010 114-3. DUILv[t{ep-;, My I°I1.op ATM At1n #-rrKpv*p PY THe qKY Oe M{l�sKlf60� Wt�s�N41N. Mot. m 4, 1,111, aaw"w at emus. IT AI161,FI�dr, 1�7,�,," "co6acI " las Sol wa x. z i y31om" r S 1 •' TYP/CA I 12">< 20" I .I TYP/CA E I jI' 1 � I - i 9� _ -- — r :I r4 "' I W 17N - Hoyis blb (tYrI�N.) H� 4-t PIriI+1. '(YI'IGh.li C ri/ 2 +F4'h ,_� 1 1 I �I I I IB 6 I ,e c ' I '(60" VG}iT •TYt'Ir�l,[pYi I I evum? pomp! I III 1 ,-- '� I r I r l ' � I I I � I I t• - S I � y I ' -- _ - ---- i I , sr,4 p(w h1+ lyrl^ , ! A 1L'•9 42 ti '� IZ 4f� '� \\Z �G' 45I 3G` t%� N•9 -' - - - �2' ' ,pe IN -- TIN' )•- - ----- C .m BA5EMENT PLAN P I. - �: .u. :019 +wu4u4b I **,-4'+ � ji!-O'" It �'-B• -_ - I TYPICAL /NrLRj0i2 COMC14FTC FOOtIHh i2"K 20 W/2 0 L{'1 COFITfMU0U6 , 'I TYPICAL FkAs AA.'??4T WrtL 41,10"Pam*-r I I I � filff�lP rUMP ,t I [. 1 I M � _ I L is , e,'r W r ft4L. I i r 11/(�� �II ul lrn Ilr h 1'nw - � I IZ' Gdh101'��T� C�I.aG►S 4 'rYF'IG/■V L+r.-T�P.IGrt r�40 1HCa I I I r I , , IV A 44e rW')H61 ri/ rb fetillr vaU F i I I •f � I N rK yHALA- to A Nov Iows A WWWwwlvv I Y• I � i II iir —_—___.______ PO l i w I i -■ , I , I II1 � 1 _■ I 't Ise to s'�s" a it 1 sa; BASfitiAE: PLAN G.. r :rI .'SG^��►I/�.,i � 7V-1f�'f TW�!��'�tii.A1'�-^�"d A�GU1�is-Tlf ='rild�i � `1H0�•E ?,�!><Tlo PY7. � ,z RJ "' p1 'THh'f 'rH64a m "icr ^rus ^ m p Or -Mg f' AH* OIL IWO Oun.vWO j7[- 14,.J - �'e3�� h y� .. ROOF Pil -t- f 4-0 63-61 k i-, 019 ius,1036 n . . ............. WA" iSELOW -FRLMS AT 4-" a C. rilL,wP'm C. PRO* 4iVKil6l( OOK-TIFY f M^r THOWrO K Mico AM ^ A; VKATV 04PFIft 471O IW4,P FPK-rlPMe, or —me mAmer OF -rwo PY THO AlYgflo . . ......... 0 AtW WALL. 6 rLOW % hw, Z vil Qt—I'm Im, 'A kiv" "A ;�;e 0 z H 0 H 0 0 4 P, _ �yNisV� !r/�4+,r/• i%��osr% fc.�rF.�/L � �_ liiM r�.rJ..--.-�-ii�r// ti"x a� G,tura, OH INVIVIO7VA, 1 TO nrt-{wN,l, on L'Y►Yl4%g7f`1 — Irv�ul orlon OKO go" 47pw [�Z A!'A�7C1Et�7 __371VIp�l�Gl iNAS.L d' 0 0 g as ��" x Rio"o�nll�, to K1 KOVOMVP Z'464AK Nal l - \ II, , ftr-7KWr ) !tl-li WO A �j C r 0 *How IV- -r, W A S' Miv 'T -------r— L�� fll�► Mll.i - —� -- fir► - MAW IW I,� rV cov 9}+p 1• If.11ly On 2 rLUMPING! WALL Alt'tI r I 1 L tt DYQ+K N4�i11 sso" WL04A +40A VMML y µ:lamp- r 'A r,:l rssuYa � r BATI, ££EvA Y �^ t N eems�••++ II q n 1 f`�� • now, K I. �r KITCHFH J 00 x 64=00 1-1 1Inv— g wo r- - IL _i x Gad x l;y� s 10 _�✓=G� 41 14 �I,is f G`11' x Imo' s 04 a �� ` " ,y:y ^;fir:..=.,n^"}sl`^....,.� -,~-R i:...,.7cS°':,.r '".;.x Diu'' ,-. __.r; +.s, xet$ar^<; t RS,`s_ , a, `,�. .,,,.• - . �•�, f�. ,tr !' p . fwo-n '..,c.. --.�`-,es,'&...--3roe.�3�.a1;..F:e•_...�. -. _ 3o��.±rl..-i��:... ..... ,- .. y I,m4Vr'! OHwt - O IR ltd�M wtrti. CIGV Pd?_M•i � Oi:_!1r!'t O � OH!'�RwT PI IG"O.Ga P41v akipir m 6>� 2 rLQMPIN(a WALL e,'J px-,LC Iye. •I' aO n t . . -! 3 -&.*A. cm%-AV6 c TwG -'s.+M OV" MWO J! if" 7Z=0' "4436A 1-W u Lot --iV GRYKWLL TYFIGAL rr\AMr, WILL k' It -rig r J1�•-7.^ � f .o `• - Y 1m�M1._:/+ Tip DLL-! R G"�,Mv, IW4 1d VM•tT•f o' rUt**& trsr t�,a,-t. LSE VAT" NAM [SFr-,T,UN � �.,;eu G _ _ w4' F OVVK h" w bJ` 1 - vic sue, r wn� u�,d" gNlr �riti .4 w- i Fr+uu RAF l�Tnr +irr ur ,% r� I pt�ikri,►nNgh KITCF�FN Fli��t+i ti �j WILLIAM P.. Pl,4Gh4Krr,1R.rAICGHITL`v'T, d0E4 HORP13Y Gie:R71P� THAT TWOeaU F6N* AF S AA-U Zn?0 owrip-c, or 1114,-& PGR?!Ot`15 or 't'Nli pio, ' , Or iHa oovu piKa i Ae? F*u ov P4i-r -! IWv mrvvo� ?;,Y Tpo GITY or MUSI{ lJ, N1,74OW-Ari tq( Gi I Z� I `C Pffi J A! ip> 61•11`R is*, ! r4!!F^-^t, INhlL+ATrrV-.. .i M.CTP�- ; A-ir1-.ffi ^�"s»�'*sr+ !'�- /ar.G1'"t.: ff?-A, ' t G'-d 1x14V N�wa rs c �lr tiao�n l O^N �__ . _ i (�?:'aJl6=�" 13/I" HDLGOW GbRI► 4dUhN ONC :4LIvp-p''!' t._a 4Tr4" fG1 11%W' HO"04 44" W"hN O^K i R r.'•(i' x GLd x t oV }I Obi p eA" 1101M ON: ' 10 4Ld' K (ilk' +c f INV ♦fBLLdW AOMP Ldu" P^K �GHC ou_t,f�, --- tR9M Hhh'I! I�L•9�"Fty� f����._ _ r I�,-�.L�i�� .�rili.li�f4y_ �6n•rn�r_ __ .. - _._ v�rv.� o,..�tr. tl�' O1~Yr�nl.�_ [.lV41}ml t�l iNl 0^t�rK crac l%!" p!t`�Y4rtiA U?% i-IC71VrW. t7lN![1(g l�m�F7 a.�RPO"r oAu. fir Cr�Ylhlv:l. l/y' f71tYW/+LI. K+KGt!iH vni�l, T_ c��a - jl�_gtkY rve%t . _ !Wyr--fh^L I01— - — - -- a PI►W�1111� n�l� VINYL ap VI&Vvi- -00" VKC•( MAW, _ O'i" MYNAW, 1 e[rtl+IRrIMLI. � �,trrs`. - �irin� iPy" CrI�YI�'V�l.I. _!-I'y' Ol�Y1lA1.l ""�-_._ �_..-- --------__•------...--._-_-; itAta. __._ awRpr'L ire. --___ .� Ili!..GR7w^y1. Irf► iyRYWl�w-____--�_____.—.______: ____ _� A W'F oO Ar, NNw vs" Orlw w Tn* rv*Acm7 m."r 0 nw I orwnlhrt ovc� ! onrir- Ir.s I /1rY•. I+O:AMi 1 171�'iWAL{. tiJf`t?ClY1'1ALL ' p ItKlri A Wi 1*40 m1f VOW �c i u� WM W 0 P, mWW1V ,� �F •ei��aa a IS Ip i I I"k,, +I ,�i � it i .��:i� I�.. '° ; i � �•. y�i1N1701''� u�MldN FdK �'I.MYVG�7 Unl'f #� - � i'� T a hp�ewp R. 0. I.kW E c T wImwr+ I . LjL_.__J ar'nv� � �• - - GdhlGftb i `friGp�l, �iit7L J;I.1;Vn_'CIaN i1 Y `��•�af,. _; ���d3�•�,.��R� 'i � .— .ram ... �r tlik' fOKI" I -IL 1:WlW* I ' �; � I i � � � ' . �,�,� /r-�N.T �it1I1`t�i.�r VJIMtVr4 (�OOATOAM OiPR rPKIiV'lax7 ONT 4 4 047*tP /kL-Ur-lTNUM eAVO-�f —rqf rep V AW M IMUrl d;oWVp- Or,( i4/ *WkAw alvmm. A.I. Amt-wfwll elf4VA% Pt%Qf FL-OrN fpfl MVW, OP FATIO RAW40 WHO 6,4N&.,�O rPrI67 W)(W Vh6f" *"Ir" Vi/f, I 4;d9 4OMW 1 Vtl:i .-'- 1 -4457* —*.I. wNmrpfoulr — exrome O-Ul L 4rAvo j, i m Z ow 4, id V, --zf �W # vk*m -rw OL ti J.0. a moxwer TFlot, UL'I*:l 04- ar, 77 View "'Or-p Crw-) 0-1 '.wtrr" 'e IV K- On iri-il)LA-fitri r '! r;., 11 I-- P14 1 N Mlv vq ft. e 4r, ry IAO 01 ell 4"* &V*t'. 0111* -fli If,.:A, r.aqlo _'_ A ll.i ()19 A MIL, K067 VA141< "NrZkNIPIC, IAV Ml Y404,v 41 L15L415,�K tM4 e- A�' VOWT OfleeA�AW a-e,` eO. //Vat, off'r es. Or MOKOOT, 4iKIT TY -f ro Ipp, W7", i 1 1,&d v �r�r-gj- fw' f in, n�Yri?4.L wh4 9'Y, 160', Koliy 6KII36M i4p ttpw WA" A9P N W- MI, IO&Iy \,Af *1 eA1k-^vvll MLA.- pw nomarpm IV 42PHo" p I v I I lo 14 4: ci XW mv 4 -on FPO* 1,71 IL At Z I T*/!' PK`ry4^l.L - y ylPle, lH4ULWrjgPN ONO aiPO Only -�y/�" T�di� PI.YY`YGf�V l�l.�l�C 4�PaTDI"i iIl Ile NIALI, orilT IH plk44 0HT �E7NIVINA V1^L-l. 471:,�G?ION PAF.f�LL�I. TD �`LoolC yrAN h/,4' MY1Nh14, ft*TH 41M* A/f' to 1 404mi Im NUY10408 L4Nnllau✓!J r o,.q rlNo wwmL rl -14 W 0 VIP rt-7friOW97 & ta f" r 4-P N. Al, 40' '40"'t C-0-de Oeoo- 40 6c W/V A NIL. ray Y#%rrr% IW fVIMPOW AWOMHIM fs44 Wylap 1f77y V7, tv let W0.0, 44,11 'ipq mqlol F, 'A ONO nw 0, an sa- OUTLIER SPECIFICATION for F A B K L A N D PLAZA A P A R T M E N T S n70 BUMM y'Seiltl bids will be racelwd by the Owner for the proposed construction as shame as 'Tt, ' d laclmdw theme opeeificationa. Uo'Che or resarwes the right to reject any or *it bide. The plats and spoclficatiess mai'shall mmefa the property of the Architect and shall mat bm used on any other The Owmar reposto At firm or lump am bid, including State and Federal tmow, for mutt contemplated in this contract em covered by theme Specifications and accompany- droWtags. C:mneral Contractor shall include all branches of work In his bid. The work contemplated to this contract is covered by these Instruetteam to Sidder., tbe Coastal Conditions, Specification* And accompanying drawings, which are illustrative of mod a part of theme coarract documents. The pxopoxai submitted by the bidder *hall become a part of the contract documents. Before submitting his proposal, in addition to studying the plans, the bidder shall read Eke Lstruccioms to Bidders, General Conditions and the Specifications covering his brameb of the work, all of which contain provisions applicable net only to the successful bidder, but also to his sub-contractore. he shall indicate in his bid the beat estimate of the number of working days required to complete the work. The Owner, s bomai'mr referred to, is the party who contracts for the entire construction and who Accepts and pay* for the project upon fro completion. The Architect, as hereafter referred to, to Pamchke A Associates, Inc., 4M West ■and do Lam Awefmm, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Alternate Bids AIX bidders mar submit bids according to the plans and specifications as been bid, but ram aubelt as alteraate bid at bids hawed an using other goods or materials of Like kind and quality, which will be considered in awarding the contract, providing the alternate hide an submitted when the origfsal bid is, stating additions or deductions. If any, to the base bid if substitatimm are made. Withdrawal of Bids Any bidder any withdraw him bid at any time prior to the date .pecifind for opening. Bmgligmoec on the part of the bidder In preparing him proposal constitutes no right for Cho withdrmal of g bid after it has been opened. In came of withdrawal of a bid by the bidder, be will be aatomaticallr disqualified thereby from submitting a second proposal on the contract at head. Preliminary Examination it will he aesmmd that each bidder submitting 0 proposal for the mark hex examined the site on which the work is to he done and 10 fully aware of all existing eamdl Ciowo. Examination of Contract Docummts Each bidder shall examfee the drawings, specifications and all other data or iM stroctlaes }erplelel to the work: go plea of ignorance of cenditioma that exist, or of difficulties or omoditlown that say be ascausterad, or any other relevant matter as it is coscereed with the work to be performed to th. execution of the Contract will be accepted As basis for additional cmpeemstion or Am am excuse for any failure or emission an the part of the sub -contractor to fulfill every detail of all the requirements of the contract documents concerning his work. A41-mattoma and Addenda Is the *Not a bidder to ion doubt an to the sure amseloo of any part of them plan ar specifications, be *ball conquest am Interpretatim thereof ft= the Architect. Correction* or dumagas to the plane and specification* prior to letting of the contract Will be wean by addends issued to all bidders and shall become part of the contract darts. Bidders oball acknowledge receipt of each addendum by number and state tbat each adimadwa ban base road by all contractors involved. Verbal or oral ianrpretaticm shall not be coastread i* any way smsndinm the contract i7,�aa dxar.to. The tamer shall have the privlledge of making such eheageg durtag the progress of VbM award to gt[eeteml I the work as he any decide without voidiap theicontract, bat all credits anddebits reeultfux from change• shall be agreed an between the Ckmer mud the Contractor before Me eaatract shall be demand to hers been awarded when a milped contract or a w changes are made. gliockme order is gtvam to the socceanful bidder. SOU.,Claantnt UP Each contractor mhall at all time keep the promises free from acaoulatinr, waste satertal or rubbish caused by his emplaysem or work, and 'at the time of compte- tiro of the work, be &hail remove all rubbish from and about the building, laelydinfl All his tools, scaffolding and ■urplus materials mad shall to*.& hie work clean and ' ready for use. To came of dispute, the Owner new move the rubbish and charge the } _vet to the several contractors as he may determine to be jnst. Building shall be kept broom close. Masoxry wells shall be mmshed dome an specified. Window clomoleR,-floor waxing gid other special elomigS "%vice* mhalL be the responsibility of the owner. Ias)_eftion and Approval 7b*s Architect vill otmi h.a twi'uerk of the-tmtHttHe ame i,iLoantBaetckw.. -",yerindieally A,rias'waserniet:fas gs�.ii7.1 gip approval iftee It. primerI —hair. € :'Not a>;all at Q1`t[mer hgoe ice`aas'tni,[he work. This antialiSnet;nllev:.aq�'n'xsisaetmC6r i[ a" ablisaeien ro�Faifarm the-woft�itri.etly in mecerd"M O rltk ihi rerenirsn ccii •.ef the contract documents. - .F 'Ysterlml'Atteptmece. r _ _. a R., '.i': ...... ... .n� • ...-.n. . ALI•n ' Jbiderid by jt amp be M1Ld+ar1,,Y contained is the following articles form the General Conditions of theme d failure of may contractor to read and familiarise himself with the mg Zoe wofft mill vet release him from any rageiromamts mat forth becalm. role will be secured mod paid far by the Owsmr. That lam and mimil govern the eoustrwctlem under amy contract, and'eaeh *`all *bay all local ordinances in regard to serious fir'all.}risileilma an a" be accessary in the'performance mloLYm ani all beilding, besting, ventilating. slectrical, ei11e codes of the State of Wisconsin are hereby made ■ aW'A&s l be compiled -mlth by the contractor an far me sane ubamrrtact . rill �s"o,msi. Thaal�gf.fliit ak�nil'ge ataZit mie"3 iy t`Ai. ��ist-�Id a 'requirua eI.emetLmll s . Contractor' Insurance All contractor* sksli not comments work under this contract until thmr have obv:sad, at their expeass, all imaatamce ro drd under this artlelat - Unemployment and social Security an required by radaral mad state law as amended to date. , - Compensation: Take out and maintain during the life of this caKrset. - Workmen's Cempanmatton Itugrence in strict compliance with State laws as amended to data. , - Public Liability and Property Damage: Procure and maintain during the life Of this contract, Public Liability and Frooerty Dassoto 'naurance in am srouat ..40arste wit' the coot of the work to be performed, but in any ease, eat lama than $50,000 for one person, $100.000 for two Or more persons liability Insurance, and $25,000 property damage. unless special commiderstion in liven by the Owner. SabeOntr*ctars shall furnish the Omar with a certificate of insurance prior to commencement of work. Cooperation and Procedure Each contractor will be held ranponaitle for givintg igatrm tions and other necessary Information regarding his work to the Ganaral Coatractor'And other imb�egntrartors where needed and for doing preliminary work. All contractors shall see that materials are delivered am needed and at all times shall employ a sufficient number of me to carry out the work pronptl.v. particularly where delays would hold up other trades of work. Where cutting, changes or additional work are made necessary throuph failure or seRleet on the part Of oar Contractor to Observe these requirements. the cant of all work by other trades must be paid by the concractor Involved in acrordence with Instructions of the Architect. The purpass of the specifications is to interpret the intent of the drawings and to designer* the sethad of procedure end the type and quality of materials required to complete the work. Drawing and specifteatlana are Wooded to he complementary, and, where work or materials are called far in one and net in the other, it shall he furnished am though mentioned in both. In case of conflict, the specifications shall govern. Dimensions Figured dimensions Cake precedence over sealed dimensions and torpor scats drawings over caller scale. Ao measurements shall be 'established be muting the drawings, except at full scale details not dimensioned. Time of Starting Work and Manner of Conductlax Same It in intended that the contractors shall start work immediately upon notification by the Owner. It will be required that the contractors shall at ail times keep drier ways and other crass of access to the property open and free from contention end shall not in any way impede the operations. After the mark is started, it Is to be prooacuted visa musty and contlnously by all contractors As directed. Laying Out the Work Before proceeding with any part of this contract, the contractor shall lay oat his own work, taking all levels and nessuroosts necessary for the perfect and complete sserbling, building and installing of the work for which he beg contracted and shall be held responsible for the accuracy of all measurements and levels taken or amtwblished by him. The contractor shall also take all necessary measurements and levels at and in the building to insure the perfect fitting of his work whore memo join& or connects the work of other contractors. Control of the Work All work shall he done under the direct supervision of a foreman at superintendent experienced In work of the character covered by the contract, and shall be executed by experienced mechanics. Claims for Lxtras If the contractor claim that any instructions, by drawings or othamfoe, involves thermos or extra cost in his contract. lot shall at" the Owner written notice theiaof: and before pcoceedton to execute the work, contractor shall have in his mossaamion written authorisation free the Owner. overtime Ko overtime above he contract amounts will be orovNed for uelosm ordered by the Owner in writing. rti Y:s*mksismef"t'le--eimik'. ldlsra to,eade siaseA4 eii=pit .1au4m`lia`l Ait;bSe gi'o`3ndi foe see town t :-feterm Mfattewn fswid:• ts•aba11 be_poe"b she eatnttacter ci4� iml ik far }iitdimise ' ` iikS�tm"i1la e' 1, ib t• gilt to esi�ime f its- etbm, {nmA.�iteeptip e[ da ' �I li •ottrsoit io dr tiy'r.n is :ant i,e -c7ei a! ;tlia Aaelli rfaet, it•iut�`"` yii 1! "_4 - e)aae seer ,filtuin pr mint e['fatiag'up moi repleeL,it=irtl artiacwt tit. � - , "°�.;-_ . z. oat-,�s.c:,,_,�e,..,..__ ......_•L• ... - � x -i�f �4:... ,.. "' .._ .. Gasraotw loch contractor shall be rem or replace, at hie eon expense as work which mey show itself within Conforaanes The practice of dopartinn fr will not be pordttad and such wo so the Architect directs. Breakane Glass, plumbing fixtures, aq or after l.stallatiou shall be pa doubt, such amoage costs shall be the work at the ties, in proportJ Application Of Gonrral Condition[ Each contractor :talt by bm himself fadliar with same. O ITT L I I EXCAVATING. GRADING AND 1ACKFILL - Removing of vagetatiom ender o - Removing of vegetation whore f - Excavating. backfilllnl, conpa - Grswl fiat and nub -base. - Finish grading of subsoil. - Booval of surplus *arch free - Oraipge grading side from dr - Sell under extorter footings a - Sall under interior footings ■ MAgdKt i CONCUTE WORK - All block and brick work as at - Sete* allowance - Utility T" m - Gravel fill. - Concrete footings. - Expanmion felt. - Saiwforetng reds and wire most - Ylaquess vapor worrier under , - Steal }ess ana columns. - ddN611" crift JP•l+Wfr SEW MAL - Provide all flmahtag and cow, - Provide all venting. - Penn do duct work for air can. - Roof scuttle sheet metal work NISCRLLARMUS ITDIS - 6r+Krwf - /N.+.#P4AW* b W - Mudicina cabinets. - Kitchen cabinets and wmaities - Permits tops. /R DUROKIiO r" Drapary, rods. — r,AW %holy.. - MMp' door jobs. - Pre -finished 4�rm. - Pre -finished baseboard. - Roof trusses. - JNMFF joists floor system. CiRPIMM. NTIAMOM i Le Mgl - Rough and finish carpentry. - All rough sad finish Leber. - Ali. millwork. - Rough mad finish hardram. - Finish hardware allowance - - Aluminum windows. 'fRF" IN - Caulking. - Ceiling insu'aties and floor - MantherstrippfnN. - You in fascia. - Lutell rent scuttle. 1M4 '"Ina" - Kitchen cabiMts and vanities LANDSCAPING - Finish grads nod sed. - ptowidm an *Umsnce of 475M FAYBD ABU { - provide 4" of fan. 2 ctuebmd a .area awmraw depth hitamimme c - Beagle and riaimb grading. - rm"A* necessary culverts if - Layout. - Limestone bon shall be mover Spmcificetlerr - r"Av M100 w Z�' _ PImW 'firl RJOFiNG punish mod install daboo-Mae egeal swat !id -felt Planar. - ?lure teof Vats as rsquirad. - Bmefleg M"Tomcse ever plumb *'mad imetali all 112- Mape and"aprer. (Alternate ob ltatal asteg beads. clean rp. Y ClipmTM Fetelak ask install ceramic it lntaiak aid tnetau A flutese Vv*q l'•.aA b wt@U 313r vie iiwH�e`s A" frblpr ?jmmm �' 6 _ L� S T ell �l ems emit =: A "W rued Guarantee Each contractor shall lie rupanslt•tslox his oen wfk and WWI wake Mod, repA1T , or replace, at him am expense and as may be necessary, am defective Notarial er 17.EC'[RIGtL - 1 they have work which mmy show Itself within nine Tear. - FurnLmh and install all wiring. ate law as Cnaformamce - All switches mad receptacles shell be spectflc■tiea grads. u shore together with all MlM and roes. - burnish and install all `lock The prmCtiee of departing [roe the plans to suit comwmianee or accustomed method ! - Provide and elves clock if required. i laws imus gill not be permitted and arch work Abell be removed at the eantraeter's expens& - Provide all msten. termF to to as the Architect direct.. - Furnish and Install exit lights 1! requnlyd. rims the life - Air conditioning, outlets (central system) ae In an annual:- irmilease - Wire all mechanical squipment furnished by others, any case, net lefar to basting drawings for alecrrlcal requiremente, amps !lability Glass, plumbing fixtures, equipment, etc., which may be broken or damaged before - ►unlah sad install coast*: IV' show floor unless otherwise noted. ration Is glee, or meter installation shall 6e paid for by the roneraeror responsible, and in ease of -Furnish and Install federal Pacific electrical cebimsts or aryrowd equal. doubt, much damage costs shall be divided between theme contractors doing - ►orsish mod install outlet for .electric hot water heater., the work at the time, in proportion to the amount of their contract. - furnish and Install all kitchen becalm, lroan or approved sguel. ranee prior to - Install all range outlets. laslicatina of Crustal Caaditiona - provide outlet for water softeser if required. - provide outlet for stop pump. each contractor shall be bound by the terms of theme Conditions and declares -"WO 04-00 Am DWI /W,Ij'•1*" PsPK vOwTVK1* himself familiar with mats. PLIlDINC and other asesasars - Furnish anu)d install ame JOL,s OOMh1'Tt'TMRrnT 614' 11V" LgAiiUW-t Top r. MWA Furnish -Contractors U T L I N_ E_ O_ F A R A X C N E 5 - American Standard water closets with church Bests or equal. Color by Owner. Standard C-512clalavatory (color) or approved equal.ivat and at all times EXCAVATING GRADING MD $*%FILLING - lavatory faucets. particularly - Aeeriun Standard 5 foot color tubs, . - Removing of vegetation under outside concrete slabs. - 5-feat L.P. curtain reds. - Removing of vegetation where till it required under floor flubs. - C-1700-14 drains agh failure or - Excovatlne, baekfillinp, compacting, and xradinx. - C-1O1-11 valve dlverter tub mad ehoodr fitrtians. u cast of all - Gravel fill and sub -base. - A.S, at, "y *R stem oinks. sect, mitt - Finish grading of subsoil. - 0O frost due strainers. - Resavel of Surplus earth from site. - C-4145 lsuceta, with Lan. and spr - Drainage grading aside from drives and parking are". ,,II - Mon -freeze hone bibbs ; locatign�rk.0 bT 'Arehitaet.64ft P&#.F/0AA*) %R drawings and - Soil under exterior faatlaga shall be undisturbed, - All venting. Circulsein domsmtl " -^ isle required - Sall under interior footings shall be 30M p.s.i. - lines on hot wattiC' mea All- - All water piping shall be carper. t . r. it shall bbe h!A8a11Y : CONCRETE won elves for each apartment fications .hall - Vater mod sewer lines located 10 It. outside, of building. - All block and brick work as shown an the plans. - Separate price to ran sonar and water laterals from 10 ft. outside of building - Brick allowance - Utlllty Tyne - 60O.O01thousand C. wain. - Gravel fill. - Install and provide sump pumps as required" - Concrete footings. Expanaim felt. hEATING &W Lilit `4N17]11p1'lfM4 car scale Reinforcing cods and wire mesh, m required. sealing the - Tioqueen vapor carrier under slab. Gaitt•IF46 AFf4AW 1'dR HOATG* AM 4Vt.Vk% TSiM � - Steel beans and column..ii.11iGrnlGNh. - Gptl(�R6'[$ y3�wwuh • 7gPafIl�'rAL - WPoH keep drive -a - Provide all flashing and counterflashing. fame fats n an drive- Seto and shall - Provide all senting. b to 6e prosecuted - Provide doer work for air conditioning. �srN %'✓ 1✓ `' . ���4u - Roof scuttle sheet real work. _ •"e MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS " 1'Iifr`✓ OLiPi ]V{i .7/. '/w' f uir 3i Jti tilr'!ih hQ71"+y WO WRM-lt, 4#r?gtMri _ A..Kftr -' I Le► tir1 ,5 [1pR .4w Are r� /y�r 7a GLISMu •;ANfWVf, *Orw lb shall lay vet - cjl.ips -eq 6immsrr Cgr4 fact end complete ^ Medicine cahinsts, acted and shall - Kitchen cabinets mad vanities. ken or established - Parades tops. A GWIVKld 1`T"4" levels at and - Drapery rods' else or connects ^ WXV shelvem. - Itmra doer jambs. - Pre -finished a-.,. - Pre-flgUhed baseboard. - hoof trusses. or Onperinteadant " V40WV joists floor system. 1 be executed I CLXFDI p. MILLUOIst A. Limn - Rough and finish carpentry. { - All rough and finish lumber_ Denise, involves ,` - ALL milFwark. , notice thereof. I Rough and finish hardware. ■ possession- Finish hardware Allowance - * OJAPI N11 - - - Aluminum windows. MC]" 1)V*M F414T4" OW 4a;K004CP . i - hulking. - Ceiling insulation and floor Insulation in required_ - n - weatherstrip►!ng• , ordered bw - Vents In fascia. - Install roof acuttle. WAAo lH4 LO.,I n4* A4 R�u1Ke1. - Kitchen cabinets and vanities - install only. the progress of LANSSCAPING a uddsbiu - finish grads and sad. seraetar before - Provide to allowance of $?$M for tvassijsN!<Q�li miusG. PAUD AREA :cnenlatinx { - Provide 4" of No. 2 crushed &tans and 2" of i A g spread mod galled. Also 2" time of towple- ,antes swrage depth kitwloow concrete wearing surface. _ tin. Fatluding - Rough end fisimb gradlah. . - ' ?COWL" secxae4m eulvtrts if requited (t,aoeteu end amctioaal ask Gloms and _ - 14�t' - smd charge alma b S i 2203 f the wf:anslm Negbwmy 11- t - -' td dome as c shall. 1K aiaWeamen _ air odjlntfei: easrr.ematractaf' �i ra 'serffii' u eeial 4 Cta am 7 Wert obis is ime of ics it. it new am" ' of that Atdet lrW a". am if I replacing win --Llwwto" base shall he Rove v ecr as a p - specifications resin& 2� iIIP/ 16M.1111D roakNK14dt "Ware pinsisb and iamtell Jeinm-Nau ville heavy 240 mall-o-made abiogles or m4rewd -•¢x yr d.... equal ev.Cli!-felt llwar_ n.arr'•iarf vemte as tegniTed. lkliaue etwbrese" aver plfmbfaq and vent stacks. - _ - k- �� r --���" � 0' y �' a• � . `,s' r-`a r�r'=aTm�.fi�i�"e�'!aitsil�lY• lY:" :rod s%i' ari!i1i "teii4ll�i) ;� � � ,� :tom�'aiEaij: _ {litiemats> ' shall tie glom with p■lai st� !e'Y'iM=rprrF) -. ` ,c ft ✓.F' '•''.b �eiitit.keAdi-R 6 crop a a S5. s x 'Y, ty+a w s-sr• '�a .4E•"�amsseemtti+3';lli I ,�.�Y' `,°.5,�� -; h,. �'� j �1•�. :8 i s Cg G f 9} gr 3 4a-y�.,^'y fj :tl' �'x aK .! _ $ v} s -g '..� - a„ ? �c� $^ t z • v m ^QfJ 8i;� � t �• �lin� - �t��3.�*„e�' Y¢..4 �v-��.s};.,c. "� rl' '.� � `��' m ?� � c�`, ' � - _ � : _ � � �, '` �`' s i �' �-� it • � � '� - � �.=. f p' > Sep<y �,� d •C,f �'�,.�3��e��-� � t ��-y_ L' 0 4W i' H 0 a � v ° - 4� art' ,(. , � •� �a L " tY ♦". G.a. 'PFSorabJAaK AnIALDfV •IL&f' TJVNG'fION %fA tN W U, YTTM '� 't1hG G�IU►L► M6Ut�'t� GYli+41i W�'t�xr .1 1 •"li(�lafl� I.t1MfM4?U4P oplultio 4 1 L a.• 3..y _ "7 ...'Ak'-.s.ai�i�•A.a+*' 'x..�t`;: >..4tss{::'m.�,.. _�a'fiC`�..$-; riAsrImsm OW..O7r<lo^ L r -----'.... .fir%' IvIlm4uel clwoi4 A UIIWV M K K: PUtiP'' � L..'^ ' �1Rd0t~tFi� a awf". Vottf Iv lU Fy Y. irk Wilk tots. 6 It DIP, e7 e Wil OL0411 I f! lk a MON AA �fHw n4"0 rk MIP A Nli,* of I*t* -"9-P -00 v I -ry or Mt!!t" w9awti-om. V-4 i - -� R.P. 3 t � iGifP`I t�i . I tiG /✓OI'; t7 I. OQR Htp�•fIN!a V^Y - 0 T Y N F u N P G z IRA,-7 •jL9HN %UGH 23 f s N ,IgCB, e,Tt - Ileo P F u N n A T A j0HH RN 23 H4sG�IGSfIS CI�G-r05 ! 5 S1,I`�Fi ,-fL) — 1/(v HP boa G!=M f I I r rY y� 4 .